Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Who Says?

 Let's find out on "paper" who said that in an emergency a Town Employee can not use the restroom at the Templeton light and water department building? I will ask today "Tuesday" other words, if you as a taxpayer needs the use of a restroom in any, yes I say any town owned building, or facility, or wherever the answer is no. Ask the people that can give you an honest answer, Julie, Jeff Bennett. You can ask the other three selectmen, but don't look for an honest answer. As usual one of those three selectmen will read this blog. So how about an answer for us taxpayers? How about you Phil, from a Board of Health? Did that COA employee get the name of the person that said she could not use the restroom? Let's keep this ball rolling. Who says what and is it legal "Virginia"? Come on answer up today, Tuesday, July 3, 2012-was there a sign saying not a public bathrooms, or was it a pit bull guarding the door? Sound off now thanks.



  1. Pauly,
    I think there are some restrooms that are not public in town offices. I think the bathroom in 4 Elm St. is posted "Not for Public Use". Maybe this is a topic for discussion. I don't know of any policy in place limiting the use of bathrooms in public buildings. It may have something to do with ADA requirements - the bathroom on 4 Elm St. is up a small flight of stairs.

    1. Stop a minute, the white flag is out...I got a call from Dana this morning. He was very very upset. He said "its all over the blog". I told him to calm down. He said the girl did not know who the lady was that asked to use the bathroom. She only said she was from "across the road". There are alot of people across the road. Dana said it is not a public bathroom, but if Eileen had said she was from the COA, she would have said yes. He also said "they are saying the light co. is against the senior center, that is so far from the truth". It sounds like a big misunderstanding, that needed to get resolved. I told Dana that I would explain it this morning. Remember when I used to say "We are not the problem?" I think because GS gave everyone at the light co. big pays, and Driscoll acts like a overstuffed jerk, we can't overlook the fact that the people, office staff, and lineman, are good people. We can't let our frustration with some of the things that have gone on color every one and everything black. This was a misunderstanding..pure and simple. I know I can be a guilty as the next person. Its easy to put everyone in the same bag, but It is human nature, just as it is human nature to make mistakes. Bev.

    2. lmao!!!!poor dana he is a huge problem he is so against any other dept buying new equipment but his dept !!!#007

    3. The TMLWP has made significant contributions to the Senior center project. I don't have the dollar amounts in front of me, but TMLWP has saved the project a lot of money.

      Part of the problem is perception. Why was the Senior Center project held to such high standards with bond, liability, insurances, soil testing? Some of the roadblocks encountered by the Senior center can be traced to the former, former?? town coordinator and the BOS office. Other obstacles were raised by TMLWP like the soil testing which cost the town an unnecessary $900. I voted to expend the money out of town building repairs or expenses so the senior Center project could move forward.

      My advice, if you see a white flag accept a truce. There are other much more legitimate questions to be raised about TMLWP than the "bathroom brawl".

    4. Bev you are way too gullible, Dana may have the white flag out but his fingers are crossed behind his back. What difference does it make that Eileen didn't say who she was, she was a lady who needed a bathroom (haven't we all been there? not all of us can pee in the woods.)
      ask Dana, one question why is he always knocking the highway dept. they are not an enterprise fund like L&W. they have to work within the budget they are given. One more note, the highway guys gave up their raises (union) for the town this year. Did L&W? NO!!!

  2. Bev you make a good point, but the list at Light & Water keeps growing and growing. If you don't want to be painted with a broad brush, change tactics, explain to people, but all I see and hear from John Driscoll is he does not work for Templeton and was it a misunderstanding for the financial report in 2011 annual town report, was it a misunderstanding with the $100,000.00 pament in lieu of taxes this year then say you have 6 million in reserves. The light commissioners could have went along way to build faith if this year they came to town meeting and said we understand its a tough year so here is 200 thousand, three hundred thousand or four hundred thousand to help out the town that supports us. We all know what happened and as you peel the paint off, more and more of the same. The people on this blog and of Templeton are not the problem. It is managers and commissions who think they have there own little empire paid for by the taxpayers and think they can do as they please without any explanation. It is not generally the workers, it is usually always the management or lack of, and right now, management of light & water don't really have a leg to stand on. Some want the white flag and claim misunderstanding, well, my opinion is when you have em down, kick the hell out of em and cut off the head of the snake so they don't come around to bite you again. This is as always my opinion. Please continue to be the voice of balance Bev.

    1. You know, at this point Mr.Driscoll is in dire need of a attitude change. He is not the "king of the castle", only a worker for the Town of Templeton. His attitude is not doing alot of good, when all of the departments in town are in a world of hurt. Someone needs to take him in the back room and tell him to smarten up. At this point I do not care who does it, but it needs to be done. If the staff of light and water, haven't figured it out, it is not the time or the place to gloat over your fortune, or anyones misfortune. We know you have not been affected by our financial problems, while everyone else has. Guess what it hurts! There is two sides to a coin. I hope this does not continue, just chalk it up to a bad decision. We need all of help we can get to get our town on its' feet. Eileen, I am sorry this happened to you. I hope people think twice so this does not happen again. Bev.

    2. Jeff, you can do the holding, kicking and biting, I'll hold the white flag. Bev.

  3. jeff, your comment "the managers and commissions who think they have there own little empire paid for by the taxpayer and think thet can do as they pease without explanation" is the most accurate statement ever in the blog!!!!!!! it is gerry!!!!! IN PERSON !!!! if driscoll ever worked for him, he paid attention to the wrong things !!!!! he too, needs te be replaced !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!if a town employeee can't use a taxpayer rest room, we ALL lose!!!!!!

    1. if it happened to me I would have said, take your choice it is the rest room or your floor!!!!
