Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Bathroom or restroom? In my opinion that restroom issue at the TLWD got out of control before it got into control, am I right?  Eileen didn't identify herself about the reason she wanted to use the TLWD bathroom and who she was.  Can anyone that is in the Bridge Street area go into the TLWD and ask to use the bathroom?  Not in the real world, otherwords my name is so and so and I work for Templeton COA, we are working across the street on the SR center and they do not have a bathroom.  May I use your bathroom?  Simple question, simple explanation.  Sooooooo--------- what happened at the TLWD that day only Eileen and Brigid knows.  Did Brigid know Eileen? Did Eileen know Brigid?  Or was it just one of those things that happened here in Templeton?  End of story-I hope!! Thanks PHC Sr.


  1. What we have here is a failure to communicate. But why throw in the towel and raise the white flag....after you raised the point. Does lack of communication make it right.....in other words if it is legal, does that make it right? Laymens terms, is it right to deny someone to use the facilities in a public building? Is it such a big issue that they actually have a policy? Who made that policy? If there is a policy does that make it right? Seems as though someone picks and chooses what is right as if it concerns them and then you holla about it, if it does not concern you, let it be. Can't do that, if this is wrong, then that is wrong, other words wrong is wrong no matter. If it got of control before it got in control, should have checked before posting it here, of course the fact that light commissioner making alot of phone calls about this shows that just maybe a lil too much heat on light dept. and they afraid circut breaker will trip for good. Other words, ya'll raise white flag to quick here, ya'll gonna let that rattler get away just cause he stopped ah rattlin. Remember ya'll, that 1400 bucks was a little issue in the scheme of things, and looky what that ended up uncoverin, a whole mess of them rattlers that needed to be weeded out. One lil weed in the garden left unattended to can cause the whole garden to be overgrowd and needin to be a plowed under which means the whole garden is a down the tubes for the year. In this here case, it be the town going for the count, understand.

  2. I love that there is a toilet ad shown on here today. Classic!

  3. I think the bathroom incident snowballed; townspeople are looking to find fault with the TLWD and for just cause. Come on Bridget(?) have you ever needed to use a restroom and be denied? I have and it's not a pleasant feeling, it's the feeling of OMG what now? Let's ask the TLWD to be good neighbors and allow people to use their bathrooms in the case of an emergency. I'm sure there won't be a line! Let's focus not on the bathroom but on Mr. Driscol and his management abilities or lack there of. Let's watch the commisioners and how they are operating or allowing the department to be managed. Chris Stewart won the seat against Julie Farrell. Was that a good vote by the taxpayers? Who's seat is vacant next and who would be a good candidate to fill that seat? Cannot believe that office staff is afforded a clothing allowance. I would love to be afforded that benefit as would most town most town office workers. #13

  4. Well, well, well. With all due respect to Eileen, I need to say one thing on the other side of this subject. Recently town departments were told that they would be responsible for buying paper products i.e. towels, kleenex, and toilet paper for their office. They were also told they would be responsible for cleaning the office and the toilets. Not many of us, no matter what our job classification is, want to clean public toilets, and you know, it would most definitely fall to the administrative assistants where possible. That said, let's be reasonable. Maybe, I said maybe, this would not have happened if information was exchanged between the two. Maybe someone should think about having porto-potties at the work site where the "need" will occur on a daily basis with more than one person. On the other hand, I find it incomprehensible for the town to ask its employees to clean toilets (public or not) I don't care what the budget is. That is not in the job description of any town employee except a maintenance person...to my knowledge. I'm not a town worker, but, I speak for myself on this issue because it would literally make me sick to clean disrespectful people's messes. If you feel differently, I invite you to volunteer for the job to save the town money. Happy 4th.

    1. Checkn0000 if you where at the dept head meeting you would know that the depts offered to do our own cleaning to help save the town money ($15000 a yr)But this does not include the L&W. These were all people who were facing cuts in their depts. There are really only two heavily uses bathrooms, 690 Patriots RD, Deb Dennis volunteered to clean that one and Scout Hall and the COA staff take care of that one. Highway dept, the guys have to clean their own, Jean will clean hers.
      However we did not agree to have to buy our own cleaning product.

    2. I used to work as a customer service rep in a factory and I was expected to clean the office I worked in and bathroom I used once a week(I was not the only person to use the office or bathroom) and as needed. I was paid to do a job and I did it. They added that "other duty" when the maintenance/housekeeper retired. I had a choice do it or find another job.

  5. Again, my point exactly. The department "Heads" meeting! The responsibility ends up in the administrative assistant's lap, which I think is 99% women (of course that is another issue), and the lowest paid group taking the cut. If it is solely "Jean's" bathroom then that is an exception isn't it? Kudos to Deb Dennis and the COA.

  6. Hey This (woman) dept head is not making her assistant (woman) clean the bathroom - We and the office next door (Man DH and woman asst) are going to take turns. Yes we do allow anyone who asks to use our bathroom. We also on the advise of Eileen at COA have put in a request for someone to clean our offices through the Senior Tax work off program. I think some of the other depts are doing the same. (not that we think all the seniors can do is clean -so don't anyone twist this around)
    Anonymously Sue

  7. Light and water has had a contract for office cleaning separate from the town. To my knowledge no has asked the office staff to clean the bathrooms at TMLWP.

    1. Again, WHY is the TLWD run differently than the rest of the depts? Why do they have different rules, different contracts than the rest of the town depts? Why didn't their staff take salary hits like the rest of the town? Maybe I'm just a "stupid" taxpayer and I'm not supposed to pay attention to these things or ask questions. But, would it not make sense to combine light, water, sewer, highway into a Public Works Dept and eliminate the lop sided funding of one or two municipal services over the others? Would that put an end to the in-fighting within town depts? I would love to understand.

      Anonymous #15

  8. Oops! I guess I just added fuel to the fire. Kudos to you too, Anonimously Sue and anyone else who is trying to make sense with this turmoil. I just don't like the "usual" inequity for the dirty jobs going to the lowest on the pay scale. Didn't mean to offend anyone, but, I realize it's easy to do in this climate, and, it's not beneath me to clean toilets.
