Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A blog from Eileen Clarkson COA

Hello Pauly,
When I went to use the restroom, no I did not identify myself, but I did say I was from across the street at the site working. If I lived on Bridge street, why would I even go there to use the restroom, rather than in my own home. I was told that they cannot let anyone use the restroom, even if a child came in. So, my thinking was if they will not let a child use it, they are going to let them have an accident. I can understand them not wanting everyone to come in to use the restroom, however I thought since they are a public building, I could use it. When anyone comes into my office and ask to use to the restroom, there are no exceptions, anyone can use it. When nature calls sometimes we do not have a choice where we go. This was something that got out of hand, I didn't really care or not to use their restroom. It was a mute point for me. 
Yes, Light and Water are assisting us with the center, however, Mr. Discoll made it clear they could not afford it and made it perfectly clear that he did not really care if the project happened or not (this was stated at an Oversight Committee meeting in front of several other people). I do not know the folks that work at Light and Water other than John, Ron, and Tom, as I have been working with them on this project, for the most part, Ron and Tom have been very helpful and I thank them for the knowledge and insight.  
For those folks who may not know, the buildings have been placed, I will be having pictures posted by this weekend for folks to see the progression of the buildings (that's the COA web-site). It is truly amazing that this has finally happened after the many obstacles that have transpired with this project. I invite you all to take a drive by the project site. 
And finally and most importantly, I wish to huge THANK-YOU to  Bud and the Highway folks for all the time they have put into this project. They have saved us so much money as well. Without them, we would not have been as far as we are and I applaud their efforts and support. THANK-YOU Bud and the Crew!!!! (I just wish they could get some new equipment, because they need it very badly).  
The whole bathroom thing was very embarrassing more than anything. 
Thank you all for your support and hope you stop by the center.
Eileen Clarkson, HS~BCP, MS, Notary Public, 
Director of the Templeton Council on Aging, Senior Center, Meals On Wheels, Food Pantry, Transportation, Social Services, Outreach, Senior Tax-Work-Off Program, and Complaint Departments


  1. The light department office isn't exactly located in Times Square where they get a constant flow of bathroom requests from the public, this could be the first time anyone has ever asked. They made that rule up on the spot. Not the kind of public service I expect in my small town.

  2. I'm glad the senior center will be located in that part of town, so that if anyone needs to use the bathroom at TMLWP, they can be directed to the senior center.
