Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Happy 4th of July

Our independence started back year s ago when we wanted to get out from under the tyranny. DOES THIS SOUND FAMILIAR??????? 

HAVE A SAVE A FUN 4th of JULY!!!!!!!


  1. Look at the Templeton1st website where it says lets keep a board of selectmen who listen to your questions and concerns and do not toss you out. Well Templeton1st should remember the selectmen who were tossing people out at the drop of a hat, remember virginia wilder telling a police officer, "that whole secton over there" wilder actually wanted a whole section of the meeting tossed out because she could! Apparently lost on ginny was the process and reasons why someone can be removed from a public meeting. Hopefully residents remember this when the recall coming signs begin to pop up around town.

    1. Lets all have a safe holiday. I want to wake up Thursday morning, and not have to hear of another person getting hurt or dying. Have a clear head and use good judgment. My heart goes out to Mr.& Mrs LaDue. I don't know them, but no parent should have to go through what they are going through today. Bev.

    2. When looking back at those meetings I have to ask myself what were they thinking. Notice how many officers are needed at selectman's meetings since Bubba got the boot. He was and still is an embarrasment to Templeton and should serve on NO boards. I hate to see the town go through the expense of another recall election but what must be must be. Maybe Bob Mitchell would be gracious enough to return to what seemed to be a good board until LTPS came along and lied and stole from the people. Ginny should crawl back into the hole she came out of and NOBODY who steals (Scrappy) should be a part of ANY governing body for ANYONE or ANYTHING. RESIGN you two and save the town that you care so much about some $$. Are you to "stupid" to realize NO ONE wants you representing them. Happy 4th. Enjoy the day safely. God Bless Amercia, Land that WE Love.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Walt, your comment came thur to my email - I wish you had published it for all, One thing, the BOS (VW,PM,CS)did appoint an ethics person - Richard Curtis - staunch Columbus/Skelton and Recall supporter - good going BOS (obviously Julie and Jeff votted NO)

  3. hey Pauly i saw Austin yesterday you have to be proud of him i am he is a awesome kid and he was telling me about the patrols he has been on at 110 plus degrees out .just rember folks if you see a solder on leave to say thank you for all he is doing ..shame on me i forgot but i will see him Sunday and will tell him....god bless all the troops!!!!
