Thursday, July 5, 2012

Templeton Light and Water Agendas

Templeton Light and Water Agendas

The next meeting has been posted for TMLWP. The Water Department meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. There is an executive session posted “ pursuant to MGL Chapter 30A Section 21(a) Subsection (2) to conduct a strategy session in preparation for negotiations with non-union personnel at the Water Plant.”

The Light Department meeting will begin once the water department concludes. There is an executive session posted “ pursuant to MGL Chapter 30A Section 21(a) Subsection (2) to conduct a strategy session in preparation for negotiations with non-union personnel at the Light Plant.”

I wonder who the non-union personnel could be? If you plan to attend, please use the bathroom before you leave your home.

Here is an interesting clip for your enjoyment!


  1. Thanks Pauly for keeping us informed. You do a better job than those whose job it is to inform us. How come these agendas and meeting times are not on the town website? It is a public meeting. It is a town dept. I don't get it. What makes this dept different than every other dept in town? If the TLWD would like the negative opinions of them to stop, how about playing by the rules that everyone else plays by? Post meetings and agendas like all other depts in town? Submit the correct year's spreadsheet to the Annual report? Act like your dept is PART of Templeton and not a business here doing your own thing? How about giving back to the community? Donate 1 yr. free light & water service to a family in need. Citizens just want a little consistency across all town depts.

    Anonymus #15

    1. I am willing to bet that the changes Will. suggested the light and water make, with regard to their web page are not done. I Get the feeling that the "Your not going to tell me what to do." feeling was in the room. The feeling that they are a independent unit will take along time to change. They have been able to do just about what they want for so long. In the past , Mr.Dembek, Mr. Columbus, and Mr.K, watched out for the town. You never got those negative feelings from them. I think Mr. Driscoll is going to be a hard ass. Time will tell. Bev.

  2. Must be time for a raise for Ms. Webster and Mr. Driscoll. They are the only non union people over there I think...(Not sure about R Davan though).

  3. What's the story with the He Man Woman Haters Club is that another code word for executive session over at the Light and Water? Cute segment.

  4. Love it. I didn't know that the seed was planted with OUR GANG. The "Little Rascals", Spanky, Alfalfa, Porky, Buckwheat and.......funny, I don't remember the little girl's name. haha It was 1938. Who knew? It took 30+ years from then before NOW (National Organization of Women) was formed......THE BANE OF MEN EVERYWHERE. A good laugh.

    1. Darla was her name. Did you see the kid off to the side that didn't say anything? His name was Scrappy. (he he he)

  5. I was driving on Rt 2 yesterday and I saw a truck by the side of the road....."Jolly Scrapper". I can't make this stuff up!
