Thursday, July 5, 2012


Just a reminder there is a Selectmen's Meeting Monday July 9th 6:30PM at BALDWINVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CAFETERIA 
16 School St Baldwinville. Please click here for agenda



  1. Word on the street is Richard Curtis does think the executive session minutes should be released becasue it will just stir things up some more. I believe word on this here blog is they will show columbua and wilder to be liars. I also remember that Mr. Curtis was a member of let the people speak, supported carol skelton, was for the recall and was/has been involved with the skelton machine that includes columbus, mullins and wilder along with grimley, mcClure (s) matsons etc etc. I wonder if the group is trying to play kissy up and "move on and forget" I wonder if the skeltons have moved on and now everyone that supported them are looking out for themselves now because there is no more machine to support them now, no more favors, no more jobs for friends. Very interesting indeed. relese the hounds and forget nothing!

    1. screw Curtis, he is another puppet that should not have a say in any town business, as he watches out for himself and not the town.

  2. So it is legal but is it right? A man rides around in his daily driver (vehicle for private use) it has a dealer plate on it, which takes from the town in no excise tax is paid. A conservation agent was paid outside of his grade which meant he collected more than he should have. It is not right but was he actually breaking the law? Why is a big deal made on one issue but not the other? Both were/are "taking" from the town and both cost the taxpayers, so why does one rate so much attention and the other not a peep?

    1. if this was aimed at me, I just paid $826. excise taxes on my repair plates,also pay excise tax on my mack, trailer, van another $150.00 I pay Personal property tax on two businesses $1,600.00/yr Real Estate taxes totaling over $16,000.00/yr Licenses for my businesses $325.00/yr. oh yeh and the excise on one dealer plate per mass gen'l law $50.00/yr. not to mention what I pay in Light Water and Sewer bills. still think I'm "taking from the town and costing the tax payers money" and just a note the conservation agent was over paid $14,000.00 in the 2 years he was put up to a grade 10 (without town meeting vote)then when he was put back to a grade 5 he was then given a 4 step raise - NO OTHER NON UNION EMPLOYEE GOT THESE increases.
      I'm looking for an arguement from you a--h---s

  3. ok here's my thoughts: TESBC throw Skelton, Obrien amd Columbus off and Ms matson (school comm member)(not to be confused w/Isaacs mom) Now lets get some good people on board. Maybe Kirk M. And yes Mr Curtis did have a big "Recall" sign in his yard" and should we have as a liason someone who spends the winters in Florida. how is an employee/appointed person suppose to get hold of him, kinda like the fact he is the Emerg. Management person. (state of emergency in Templeton, were is the director oops Florida!!!)
    Now for the ACO, Animal control officer, lets face it our aco person is awful, she has never advertised what animals she has at the shelter, she does not respond to calls, there is no accounting for money donations or the money she gets from bottle returns. she makes no effort to find homes for the animals (some have been there for years. The volunteers do all the work (cleaning etc.)there is no accounting for where she is during her hours "on duty" why is she always driving around with that women who couldn't qualify for the asst aco job (cori issues) also she smokes in our town truck!
    one more thing, Alan Mayo you are an asset to this town, keep up the good work.
    and whats this about the con comm agent getting paid for 20 days of used sick time, I know he was never there when anyone needed him.

  4. Actually aimed at all who use those specialty plates, if there is no monetary advantage, why do people use them? Take a look at who was on the selectboard when koonce got his step increase from grade 6 (not 5) to grade 6 top step. Wave by by to the animal control officer. Oh, since the con com agent no longer works for the town, why harp on spilt milk?

  5. So you say you paid $50.00 excise tax per dealer plate and the massachusetts rmv website says it is $100.00 excise tax per plate. Lets say you paid $100.00 per dealer plate. A family in Templeton has three cars, how much excise tax would they pay, $100.00 for one dealer plate? If a registration plate cost $40.00 per registration, that is $120.00 right there. A man makes alot of money and puts it off shore to avoid income taxes, it is legal but is it right? Same principle as dealer plate. Does the family get to deduct their registration and excise taxes off of their income tax filing? Another it is legal but is it right situation. Accountability is coming because now we have proper managment in Templeton. Right now too many people worried about someone getting one or two hours more than me. Life ain't fair, deal with it.

  6. Oh by the way, thank you for the enlightened response for pointing out inequties in the system, "I'm looking for an argument you a--h---" Well let me aks a question, was it right for gerry skelton to use crew and used wire from Templeton light department to get power from the street to the back of your salvage yard operstion? am I right? Gerry did that many years ago. Many years ago Dick Paine use to take town vehicle to his camp in new hampshire too. The con com agent is gone, grimley is gone, members of the con com supposedly are resigning, things are moving along because the big conspiracy has been broken up, so lets not forget, but let the people who you picked by vote to fix it and stop the whining.

  7. just a note I PAID for those wires and poles to be brought to the back of my junkyard.

  8. Since when did Pauly become part of the problem?

    1. If pauly was the only problem we had we would have it made. Because he is not a problem at all. If all the people that were voted in did their job and were honest, we would not be here reading this blog. You do not have to sit in the selectmans seat, to be controlling things in this town. You just need blind followers, and puppet strings. The real problems have not gone away, they are in the backround, gathering strength. Kind of like how a small wind storm becomes a tornado. The last curtain has not come down on this play. Bev.

  9. I don't think Pauly is part of the problem. Use this forum to put some of the rumors and BS to rest. Dick Paine was not the only one to use a town vehicle "out of town" many department heads were allowed to do that. I think that practice came to an end when use of town vehicle could be counted as income by the IRS.

    As for the TESBC, in my opinion the town and the school should each have 4 members. People who would like to be part of that committee should re-apply. Personally, I don't think anyone involved in 252 Baldwinville Rd. project should be on the TESBC.

    Just my opinions

    1. Agreed. Except Kurt M. was on the Municipal Building Committee yet he helped get the land for the new elementary school. He would be the exception to that statement, in my opinion. Columbus, O'Brien and Skelton mishandled the 252 Bald Rd project and will only discolor the honest mission of the TESBC in the future. O'Brien calling the citizens "stupid" on camera at a TESBC meeting is reason alone for him to resign or be removed. That event will not be forgotten for a long time. By the way, Mr. O' "stupid taxpayers" didn't have to wait too long for that free land, did we? Who's stupid now? And to Mr. building will ever be named or dedicated to you in this town so give it up. Well, I take that back. If the town installs public restrooms at 252 Bald. Rd., we'll name that after you.

  10. Now for my 2 cents, without Pauly we would not have this medium for airing what is going on in "OUR" town with "OUR" tax dollars. and if these people who have done wrong don't get a slap on the wrist or fined or something then there is nothing to stop the next person from doing it. Currently we have a Bldg Insp who nobody knows were he is after 9:00AM yet we are paying him until 11 or 12. we don't know where the ACO is during her day. We didn't know where Mr Koonce was when we paid him for hours that he was not available to the public. the tax collector took an extra $250/300 per week for doing treasurer work, no extra hours, Jerry S, Bob C, Dennis Ob cost this town $400,000 for a crappy building plus other cost plus the borrowing of 1.6Million because of sneakiness and wrong doings. Maybe if people where punished they would think twice before doing wrong. let people get away with wrong doings and it will continue. Remember Julie and jeff are only 2 votes of 5 selectmen - look at who signed for the collecter to get more than the stated $1.00/per hour (see personnel policy) BC, VW, PM not JB (Julie wasn't back yet) new desks $1000.00 each BC,VW,PM we need more selectmen like Julie and Jeff who will think and ask questions before they sign things and yes punish those who take, and take and take. If people are held accountable the waste will stop!!!!

  11. Dear ttwistedssister68 do you thing it was okay for our Selectman Scrappy to steal from his job in Winchendon and not be punished? yes I know for a fact he stole, I witnessed it!!!

  12. I cannot speak to punishment, and in some cases punishment costs more than was taken or that payback is worth. Sometimes it is a small price to pay to just have them gone. What I can and will speak too is the fact we have an advisory (finance) board that actually works and is looking at things financial, without interference from the select board or the town coordinator, which was unthinkable a few short months ago. Monday selectmen meeting, residents will find out who has actually been helping the town, who has stepped up and hopefully the subject of what needs to be done and or suggestions on things moving forward. Ideas we have and need more of, we have people who see or will see that progress is and can be made. Remember by nature, democracy does not make everyone happy. Financial management is what is needed and it is happening and if we donot spend another year going backwards (wilder and mullins) we can make some real progress on finance, especially the budget for next year. This is a tuff year for some town employees. Please hang tuff, work together for solutions moving forward. It is far too easy to be negative and worry that someone is getting an hour here or there over you. When the wash is done, everything will be clean, right Bev? There are small things that can be done right now that will save money, thousands, simply and cleanly. As Bev would say, it all comes out in the wash and we have one load done, the budget for this year, and yes we were short on soap so it is not as clean as we would all like, but hey, it ain't muddy anymore! The next load will be cleaner and the next will be better and so on. All town employees were paid this week because of the efforts of one town employee, unfortunately the issue at hand has not been dealt with yet, so ask the questions monday evening, please.

  13. Not sure about twisted, but I am interested if you witnessed it if you would put that to paper and if there are anyother witnesses who would write it on paper.
