Sunday, July 8, 2012

From Pete Farrell

Hi Paul
Like fluoride aspartame is being looked at more closely. If possible could you add as a blog.
Thanks Pete.
According to Dr. Hugh Genics fluoride is not the only toxic substance that has been given approval by our government agencies. Aspartame a sugar substitute has been linked to birth defects and is believed to be a major contributor to autism. The following video on Aspartame should remind us that we need to do our own research on fluoride and other toxic substances that have been introduced into our food supplies.
Thanks to Pauly’s Templeton Watch we can now inform our fellow town’s people when an obvious problem has arisen like fluoridation and aspartame.
When in doubt get it out.

1 comment:

  1. It would be nice if we as a town could agree to at least place on our water bills the information that the fluoridated water should not be mixed with infant formula due to the high rate of fluorosis that is prevalent in our society. The Great Fluoride Gamble is the notion that only the teeth are effected by the high rate of fluoride in our diet. I hope to bring to annual town meeting a citizen's petition asking for just this warning on our water bills. The State of New Hampshire and Governor John lynch recently signed into law just such a warning. Has anyone read anything about this in TGN or the Telegram.
