Sunday, July 8, 2012

This was sent to me by a blog reader and avid softball fan!

Let's give some kudos to the Recreation Commission members who worked at Gilman on Saturday and Sunday for the U16 National Tournament Softball Teams - second time this Summer. They did a great job getting the fields (3) ready between games- 6 games on each field throughout the day. They were there from 8 AM to beyond 6 PM.And, also for the workers in the well stocked refreshment stand. Great job! Kurt Shilling was there with his team from Wayland. He is their coach. We met him. A great guy. Got a photo too. The Tournament parents are a great bunch of people especially Antonio and his pal and wife. They treated me like one of them. Had a great day!


  1. I'm really glad Gilman is getting a lot of use. I like to hear the sounds of the games from my house. We are fortunate to have a dedicated group of people to organize and run these events.

    1. Softball is a great sport. When I was married to John, we spent alot of time at softball games. A lot of the guys we all know played in the Millers River League. I think it is what it was called. Glad everyone had a great time, but who won? Bev.
