Monday, July 30, 2012

from the Selectman's corner II

Apparently Larry Bankowski feels I have a personal bias against him because i have spoke about him on the blog and at selectmen meetings. Nothing is further from the truth. My concerns have been stated and backed up by fact and paperwork. Larry was not recommended for the job by his past superior. In the military when the XO is not recommended for the position of command by the commander, it means that in the eyes of the commander they are not ready, it can be decision making, lack of training, experience past performance and on and one. Larry stated he has been on the fire department for 3o plus years and does not have a basic EMT certificate, flag # 1 Larry was not recommended by departing fire chief Tom Smith, flag #2 Larry took vacation without notifying the Board of selectmen,
he did send an e-mail to a secretary rather than to selectmen, Larry stated this vacation had been in the works for over a year yet he made no mention of it when he was first appointed as interim chief and again when he was extended, flag#3, Larry put in for pay while on vacation when there are no benefits, including vacation pay for interim anything, flag#4. My opinion is Larry should have known about this policy, Larry should have asked about this policy and when asked about it or when it was pointed out to him, Larry should not say the selectmen screwed up, Larry should say I was paid and I will either have to pay the money back or I will work 2 weeks for no pay to settle up, he did neither flag#5. The selectmen do not submit pay sheets for departments, department heads do and Larry submitted both of his for his regular pay. I have other concerns about the department at this time as well. I do have a biased opinion and it is in favor of the taxpayers, not the fire department, so I will not recuse myself for any voting for a full-time fire chief as Larry has asked for in a letter to the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen. I was not involved with the first round of the selection for a full time fire chief but I will be involved as much as ever as far as being a selectmen. If you want an example of my being unbiased when it comes to appointments, consider Shaun Grimely, I had at least 4 personal complaints against Shaun when he was up for reappointment to the conservation committee, all made before being elected to the select board. I voted to reappoint Shaun to the con com because my personal complaints had no merit on my decision of whether he should be reappointed or not, at least that is how I saw it and I / we (BOS) did not have anything in front of us to suggest otherwise, Paul H. Cosentino sr may say different. My concerns and questions about Larry are from the point of view of the taxpayer, 30 plus years on the fire department and Larry has not bothered to take a basic EMT course leads me to question is Larry there for the bennies or to help the town? Certainly another member of the fire department with an EMT cert under his belt would help in many of ways. Makes me think Larry just may be after the thousand plus a week pay and the free town vehicle to drive around in and not really to benefit the town and that is my personal feeling. The reasons for my questions and concerns are from the perspective of what is best for the town as in the taxpayer. I did not hide from my old police / court record and I will not hide from my legitimate questions and concerns of Larry Bankowski becoming a full time fire chief for Templeton and none of those reasons are from a personal perspective. Larry is entitled to his opinion and to write all the letters he wishes but I will not waver from my obligation as a selectmen and since there is no family involved or personal gain on my part or any of my family, I will not step aside from this issue in anyway because I am being open and honest with my concerns. I graduated high school with Larry Bankowski and I moved back to Templeton June 2003 and saw Larry many times without so much as a hello, but I got elected to the select board and then Tom Smith submits his resignation and out of the blue I get a call from Larry Bankowski to my personal cell phone with a message about wanting to talk to me about the fire chief position. That struck me kind of funny with the simple thought "that guy wants something and it ain't to say hello". I am a member of the Templeton Board of Selectmen and I will vote for the fire chief that I feel is the best for the town of Templeton, not what is best for Larry Bankowski or Jeff Bennett.

Jeff Bennett


  1. larry said at bos meet to answer petes question yes I have started my emt training, ? 1 where? 2 when? how long till done, need facts not bull!

    what say you larry. answer up, or give up!

    you said you started!

  2. Mr. Bankowski made a comment at the last BOS meeting: "it wouldn't have mattered if one more person was on the scene or not" when discussing why Winchendon Fire had to respond to a fire in B'ville. That comment really is disappointing to hear from someone who is up for a permanent Fire Chief position. Not only does he diminish his own leadership role, it shows he really isn't trying to get the job. A dedicated fire chief wants to be at every scene to make sure everyone is operating correctly and safely. A dedicated fire chief makes sure the governing entity of his town knows when he will be away and who will cover his responsibilities in his absence. A good leader leaves his ego at home and apologizes to the governing authority when a mistake is pointed out. He seems more reactive than proactive. And that's not a good personality trait to have in that position. One more thing...I thought it was odd that when Chief Smith resigned, the former BOS didn't even want to discuss with him who he would recommend to take over his position. A town's Fire Chief position is a very important job and should not be filled based on personal friendships. Do you hear that Ginny? Scappy? I'm glad area Chiefs will help interview and recommend the person they feel is best for the job.

  3. You're right, Ginny and Scrappy are LB supporters, but as usual, where Chis Stewart is going to land remains a mystery.

  4. I said it once and I'll say it again, Look how he ran his oil business into the ground and how arrogant and negative his attitude is. Certainly NOT a person we need in charge.

  5. Jeff you should ask the interim chief if he is a certified fire fighter 1 and firefighter 2 as i understand it he is not and there was only a handful of guys on the dept that took the time to go tru the testing at the firefighting academy to get certified !!!007

    1. If you are in dire straights, and you need rescue to save your life, wouldn't it be nice to have a person that had the knowledge to keep you breathing,or just plain alive until you get to the hospital? Think if your kid gets hit by a car, don't look at me. I am not trained to save you, I'll point the way when help comes if I'm there. So I guess you have got my point. Hire the guy who knows what to do, can be a leader to bring the department together so everyone is proud to be on the fire department. My opinion, Bev

  6. I have nothing against Larry but must say that I was not impressed with his demeanor when being questioned by the board. He had a bad attitude and gave me the impression that the town "owed" him the position. Did he lie about the vacation pay? Being one of Gerry's boys I sure do hope the board has another choice. Sorry Larry but I think the "Skelton entitlement" has rubbed off on you. Hope you had a nice vacation and will now pay the town back if you haven't already for vacation pay that should not have been received.

  7. Maybe if the select board had done their job and found a new chief for the fire department in a timely manor we wouldn't have to be discussing this now. How can the town move forward with such an important department missing.

    1. It is time for Chris to fill all the positions that are empty or pending. The ball is in his court, now he has to figure what to do with it. Bev.

  8. Maybe if a few members of the select board had not worked so hard on firing Jeff Ritter and bringing back carol skelto this and other important town business would have been taken care of, but you would have to address that question to bob columbus, pat mullins and virginia wilder. Not sure what you mean by "move forward" but the town is taking care of business and I am confident a new fire chief will be appointed very soon. We are also moving the town accountant position forward so things are moving along. Hopefully we can not only address the budget in a timely manner this year but have financial and capital plan in place before annual town meeting. I have heard that "move forward" idea before, like right before and after the recall election of Feb 6, 2012 and all that happened was a small group moved backwards so i am not a real fan of just doing something so some people can say we are or we should "move forward" To me that is just a way of saying lets put things back the way they were or lets forget about who did what that hurt the taxpayers as in lie, cheat, deceive and ignore them and throw them out in groups from their select board meetings. The select board is doing the business at hand, we just need less fence straddling.

  9. On a facebook page - Let the People be heard - Nick DiMucci writes "Chief Bankowski deserves the job. I am on the fire department and to have the BOS select who is in charge with my life scares me. The budget was and is screwed up. I believe they need to stay focused on that. Chief Bankowski is taking an EMT course this fall. 30 years is right and it has never been great to be here. We lack equipment upgrades, have needed a new engine for years. I say look in the mirror because perhaps you are the problem and not Chief Bankowski who is obliging with what he needs to do."
    Well let me first say that the BOS voted to pick / chose former Chief Tom Smith, so did that choice make you fell scared for your life? If it did, why are you still a volunteer on the department. No one makes anyone be a fireman, you volunteer for it. Now for Mr. Bankowski starting an EMT course this fall, well I thought Mr. Bankowski stated at a recent selectmen meeting that he has already started an EMT course so apparently one of us is mistaken. Does it bother you Mr. DiMucci that a fellow fire fighter has served 30 plus years and has not bothered to take a basic EMT course? Dose that bode well for an individual wanting to be chief? I am not sure who Mr. DiMucci was talking to or about in his statement that "I say look in the mirror because perhaps you are the problem and not chief Bankowski." If you think I am the problem, you have the option of leading a recall of me or simply not voting for me next time around or you could run for selectmen, actually you have the option of doing all three. As it stands right now, I will be one of 5 people who vote on who the next fire chief will be and you always have the choice of moving on or staying with the fire department. That is the simple facts here and I still have the note in my files that the former Fire Chief Tom Smith did not recommend Mr. Bankowski to be the interim (temporary) Fire Chief. It is always good to hear the opinions of town residents and / or town employees / volunteers. Thank you for your service.

    1. Larry Bankowski deserves the job if and only if he is the best and most quailfied with recommendations and documentation to back up his application. Larry Bankowski needs to have a more positive attitude under stressful situations and questioning from the board of selectman who are his imediate supervisors! His attitude the night of the selectman's meeting left much to be desired. Would you say Chip on his Shoulder? May the best candidate obtain the position and serve the people of Templeton professionally and efficiently.

  10. you certainly will NOT be getting new equipment with bankowski in charge, he is against everything that others think is good.

    1. Has Mr Bankowski applied for any grants on behalf of the Fire Dept?
      Just wondering

    2. He isn't the chief he can't! Grants were put in by former chief Smith who has since left.

    3. He could be looking and appling for more grants that are available doesn't matter if he is acting chief or not. so I take it he's not.

  11. Is this the same Nick Dimucci that is running a non licensed catering business out of his house in our town. claims he uses the licensed PACC kitchen but the PACC said no he doesn't. OH yeh I'd listen to this guy - NOT!

    1. Must be the same person who talked to the B.O.H. on me. Listen I have all the paperwork I need for a Licensed Catering Business. I do not cook out of my house. I cook at function halls. Thank you for the wrong facts. Dont slander me or my business anonymous

  12. So much for your catering business Mr Dimucci. With an attitude like that I would want nothing to do with your or your business. Think I'll stick with Royer's, someone who is ligit and adds to the community.

    1. I don't see what is wrong with my attitude anonymous. I am merely showing support for who I believe would be best at the chief position. Mr. Royer is a great man who has a great business. Something with or without your support I will have someday too. Thank you for you kind words.

  13. I seem to remember the select board and advisory board having an emergency meeting at the last minute to fix the budget at the last annual town meeting. The budget and town meeting articles were messed up because of the attitude of columbus, wilder and mullins who put so much work into firing Jeff Ritter, bring back K&P and bring back carol skelton. They went after money for her 3 times and even had a special town meeting so they could put a question to the voters about money for virginia's dear friend. The chairman and the majority of the board did not look out for the taxpayers or the budget, they looked out for themselves. So DiMucci might wish to look at the facts and be more specific when talking about looking in the mirror. Skelton supported columbus wilder and mullins, columbus supports Bankowski and Bankowski has breakfast with gerry alot. So DiMucci, it seems to me the facts support the view that if anyone should be looking in the mirror, it is you. Bankowski lost his oil business, his business on pleasnt street in gardner is almost dead, larry is looking to pull a gerry, get a town job with high pay, hang onto it for a few years to get his retirement up there then go off and live off the taxpayers. so DiMucci, go look into the mirror and scratch ya head on that one.

  14. For one thing i do not think he is a member of the firedept i know he was years ago but failed to show up and was one of them soda drinkers just wanted to be on the dept but when the chit hit the fan A no show As what i here larry taking the emt class this fall in phillipston and it has not started yet 007

    1. ya when it hit the fan huh. Ya I went away to school to get trained had a kid and had to move away. Oh you didn't know that part but you decide to slander me. Get your facts straight! You have no respect for anyone who has to go on any type of fire calls. I have been to fires I have been to rescues. I have done CPR. I have done it because I LOVE IT. Don't attack me over that I don't care if it's a small town or not you never know what will happen. I'm glad you have no respect for the fire dept. Even with that, even if I knew who you were I would still help you out.

  15. I be a recallin larry say he be a takin one O them there leave of absence from philipston. I be a recallin rich stevens being the fire chief in philipston and he also be a member O dat recall ghe was a collectin dem names so stevens be a backa of larry and both dem be a friends wit skelton n columbus, I be a thinkin ya'll got one big conspiracy a goin der. And if ole larry has not began an EMT couse after stating so at dat selectmen meetin, well folks ya'll got ya self a non truth teller. and dat be my opinion of dat sittchation.

    1. yes Deliverance, dat be ta truth

  16. Anonymous, is you a makin fun of me or you agreein with me? Deliverance? I neva been to georgia ya know.

  17. Maybe its time to bring Larry back in front of the board to answer these questions. Or maybe the board just needs to hire a new Fire Chief.

  18. First off I do not need to remain anonymous so for everyone on here who is it just goes to show what you really have to say. First off I have no problem with selectman Bennett so I don't know how attacking me helps the town but so be it. Secondly my catering business is licensed and is legally run. Get your facts straight. I KNOW who has gone to the B.O.H. saying I cook out of my kitchen. I have no problem with the Kamahlot at all or its owner in anyway in fact it is only something to look up to. When you slander my business you slander my whole name! Do not try to use meaningless statements against me or my family.

    As for being a "soda drinking" firefighter and last time you checked I wasn't on the dept. I get the feeling you are very bitter and how dare you say that I am that sort of person. I went away for schooling and training well before any classes were introduced to the Templeton Fire Dept. Check again please too you will see my gear hanging up. Even with all this bitter talk I dont need to know who you are because I would still help you if you were in trouble.

    I was merely stating my support for my interim Chief. I thought this was a blog site and free for opinions. I do not know why the sudden hate came on me but I hope this answers all questions and I can continue on. I ask the administrator to review what has been said and remove anything that may be slander to me and to anyone else. We should all be trying to improve this town. My thought was Larry was the way was all I said. Thank you and god bless

    1. Also I would like to add that I am part of the friends of gilman waite field. I am a volunteer firefighter. I am the Varsity Soccer Coach at Narragansett. I also started up my own scholarship found name DiMucci's Sports INC. which gives a scholarship to a kid who excels on and off the field. I support my community and want it to turn around and if that takes bashing me then so be it. I think there is a better way.

  19. I am leaving my opinions on the main topic to myself, but I just wanted to say that ANYONE that's posting negative things on this blog as 'anonymous' is a coward. If you have something to say, let it be known who you are. Otherwise, you're just a pathetic whiner sitting behind a keyboard trying to make other people look bad. Are you afraid to talk down to people under your real name? If you meant what you said, you wouldn't be. Grow a set.
