Saturday, July 21, 2012


Just wanted to let everyone know - We raised $2,400.00 for Cindy and Tuna and Laura. This is what OUR TOWN OF TEMPLETON IS ABOUT!!!!  Thank you to all!!
I'm exhausted,  I'm going to bed!
Anonymously Sue


  1. Fantastic Job Sue, Pauly, Bev & all the C4T members who put this event together. It was a nice turnout & very successful fundraiser. Hope each of you who put so much effort into helping this wonderful family in crisis got some much needed rest after working so hard on this project!! God Bless the Fontaines & everyone who supported them. Hope you all have a grand weekend!!

  2. Nice to see some Templeton officials there aupporting a Templeton family, Selectmen Julie, Jeff B, Chris S., also BOH Chairman Rick Trifilo, his wife Narragansett School Comm Member RaeAnn Trifilo, Assessors Dan Keeney, Steve LaPrise and Fred Henshaw, Advisory members Will Spring and Darren Elwell.

    1. Wonderful time was had by all. The cake walk was a great idea, [even if Mr.Bennett wouldn't do it]. We can all be proud of the job we did. Have a good weekend. it is a beautiful day, Bev.

  3. Sorry forgot to mention Planning Board Chair Kirk Moschetti

  4. For all who read this blog, you should know that the people who organized and ran this fund raiser for Templeton family are the same people who have shown up and continue to attend at selectmen meetings and other meetings, these are the same people who were asking questions and wanting answers, these are the same people who were denied answers, who were thrown out of meetings and even threatened by the police chief to be quiet aand orderly or the police would remove you even though he does not have the authority to do that on his own (open meeting law) These same people who were looking out for the town are the ones who stepped up and organized something to help out one of their own. This is Templeton, this is the "town" helping one another. This is one of the reasons I so enjoy representing the people of Templeton. Put the politics aside and the people of Templeton really care about their town and the people who live here because in the end, the people are the town. And Bev, you will get a shot at me in the dunk tank next month! It was a great fund raiser and while you always would like to raise more, that money raise should go a long way to pay for the things that one does not always think about with an extended hospital stay such as parking fees, gas for the car, many meals ate in restaurants, all of the things that medical insurance does not cover but has to be dealt with. I wish the family the best and thank all who helped and turned out. Things like this show others what Templeton is about.

  5. Sorry I couldn't make the fundraiser. Just is Laura doing? Is she still in the hospital?

  6. Tuna and Cindy brought Laura and her brother Wayne. Laura is spending some time at home. It was so good to see the family!

    1. Well everyone, I know Jeff must know I could not hit the broad side of a barn door, if my life depended on it. So ...I will pay someone to do it!! I don't think its illegal? Oh, what the heck, no one follows the rules around here anyway! "Consider your self warned Bennett!" It looks like things are getting better for Tunas' family. Some things take time, but last night must have helped. I am still smiling, we had so much fun! Our town needs major help, I have faith that it will happen. A little at a time. Keep the faith. Bev.

    2. THankyou for the update on Laura. Good to hear it.

  7. Last night was a lot of fun. I think it really helped out the Fontaine family. I hope Laura got apiece of chocolate cake.

    As for August 4th, I really hope people can't hit the broad side of a selectman. I need to go practice my trash talking. I'm a little rusty.

    1. Julie If it helps im sure i can teach you a few colorfull words . And just for the record i will take a seat on the dunk tank as chairman of the planning board . word has it i might be able to stir up a couple of bucks for the cause .

    2. I am saving my money for that day now Kirk. When is this event happening, I have not seen any advertising about it.

    3. Templeton 250th Anniversary Block Party. Sat Aug 4th. East Templeton Common. 11am-11pm.

  8. nice to know not even a Dunk tank scares you Julie! I heard Jeff B was going do the dunk tank too. how about the other selectmen? I would really be warming up my pitchin arm if Scrappy was going to do it! lol

  9. What will the money raised from the dunk tank be going towards? Could it go to fund a recall?
