Saturday, July 21, 2012

New Boss in town.

A word-of-mouth has it, that V Wilder signed to approve giving the parasite ex-con con agent $220 for unused sick time. One signature, yes and according to Jeff Bennett, this is wrong. He – the agent, does not qualify for the pay and I have records that say he juggled the payroll sheets, want proof? My suggestion to Virginia Wilder is to go to Boxborough and get our money back now.
Who is she to take it on her own to give money away without checking all the rules? This bull--- will not stop so let's storm the selectmen's meeting Monday night at the Baldwinville elementary school cafeteria. Use the side door to the gym and watch out you don't break a leg walking up the driveway. Did Bud Chase use up all the blacktop money on those sidestreets that Dana Blais is talking about? And another thing, why-do we have five selectmen and I PHC Sr expect a good answer on paper. Send a comment on the blog and again I don't want to hear any "aftermarket" comments on why Virginia paid the request of David Koonce. I proved it was dishonest, but three of the powers that be are too busy trying to cover up stuff to follow up on my accusations. Four years of illegal bull----from this guy and Grimley with the con com. Helping Carol and Jerry follow this collusion through. And again Virginia Wilder, why did you sign to pay the con com agent to sick time he did not qualify for? Why? Put your answer on paper, not verbal, Pauly’s Templeton watch has five bags of feathers and three pails of tar. Let's get moving and get the job done. Thanks for reading, Pauly


  1. Yes, I think tar & feathers would be appropriate for some of these people since nothing else seems to deter their selfish "acting above the law" actions. That is why they did that sort of stuff years ago to stop tyrrany, theft, lying, bullying, etc. etc. I think it's time to bring back the stocks & pillories, dunking stools, & also the tar & feathers. We know a few that these forms of punishment would be most warranted to be used on. There are too many getting away with too much. How about that 10AM to 2PM tricky sly voting time in Winchendon today on a Saturday!!?? Wow, is that really trying to slip all their wants in without the taxpayers being "at home" to participate! Sorry if bringing that town's stuff up seems mindless to one blogger but I think this is pretty darned nasty of those so-called "leaders" to do this to the town who pay their salaries. We saw a lot of those "midnight" instead off time daylight vote "scamming" times to be deemed right. There should be a standard day & time for all voting agendas everywhere, period!! What a mess these arrogant foolhardy people have gotten so many towns into. Look at all the cities & towns that have filed bankruptcy already in other states. It is just a matter of time that all these overspending politicians & foolish schemes are going to catch up to the entire nation. If we don't get some solid, honest, ethical core leadership everywhere we are going to be doomed as the nation many of us grew up with & loved. A lot of folks need to take their blinders off & see this reality for what it is & shut off all those ridiculous "reality" shows on TV. Anyway, you got it right again, Pauly, as usual & yes, VW should pay the $220.00 back. My opinions in addition to agreeing with Pauly on most things!! His 8th grade education outweighs most of the people I know who have college degrees. Again, thanks for this site Pauly!!

    1. In case we forgot, David Koonce is also the con com agent for Winchendon and we have seen from the newspaper latley that it seems more than a few employees of the town of Winchendon are less than reputable, so the case that the former con com agent "cooked the books" with regard to the number of sick days is quite plausible, in my opinion anyeays.

  2. If Wilder broke the law, bring fricking charges against her and have her gone from the council by virtue of defrauding the town of Templeton. One question has to be answered though. Who gave single signature authority to selectmen? My guess is, if the check cashed, she operated within the limits of the bylaws (Templeton has them doesn't it?) and it's the bylaws that need changing.

    I someone does something patently illegal, violating the public trust, they should be jailed, forget the hyperbole of tar and feather. If, on the other hand, they operated withing the scope of the authority they were granted.....the problem is not with them. There should be a requirement for 3 signatures on every check.

    1. Yep, you are right on most of what you say & that is EXACTLY what Pauly has been trying to find out with the Obstruction of justice charges & also do with regard to those instances of violating the public trust (which seems to have been rampant here for the last 10 years or so). He has gotten NO help from any outside authorities that he has contacted. While this has been the case, I think the tar & feathers reference is very appropriate under the circumstances since No one seems to operate within the laws, by-laws or any rules befitting of a democratically run society that should be followed or might have once been in place. And when those abuses of power or other wrongdoings are committed against the citizens of town, or any faction of society for that matter, no one is held accountable. That is why so many people are so frustrated with everything these days. Too many abuses of power everywhere. I am not sure what those requirements for signing checks are (I agree with you, 3 should be required) since I am not nor have I ever been a town official but I would be very surprised & upset to find out that only one signature was needed on anything as a standard procedure. It's possible that others who were in control before the BOS changed that decided it was "ok" for a certain few to do anything they wanted without regard for the public at large. And there were those few. That is why we are in such a Mess!! My opinion, as always.

    2. NO, NO, NO, put away the tar and feathers! The only way to prevent this kind of thing from happening is to make guide lines so dam clear, a blind man could see them. Remember, Three wrongs don't make it right! We are not going to gain any thing by throwing gas on the fire. The other person that should have questioned one signature only, was the person making out the checks. Mr.Ritter told me that it has been a practice to ignore our bylaws for quite a long time. Sounds like it had become a standard practice! Now cool your jets everyone,[you to Pauly], and just think, If I was the first to sign a document, how would I know there was no one else to sign it after I left the room? Maybe Virginia had" bad intentions, but maybe she didn't". I do not know, no one does but her. It sucks that things have done this way, but it won't change until we have guide lines, set in stone, so everyone gets the picture. Then and only then will there be no excuse for this kind of screw up. How to know if someone had time coming to them? No good procedures for that either. I know Jeff has been working on a project to deal with this stuff. So between Jeff, Will, Daren and Mr. Ritter the changes we need will get done soon. This is my opinion, my 2cents worth, so please, call off the dogs! Bev.

    3. It's all metaphorical on my part, Bev. I know what you are saying & I agree that we need to have that so let's hope those guidelines go okay & people abide by them. Woof, woof.. LOL

    4. One last thing on this subject, I do think our jets are rather cool considering what has gone on for an extended period of time & that is a fact. Also, I think some people have acted very graciously in spite of what has happened to them personally by this rogue bunch!! Do, I believe that what you say would be the best solution in an ideal situation in an ideal world? Of course but, there are some things that these people have done that may never be publicly known & for those dirty deeds, I think the tar & feathers would be a light sentence. Establishing guidelines & other town constitutional rules & laws is a very positive step & extremely necessary. This should be a helpful remedy to the state of "lawlessness" many of us have witnessed. I think there are some very honorable people working on this who are now at the helm. We can all be thankful for that. All my thoughts & opinion.

    5. Well, isteach, I haved been working of guidleines for the BOS for a few weeks now, I will present them to the BOS for them to readover, make changes, questions or additions and perhaps vote on them in two weeks time. Of course we can have all the rules and guidleines in the world, but we have to follow them to begin with. The personnel policy states clearly that in order for someone to collect on accrued sick days one must leave voluntary or retire. Your posiont being cut by not funding is not voluntary and in fact the con com agent sent e-mail to interim town coordinator requesting to put information on a table at town meeting to make the argument of why the town should keep the con com agent. Either way you slice it, no selectmen should have approved this without checking.

    6. Thank you, Jeff, for all you do!!

  3. This is even simpler. Throw away all the town of Templeton checks and get new ones printed with 3 lines for signatures with the label "Authorizing Signatures" That way even the blind man can see it.'

    If it has been 'common practice' to ignore the bylaws for some time. Well....there's the problem.

    1. The treasurer signs the checks the "elected Boards,commissions, Dept heads sign the Vouchers. selectmen sign the warrants

  4. It seems we need to start at square one: review all town bylaws, personnel policies, business practices, procedures, accounting records, etc. The town needs to audit and review every aspect of its operations and fix what's wrong and enforce what is right. The town needs a 3yr, 5yr, and 10yr business plan. Are the dept heads meeting once a week again? I knw that had started under Mr. Ritter but then stopped when CS came in for that fateful couple of months. You have a new Advisory Board and a new Personnel Board which can effect change moving forward. You have citizens that are willing to help out in any way that is needed. The only factor working against the town's progress is the "powers that were" minions who are still in positions to cause trouble and gum up the works. VW and PM are two of them. They are not working in the best interest of the town and have not made any gestures to show they are willing to try. Remember 3 out of the 5 selectmen appeared at the benefit along with many other town officials. Even though that night wasn't about politics, it was a big gesture to show support for the community. If those two had made an appearance, they would have gained a little respect from me. The two remaining gestures they can make to gain some respect from me #1 Resign; or #2 Participate in the Dunk tank at the Block Party. (I hope money raised on the dunk tank is going to a good cause becuase I plan on spending a lot of money on it!)

    1. Think about this, years ago if someone did something that was ethically wrong, or just plain crooked, not much was said, maybe a few people knew or like the Battle of the Bales, a small group protested,{huge for those days]. Today there are no secrets. With this blog everyone knows. There is no place to hide. All the changes that the Advisory Board and Personel Board are going to help 100%. It would have been nice to have some of the other camp show up, but if it was just for show, it was best that they stayed away. Bev.

  5. I guess my final comment on this is how Pauly started, and I'll paraphrase..

    Rumor has it....

    One other orthogonal comment... Anonymous

    I think one huge problem this society has, be it with fox new, Citizens United decision, seeking outside law enforcement aid, Pauly's blog, Crossroads GPS, etc

    If someone gives $3 million dollars to a candidate's election fund or a sympathetic PAC but fail to disclose who they are, that is deception. If someone writes an article sending it to a local news paper making unsubstantiated accusations about someone else that, too, is deception. In that case it likely wouldn't be published, or shouldn't be published.

    If it is generally considered wrong for some billionaire or some corporation to anonymously contribute billions to a political candidate's election (regardless of party affiliation) what message is it sending the youth of our society if it's acceptable to, in all areas of interaction, one doesn't have to disclose who dun it. Should a person be responsible for his/her own actions, be they 5 or 50, should a person be responsible for their own statements, be they 5 or 50 or a corporate entity?

    Personally, I think we, as a society, are devolving. I think part of that is the increasing frequency and legitimacy with which they don't, and don't have to take responsibility for what they do or say.


    1. Oh, do I agree with the devolving & deception we are seeing in societies around the world, including ours. You are so right, how can we teach our children when that D&D is a good part of what they see everywhere. And nowadays, they view everything instantly with the mass media outlets in a wide range of forms that most children have access to. So, how can we bring up that 5 year old with any morals when the 50 year old is out for only their own self interest. Very tough time to raise a child with all the social media bombardment. Also, teachers cannot discipline them at school anymore for fear of a lawsuit. We are all treading a fine line with what we can say or do without getting sued these days. We have seen a product of this lawlessness having to look no further than our own backyard. And the scene has not been pretty up to now. Even though some of my blogs may not sound it, I am an eternal optimist & believe someday we will get it right. There is so much that needs fixing at the moment, it is a daunting task for those who have taken on the actual doing such as Jeff B & Jeff R, Julie, Bob M, Pauly, & others, & not just the blogging like me. However, I feel that if we all do what we are capable of doing it will go a long way to improving things. We can hope & pray, right!! Just another opinion of mine.

    2. that wasn't really my point.

    3. The Supreme Court [The Republicans] passed a ruling, a couple of years ago saying, in laymens terms, that a large company or a PAC can spend as much money as they want, to fund a persons political campaign, and they do not have to say who they are. The Democrats tried to overturn this ruling, but the Republians stopped it. My husband said the old rule was that if a company or individual gave more than two thousand dollars they had to identify them selves. Now positions,[politicians], can be bought for billions and it is ok. This makes me wonder if Att. Gen.Cokley's office is afraid to look at Pauly's complaints? You know the old saying, don't bite the hand that feeds you! Who knows how much and by who her campaign was funded. I can only say this, If the AG's office ignores our requests, we will find a way to embarass the crap out of her office. I am speaking for my self, and this is my opinion. Bev.

    4. I have been saying for years that if all of the presidential candidates donated their political contributions to offset the nation's deficit (probably enough left over to bail out many states as well), what a wonderful country this would be. I would certainly vote for anyone who did that - millions and millions of $$$$$ certainly would go a long way.....

  6. While bylaws and guidelines are great ideas and are diffently needed. Unless they are enforced and penalties or punishment imposed, they are simply worthless words on paper. That anyone can ignore if they choose to.

    1. So very true!! There are a ton of laws on the books right now on all govt. levels that so many are simply ignoring & they are getting away with it. Absolutely right on, unless they are enforced or there is some accountability to violating these laws, rules & statutes, they are useless pieces of paper & legislation. However, persistance can make a difference. I believe all of Pauly's due diligence & reporting of these local "crimes" will pay off one day. I know that sounds naive but it doesn't hurt to be positive or nothing will ever change. Just my view. It is so good to see so many others contributing with their perspective & ideas. With many good thoughts & deeds comes renewed & revived good old fashioned morals & values. Yet, there needs to be consequences to illegal activities or we will just keep seeing the same reckless ruthless game played over & over again. I guess when you look at the beginning of man's existence, so far as we know that has been the case, unfortunately, as man just can't seem to govern himself correctly for too long. But, we gotta keep trying for each generation. Yet, with all my positive hopes & dreams I can't help but agree on some level with Walt about the devolving of society that appears to be flourishing everywhere. Let's pray it's one of the scourges of this period in time that will eventually change, like the Crash of '29 leading to the Depression of '30s, to WWll, to the turbulent '60s, & on & on. We had a relatively quiet period in the USA from the late '70s until 9/11 so it seems we're always going to be struggling to maintain peace & harmony. Overpopulation is becoming a serious problem, too! Seems we need some help from above!! Just my thoughts here. Have a good day everyone! Enjoy the nice day & read Pete's Mr. Sunshine.

  7. the democrat motto: hard work pays off in the future, lazyness pays off NOW!!!!!! keep voting for a"d" and thats what you get!!! if you don't pay attention to what people running for office say, you get what you vote for!!! millions on "americans" are to lazy to look up the word "collective" !!!!! look where we are now!!!!!!

    1. the republican motto: screw the poor, screw the environment, screw the regulations, screw the women, screw the rules...if you line my pockets with $$, I'll vote for whatever you want.

      Th point is whether its Dems or Repbls, both are tainted with corruption. Both have been bought and sold by big corporations years ago. You're naive if you think red vs. blue has any difference. The only group that will change anything is an independent party that hasn't been tainted yet. You take money out of government office, you will get a more honest government. Listen to what Walt said. If a corporation is considered a "person", they can continue to by their policies which benefit them without divulging their identity and their mission. Until the The Glass-Steagall Act is reinstated, the banks will continue to operate above the law.

      We can't fix the federal level problems with a vote for red or blue candidate. But we can fix our government at a local level where red vs. blue doesn't matter. We have access to the policymakers/enforcers on the town Boards where we can express our feelings on topics. This is where we should be focusing right now. Watch and see who will continue to serve (or run in the future) for an elected position that receives no pay. I fully believe this should be a permanent rule. It will make the people who step up work purely for the betterment of the town, not their pockets.

    2. Amen to that!
      Get money out of the equation!

    3. I don't think the lack of pay will keep the scum out of running for office, Skelton and others surely did not hold office for the small amount they recieved, they were in it for what they could steal thru their position. As we eventually found out

    4. Don't forget about the pensions, GS got another year's worth for the short time he was on the BOS before Jeff B was rightfully placed on the BOS.
      Did CS get another year of pension when she came back as interim TC? Don't know, would'nt doubt it.

    5. All of the things you bloggers have said are right. People can be bought cheap. I'm not sure if getting paid to be a town official will make a difference in who runs or not. We will see. My husband was talking to me yesterday. He asked me why there is nothing in the town report about the pension that people get. Maybe you guys know? Anyway, I have a idea, what if we have a meeting in the Kiva, like the one the Friday before town meeting. Jeff could bring his project, Will and Daren could bring their ideas, the people that work for the town could come, with the public present. We could have a open discussion, and formulate a basic set of rules and regulations for the town to run by. That Friday night was so good, I think this would work. Maybe Dave could run the meeting, and Mr. Ritter could be there to offer his advice. What do you guys think? Do you have any other ideas? Bring them on. Bev.
