Monday, July 16, 2012


Recall supported Shaun Grimley's resignation is here. Read it very carefully and tell me what you all think.


  1. can not open it up it will not grant me premission

  2. ya'll need to get this shit straight. no damn g docs no zip stuff, plain text like in the open simple stuff. post it in open. ya'll gettin like the ole selectmen makin people jump thru hoops to look at stuff, thought this was about the people, dat g doc is not bout people, you be makin in hard for folks, git wit it pauly dis here g docs be for dem birds, no since flyin if it be rainin out, pull the seets back and let sun in, dis here ain't pose to be no harvard lecture

    1. Infoman98, you seem to have multiple personalities. How many people are sharing your handle? One sounds semi-intelligent, another sounds like a troublemaker. But this "voice" sounds like you channeled TwistedSister. Why bother commenting if you're going to talk like that? Its not fun or funny. Either contribute to the conversation (like when talking about the common improvements) or don't bother to comment at all. "No wat am bee sayin?"

  3. oops try it now what do you people expect from someone with an eight grade education

  4. It took someone with an eighth grade education to round up a great group of people and turn the town of Templeton around. Keep up the good work Pauly. Haven't seen anything in the Snooze about the water main breaks. This town does not need people like Shaun Grimley. I'm sure we will get along just fine with out him. He should take a few of his fellow deadbeats with him. No one in town is irreplaceable. BuBye #13

  5. "Qualified, educated, and dedicated" individuals should know how to write a formal, appropriate letter of resignation. I refute the notion that there will be a lack of volunteers to serve in town government; I think the past months have shown a resurgence of interest in town government, and there are many new faces on boards and committees, some who are even more qualified than their predecessors. As far as the "I am nauseated" section, I'm reminded of the Jay Paul Skelton advertisement in the newspaper. Making light of one's own misfortune is not endearing, and is not professional. In the unlikely event that funding is ever restored for these positions, Mr. Grimley has certainly burned his bridge in this community.

  6. Well shaun, I don't know if you consider me educated, qualified or dedicated, but I gladly serve the people of Templeton, in a few ways, and I do not do it for money and I try to listen to the people and I try to answer their questions. I was at the last meeting of the conservation comission that you were on. There was a gentleman there who was I believe trying to get approval for a residential property that was to be a group home. I recall you questioning the man about the amount of pavement and you concern about stormwater runoff. The man stated since it is a residential home it is exempt from stormwater regs. Rather than end it there, you continued to go on about YOUR worries and concerns and you taleked about there should be this or that or you would like to see this or that, wasteing his time and the commission's time because of you view. You were a member of the con com and there are rules and laws and when they do not apply, it is end of story1 Period!!!! If the rules don't apply, they get to move on and get their permit, if ya don't like it, work to change the rules. So lets review, a couple years back Pauly Cosentino was up for reappoinment and you, joanne Burden and most of the rest of the con com attended the BOS meeting and went on about how dedicated you all were and how you cared so much about conservation and this and that and how you all put in so much time for this and that......except Pauly, he had only done 4 out of 8 or however many classes, Pauly did not have dedication nor was he willing to take these important classes (so you say) Now you lose your affordable housing coordinator position and you suddenly resign from all the committees you "volunteered for" Pauly is still on con com so we now see who is dedicated and who was there just to collect. If you really cared and were dedicated and cared for Templeton, you would still be on those voluntary committees but you quit and that about says it all. I worked and spoke out against salaries for elected positions because of the towns finacial position and I don't care if they come back or not and I am still here, Pauly is still on con com and others are still here, without the pay, so my question is who is educated, qualified and dedicated shaun? Seems like it is not you because when you lost the money, you quit as in you don't care unless you are paid, that is called a mercenary, you work for the money and not the cause, which in this case is for a better town, the town in which you live in I believe, just like carol skelton, no pay, no money, nothing in it for me, I take my toys and go home. Templeton is probably better off without you and her, because the people still standing at least care about their town. On affordable housing, I believe if you check the law you will see we have funds to take care of affordable housing, it is CPA funds and with a few volunteers, you will not be missed.

    1. Jeff, thank you once again !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. rimley states in his letter that since he is no longer covered under MGL chapter 258 section 13, he will not respond to inquiries of his duties before he quit. That law deals with cities and towns indemnifing employees, as in if in the capacity of official duties, they are protected from suit, as in the taxpayers pay for any legal defense and one does not have to personnaly pay any damages or fines up to one million dollars I believe, google mass general laws chapter 258 section 13 and read for your self, don't take my word for it. Again, does this show shaun is one of them educated dedicated qualified people?? My opinion is that statement shows grimley may need an english comprehension class or two. Or maybe it means he may have something to hide because if ya did nothing wrong, why would he not answer simple questions about what he did or did not do while serving on those commitees?

  8. Shaun Grimley quit all his volunteered positions after his "affordable housing" position was done away with. a position "created" for him. One 40B project in town and CHAPA the org in Boston is the one who found the families for the "affordable" units. I remember SG bringing Jodie Parker to tears at one ConCom meeting. He also threw Bob Young out of a ConCom meeting when Bob tried to speak at the meeting about the FAA wamting to cut trees aroung the Vortec tower on Bobs land. SG JB amd Mr K were giving the FAA a difficult time. (for anyone that does know all planes flying on the east coast use the Templeton Vortec.)
    We don't need volunteer like this.
    And thank you to all the volunteers who serve Templeton!

  9. Hey Jeff Didn't Grimley spend(waste) taxpayeers money getting an opinion from K&P on how how he could keep Pauly (a concom member)from a Concom executive session.

  10. Yes he did and I have a copy of it which shows the extent of how far members of the recall group would go to maintain control of "their" empire

  11. It seems the ZBA may have approved of things at the Day Mill townhouses which may have led to a situation of no money or no party to pay for these items, designs etc. The developers may have lost "their right to develop" or some like legal term and now the condo association (the people who live there) may be at odds with the original developers of this project. Might include bus stops sidewalks etc etc, it was brought up at sewer commissioners meeting on Monday July 16, 2012. Mr. grimley was clerk and maybe this situation is one in which it prompted him to write in his resignation letter that since he is no longer covered under chapter 258, section 13 of MGL, he will not respond to any inquiries of his past duties. Must be something to hide or be embarrassed about. Some more of the blankets being puuled back and more stuff to look at. May be a good idea to attend the board of assessors meeting to be held on August 1, 2012 as a few things may be brought up related to Day Mill. What happened to the 3 thousand per unit that was to go to the senior center at Day Mill. Another half empty deal or promise. Kind of like all them large fees that suddenly came to light with regards to planning board and the so called project at exit 19, all of a sudden those fees had to be looked at and it was some kind of big surprise. How could that be when the planning board is one of the parties that came up with them in the first place? Just more of the same ole shell game that was being played in Templeton and in my opinion, that is what happened when GS was running things, one big shell game that benefited no one except GS and that is my opinion and I stick by it. Templeton needs a few citizens to be on the elementary school building committee and it does not need to be loaded with school committee members or teachers, we need a few regular ole taxpayers to be on board to keep an eye on their money. If interested, drop a letter to selectmen office today, or you can end up with the same three on there again, as in "taxpayers are stupid" the famous observation made on camera by dennis o'brien. (it is on dvd)

  12. Only an arrogant, egotistical blowhard would think that the whole town government would collapse if he walked away. I'm sure out of 8 thousand people there are several people who would be quite knowledgable and motivated to fill his seats. There are people out there that live in this community and are willing to contribute to making it function as well as making it a better place to live without receiving money in return. If I wasn't laughing so hard, I might have thought his comment about not answering any questions regarding his work was supposed to be a punishment. I'm sure we'll manage. Also of note, it sounds as if some of his wording citing the MGLs came from an attorney. Is he protecting himself proactively? Like pleading the 5th? Its this exact attitude that is not needed or wanted in Templeton anymore. Mr. Grimley, I believe you have bet on the wrong horse!

    1. Sounds to me like he is trying to hide from something. I can only picture a man of his size, on his hands and knees, digging a hole to hide in. LOL, Bev.

  13. Maybe what he is trying to hide from is how he didn't protect the town from Daymill They have lost there development rights (time has expired) at the condos so they won't be finishing the project. So Shaun as a member of the ZBA where is the sidewalk they where suppose to put in from the condos to Narragansett? where is the money they were suppose to give the senior center in leiu of sewer connection fees? Where is the bus waiting area they were suppose to do? Did they ever do the second egress to West Rd for emergency vehicles? Are the roads finished? Looks like taxpayers (in the Condos)got stuck with cr---. Gee Shaun where you looking out for the town or just playing on the developers side? Hell of a job!
