Tuesday, July 17, 2012


What you have all been waiting for….

The following are the executive session minutes and videos of the meetings from March 12, 2012, March 26, 2012 and April 9, 2012. Please review.

March 12  Exec. Session minutes          March 12 part 1
                                                              March 12 part 2
                                                              March 12 part 3

March 26 Exec. Session minutes           March 26 part 1
                                                              March 26 part 2
                                                              March 26 part 3

click here April 9   Exec. Session minutes               
April 9  (E session)                                                                              
April 9 part 1
                                                              April 9 part 2
                                                              April 9 part 3

The blue links should open up googledocs or Youtube videos. I know there are some people out there in “Paulyland” who do NOT like googledocs. If you have another way of compressing large files for distribution via Internet, please share this information! I’m always willing to learn new ways of communicating information about what I think are important issues. 

Blog On!

Julie Farrell

Note click on the Blue dates in yellow highlight and read the executive session  minutes!!!


  1. Although I'm thankful Mr. Stewart did not support the firing of Mr. Ritter, I'm surprised at his comparison of the three making this move (Columbus, WIlder Mullins) with the three that fired Ms. Skelton (Bennett, Mitchell, Farrell). While on the surface it may be a valid comparison (to someone that didn't know the facts), if one looks closer at the two acts, one will find that the previous board had just cause for Ms. Skelton's dismissal due to the numerous complaints about her behavior and actions from town employees and citizens submitted to the BOS. I do not RECALL there being any complaints about Mr. Ritter from any town employees or citizens submitted to the BOS. In fact, town employees signed a letter of support for Mr. Ritter in which the BOS did not entertain even accepting or reading or considering before signing a settlement agreement and violating the town bylaws. I do not RECALL any such letter being submitted by town employees for Ms. Skelton. Isn't it the BOS's responsibility to listen to the town employees and citizens when it comes to these matters? I really hope since this executive session, Mr. Stewart has gained more knowledge of Ms. Skelton's complaints and understands that this is like comparing apples to oranges.

    Thank you so much for making these documents and video available. When the only newspaper in town does not present all sides of a story and does not check their facts, the public has to resort to doing their own research to decipher the real story. And, in some cases like these, its actually better to see and read for yourself rather than listen to a biased opinion.


  2. The comparison does not really bother me that much when I consider what was gained versus what was lost (not much) What bothers me is how it was done and why it was done, what bothers me is the deceit and lies of the recall group. I believe I was pretty open and honest on what I wanted to try if I were elected (such as ending elected pay) I followed thru on what I said I wanted to do if elected, unlike the recall group who said one thing but did another. The whole settlement agreement, that was not a settlement agreement, until it came to K&P legal bill and Ritter is resigning and leaving because he wants to, then came back after columbus was gone, yeah we were just like columbus mullins and wilder!! 3 people who made no secret of some things that needed change and went out to get them done versus three who said move on move forward then got elected and threw it inreverse, while wasting tax dollars on a settlement agreement, legal billing and interim salary, a total waste. so if anyone wants to say we were the same as them, okay, but show me how and why you think that. Now I would like to know how an interim fire chief takes vacation and does not request it from the board of selectmen, never mind the fact that according to policy, an interim does not get any benefits, where is he care for the job, the town and the professionalism, probably right next to dedication of 34 years without a basic EMT cert. I think it is time to take away the town vehicle and find another route.

  3. What's scary is the extent to which Virginia, Columbus, and Mullins jeopardized their own political futures over the return of CS. When you read through the minutes, it's hard to tell if Virginia actually believes in what she is saying about Mr. Ritter's performance, or if she is just doing what she has been told to do. She needs to answer some serious questions, and I hope this is allowed at the next meeting. If she is work as an elected official with Mr. Ritter, let's make sure that her feelings about his competence not get in the way, or lead to more harassment. (I know, VW thinking someone is incompetent. Go figure...)

  4. It appears that VW, The alleged Knob and Scrappy are only in politics to protect "The Red Barn". "The Red Barn" is in politics to protect Lenny who in turn protects "The Red Barn" and together they take advantage of us for their own self-interest. The man who appears to be the kingpin is Mr. Kopelman as he seems to be a worldly type. We need honest people running our town who are not quick to lie to get into office. They say "might makes right" but if we look at our system of government at all levels it is shameful. It is hard to believe people did not take a good look at what "Let the People Speak" had to offer or the situation that was at hand. I hope we can do better in the future but without an honest effort from the voters to keep themselves informed at all levels of government this is doubtful.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. the towns mess did not happen over night ..(this will piss off the older folks) this happened over 40 years ago yes i said 40 years ago ..back then tax rate was low and the town started to change and change but the tax rate remained the same and over years failed to keep up with the economy.. cost went up and back then they had stabilization accounts. And the account were depleted and robbed ...That's where this town made it.s big mistake playing catch up as we see cost a hell of alot more ..and the skeltons just found away to get things with out the chance of getting voted down ..they put us in a huge hole with all the long term loans that the town has now it is going to be another 20 years before the ship is righted and sailing full steam....just my opinion !!!

    1. Mikec, you and everyone who answered this blog are right. Someone I know once told me that "people can be bought cheap." I think he was right. How about drinks at a local bar, your chance to get your name in print, the power to use the microphone, throw taxpayers out of the meeting. Tell the police to arrest them all! Sometimes the public can be emotional. The Echo Hill bunch used these people to get what they wanted, and average " joe public" doesn't get it yet. I have faith that it will all come out in the wash. It is all out in black and white, the minutes of the executive session. This is the biggest railroad job in the town's history. Virginia," I will always be nice to you. It is against my nature to be mean. Do not expect me to trust you, it will not happen. All of us know you run to Echo Hill every time you leave a meeting. Scrappy has sold his soul, when he let Lenny bail his ass out of a jam. I hope for his sake, this wonderful position is worth it. I do feel bad that you got dragged into this mess, but you are a big girl, and you made a choice. Not much I can do for you now. Your husband is a wonderful guy, I went to school with him. He does not need this stress in his life. You know what I mean". This is my opinion, just for the record, "we are not going to stop until the corruption is gone from the Town of Templeton". Bev.
