Wednesday, July 18, 2012

It Takes A Thief…..

It Takes A Thief…..

Today, Wednesday July 18, 2012, The Gardner News reported on the problems in Winchendon. There appears to be a problem with employees stealing  either water or other items in Winchendon.  The Gardner News article references the executive session  minutes from the June 14th Winchendon BOS meeting. I was able to obtain these minutes with a public records request.

I was able to obtain a copy of the Separation Agreement and General Release signed by Mr. Mullins on February 28, 2012. That agreement will be the subject of a different blog.

My opinions only!  Blog On!

Julie Farrell

To steal an election.


  1. All very good to see facts "on paper". Can't wait to see the Scrappy settlement agreement. You know, its one thing to steal from a private business where the money is coming out of one or two business owners' pockets. But its another thing to steal from a town in which you're stealing from thousands of people's pockets. Somehow, it seems like a big deal to me. No wonder kids have no respect for authority these days. They know the consequences are minimal when doing wrong. There was a police officer in Brockton who stole cash from the people he arrested. He was caught. Do you think he'll be able to keep his pension? So how many people need to steal from a town before the town administrator feels its necessary to press charges? And why did Kreidler feel it wasn't necessary to go back in time to get a total amount of $$ the water employees stole? What if that investigation turned up even more theft and corruption?

  2. The Risk - Steal from the job, get fired, get prosecuted, and loose your pension.
    The Reward – Make tax free money.
    It sure seems like Winchendon doesn’t want to really make employees pay for stealing. They say, just leave, don’t talk about it and you can keep your pension. Nice deal, if you can get it. So there is some risk when cheating their town, but not to the extent that there should be. The actions of Winchendon’s Town Manager look like he is watching out for his buddies, rather than sending a crystal clear message, that if you steal you will pay for it dearly. No, a slap on the wrist, but we’ll let you slide with your pension. What happened to you steal, you go to jail, you lose all you have worked for? Oh, I see, next time this happens then you’ll play hardball. What no buddies left to help out? I guess we’ll have to wait for next time to find out what will really happen.

    So, Mullins did not admit to stealing, but left anyways. Did he also add some MGL sections to his resignation, like Grimley, to avoid prosecution? Can’t wait to see that paperwork.

    1. I heard from a round about way, that Mr.Kreidler did not have a choice in the matter. I think K&P pulled the strings in this instance. They could not have "their candidate" looking bad. Remember the bu--sh--, article in the GN about Scrappy moving on to a new position! This was the doing of GS and K&P. Scrappy almost screwed the whole thing up by getting caught for stealing. Not a good thing to do, when you are trying to run for selectman. Scrappy has suffered for this action. The spotlight has been on him. He is very angry. [I can tell from the loooks he gives me]. He needs to know, I did not do this to him! None of us did. He schould have said no, faced the music, and most of this would have gone away. HE MADE THIS "DEAL WITH THE DEVIL' AND IT BACK FIRED! No one comes out of this good. Ginny and Pat. need to go. Now is as good a time as any. My opinion, Bev.

  3. My question still is why did Jeff Ritter need a settlement agreement and payout just to resign from a job? Why did Ptrick Mullins need a separation agreement where confidentiality was paramount to simply resign from a job? I do not recall any such agreement for Tom Smith, Tammy Coller or any other town employee to simply resign from their position. Of course none of them voted to rehire town counsel (K&P) who also happens to be town counsel for Winchendon, nor did they have the opportunity to vote to fire Jeff Ritter and vote to bring back carol skelton. Funny how about a week after Mr. Mullins votes to let K&P go from Templeton, all this paperwork gets released to the press, do ya'll here payback in the air? a twist of fate I see a blowin in da wind. Twistin dem rags like wringing out the wash, misght have to repeat da cycle cause it don't be clean, more clorox mom! I remember a sayin from back in dem nixon days and dat guy deepthroat, he always be sayin "follow dat der money" country ssisssta say if in the girl got bunches of 20's, she be hoein and I don't be talkin bout no garden either.

    1. When they follow the money that was paid for 252 Baldwinville Road, I can hardly wait to see whos pocket it finally made its way to..That will be real interesting. Don't you guys agree? Who are the bone-heads who gave up good jobs, to make a few measely bucks? I do not think there are too many $20.00 jobs around. Some people never learn, My opinion, as always, Bev.
