Wednesday, July 18, 2012

They did it again!

Well guess what the ConCom agent with the help of Chairman George Andrews has cost us taxpayers again!!! Seems the ConCom Agent put in for his unused sick time. He had no documentation on how he kept track of it or how it was calculated. Chairman George Andrews and Selectman Virginia Wilder signed off on paying him $220.00 for 275 unused hours. This was not voted at a ConCom meeting! Don't these people check what they sign. if Mr K had 275 hours of unused sick days at 5 hours accumulated a month, 12 months a year plus and 1 extra, so he would get 13 months @ 5 hours a month (per personnel policy)
so 65 hours a year - to have 275 he would have had to worked over 4 years with out taking a sick day. Now Mr k only started working February 25, 2008 for the first few months he gets no benefits, aside from him being on 6 month probationary  period he was under 20 hours - no benefits so on July 1 2008 (fy09) he could start accumulating sick time FY09 to FY12 is 4 years so he never took a sick day yea right.  Now remember George Andrews is the one who back in 2003 made the motion at a concom meeting to just "give JoAnn Burdin the $1400. Left in the concom acct. so it "wouldn't go back to the town.
PS he also filed for workers comp against the Highway Dept and was caught working elsewhere. Do we really need people like this around. when will they stop ripping off us taxpayers!!!
my opinions Pauly


  1. Wow! Everyone's just making up the rules as they go. Doesn't anyone get punished for wrong doing anymore? Why should I follow the rules if no one else is? Integrity needs to be injected back into society. Doing the right thing should be honorable. And that starts with the people who make the rules and enforce the rules. There needs to be a Code of Conduct for elected officials in Templeton written and implemented ASAP.

  2. why only vgin only one to sign off on it ? scrappy out of town?

  3. does anyone here about the raises at the nrhs staff? how did the union make out with the contract pay increases they needed/can't talk about! 5 pay"S increased?

  4. okay, i'm not a mathematical person, but how does $220.00 equal 275 hours of sick time? i'm not sure how towns calculate it, but the state will give you 20% of your unused sick time. I'm not sure what his hourly rate was, but say it was $15.00 per hour, he would've been paid more than that if they give 20%, how did they figure that amount? or perhaps it was for something else and they are just "reporting" it as unused sick time?

  5. How does something like this happen? Why are there not controls in place to prevent this from happening over and over and over again? Mismanagement on who's part? Maybe the "stupid taxpayers" should start stealing from the town too!

  6. Looks like you'll hit 200,000 hits today! Woo hoo! Just wanted to say congrats and thank you for your hard work with our alternative news source before I go off to work today. Pauly can we see you do a little victory dance?

  7. Wake up people . The conservation board are appointed by the selectman . they are not a elected board . The buck stops here . George Andrews is as Dumb as a stump . He dosent know his ASS from his Elbow . He is the last person that should be representing the town in any capacity . Would somebody please bring this to the attention of the selectmen . things like this need to be addressed Now .

  8. Hey Ginny, How do I, a taxpayer, get on this gravy train? You seem to sign just about anything that gets put in front of you. Just spend my money whether on the deserving or not, without thought. Isn’t the Advisory Board meeting this Monday to “Discuss and act on payment for sick time for an individual whose position is no longer funded”. I am unsure if this is in regards to the former ConCom agent, but the shoe does fit.

    What do these people have over you, Ginny? Move away from the dark side before it is too late, if there is still time.

  9. First off, I believe the sick time involved was 22 days,(sick day is 8 hours) The personnel policy states on page 23 that upon voluntary separation or retirement, the employee will get $10.00 per day for accumulated sick time up to 40% of total time up to 40 days. The agent was terminated by no funding and he actuall fought to stay, he sent an emial to carol skelton requesting to place info packets on a table at town meeting on why we need and should fund a con com agent. He did not leave voluntary so he was not entitled to receive any payment. For a selectmen to sign off on this shows a lack of knowledge on policy and Virginia serves on the personnel board. This also shows we need policy in writing on exit interviews and a board of selectmen review of any employee leaving for any reason and a discussion of any payments being made. The con com does not have control over their budget or salary accounts, this was clearly demonstrated at town meeting. The policy in the past under carol skelton was the selectmen have no control over the con com which is BS. Unfortunately it may cost more to get the money back than what was paid out but this is another example of why we need policy in writing and for selectmen to follow. Kind of hard to demand following rules when columbus wilder and mullins failed to follow town bylaw on Ritter settlement though. seems like town by-laws mean nothing nor does the personnel policy. Kind of like fire chief taking a vacation when personnel policy clearly states interim position earns NO BENEFITS. And for those whining, temporary assigments to a position with a higher rate of pay and the position is for 40 or more consecutive hours employee will be granted a pay increase equal to the rate of pay for that position for the duration of the temp assigment, pay for said position not to exceed $1 per hour. My read is if you are not working a 40 hour week in that temp assignment, this does not apply. Besides, it is time to come up with solutions rather than whining about anything. When the ship is sinking and the guy manning the pumps wants a pay raise, you give it to him until the ship is no longer sinking.

  10. There are openings on the con com so step right up and volunteer

  11. I have been in the position of signing off on payroll without throughly vetting the voucher. I believe I signed off on the interim Fire chief's vacation voucher. I have not memorized the personnel policy. If a payroll voucher is in the folder, I usually sign it. The interim fire chief voucher didn't raise any red flags. I have to be careful which payroll I sign off on because I have a large extended family. I missed that one.

    I would like policy where the payroll voucher doesn't get placed into the folder for a BOS signature until it has been thoroughly checked. We know we have a problem with accruals - sick, vacation, comp time- that needs to be addressed.

    When more people pay attention to these issues, the issues will be resolved.

    1. I'm not sticking up for anyone, but think about it. If you are doing a lot of things and somebody says sign this, maybe you do , without a single thought. That my friends is human nature. It is always easy to look back and say ,OH sh--, what did I do that for!? Or what did she do that for!? To be honest, many of us would have done the same thing. My opinion,Bev.

  12. If the interim fire cheif was paid vacation pay that he did not earn he should be asked to return it. If he chooses not to, that should reflect in whether or not he gets appointed as his credibility will be in question(God knows we don't need anyone else representing the town with issues or vendettas). What is the job description of the volunteer con com positions available? #13
