Thursday, July 19, 2012

From a personnel Board member

Personnel Policy on pq. 23 Section C 
Policy does not pay by hours, but by days. The policy states that 40% of unused sick time would be paid at a rate of $10 per day to a maximum of 40 days.Part timeemployees unused sick time is pro-rated.  The 
gentleman accumulated 275 hour. Multiply that by 40% =110 hrs. 110 hrs. Divided by 8 = 14 days. (rounded up)
14 days multiplied by 10= $140.00.
$140.00 should be paid if unused sick time was 
Rae-Ann Trifilo, Personnel Board Member
Sent from Rae-Ann Trifilo's I Pad


  1. Well, the slezeball made out again! Like Bart said, forget it. Let him go, we got off cheap. To use a lawyer would cost us much more than 250.00. With what the Advisory Board and Will. Spring are doing,this stuff won't happen again. Making up the rules as you go along, is going to stop. With the Personel Board and the advisory board, we can finally get everyone on the same page. Bev.

  2. one more reason vgin must go! one more thing to ask about at next bos meeting,should she be making any more decisions that refer to money,prior to her recall?Take scrappy and get out now!

  3. The amount of $220 is correct as he worked only 5 hours per day [(275 hours x .40 = 110) / 5] = 22 x $10 = $220.

    Small change compared to the huge amount of $$$$ wasted on #252. Just my opinion....

  4. This demonstrates why taxpayers and selectmen alike should demand a central "bank" that lists all town employees and their vacation, personal days and sick time, used and accrued. Also included is a time sheet from every department with each employee on it that is like a time clock record. If one does not come in to the selectmens office for one week, payroll will not be processed for that individual. $200.00 is cheap price to pay for no litigation which could have happened and you pay the bill. Yes we are working on fixing all this but it will not happen tomorrow. As the auditors report showed yesterday, the town has bigger numbers to worry about. The con com agent is gone and that is what certain people wanted, one item down and many more to go. Plus side is the Assessors office has their "new" donated vehicle from the Morrisons on the road so watch for the 4 door white truck with Sue in it. Many thousands saved by the generousity of one coulple, thank you Doug and Dianne M.

    1. Our group Citizens 4 Templeton would be nowhere with out the support of the good people in this town. When you show up at a meeting, it counts. Don't ever think, you do not matter. That is absolutely not true. We need help from every one, If you speak out, this is good. If you don't want to, thats ok to. I want to tell you, I am sorry we have to go through this, but as you guys have more than likely figured out, we do not have any choice. The town cannot go along with things as they have been. I want you to know we are having a benefit for Tunas' family tomorrow night. This is the first of many community projects we plan to do. When it comes to helping a member of the community, politics do not count. This is not about us, this is about helping a family who has helped out town many times. I hope you all come , meet some new people, or catch up with us older ones. We are charging $5.00, at the door. Take some chances on some nice things, we will have music, and just have a break in the action. Doors open at 7:00P.M.,Templeton Fish and Game Club. Hope to see you there. If you need any information Email me at , and I will get back to you, Bev. [OH, BOY...OVER 200.000 HITS!!!]

  5. we should start holding the elected and appointed official acountable, like having G Andrews and VW pay back the $220.00 they are the "stupid" ones who approved it!

  6. Just a small clarification on the personnel policies stated above.... part-timers up to 19 hours a week get no benefits at all. No sick days, holidays, personal days or vacation.
    Nothing is pro-rated for them.
