Thursday, July 19, 2012

Settlement vs. Separation Agreements

Settlement vs. Separation Agreements

Please review the Settlement Agreement with Mr. Ritter negotiated by the former Templeton BOS. Please review the Separation Agreement and General Release signed by Mr. Mullins on February 28, 2012.

Mr. Mullins’ Separation Agreement was negotiated by the Winchendon Town Manager, James Kreidler. Please review the recently released Winchendon BOS Executive session minutes from June 14, 2012. Please review the Templeton Executive session minutes to “Get rid of Jeff Ritter”.

 I wonder if Mr. Mullins can now “define the term “force”?

For the record, I did submit a public record request to Winchendon Town Manager, James Kreidler for these records back in March 2012. Why were these records released at THIS point in time? I, for one, welcome your conjecture as to why these records were released. Why would an innocent person sign a document like this?

My opinions… supported by FACTS.

Julie Farrell


  1. How come the selectmen in Winchendon can have a Settlement vs Seperation Agreement, with out a lawyer sitting in the room? Makes me wonder why Bubba and Ginny, could not make a motion with out someone holding their hands? Dam, [as Jeff says] I almost forgot the selectman paid K.P. about $5,000. for 5 days work. Now isn't that being thrifty? I am lol, my opinions, Bev.

  2. First of all, thanks Julie, for all your efforts to get these serious matters out there. It is a lot of work to keep us informed but am very grateful for all that you do for Templeton. Anyway, what I found partiucularly interesting in the Winchendon Separation Agreement & General Release is in #9 the next to last paragraph on page 3 where it states "Employee acknowledges he may later discover facts different from, or in addition to what he now knows to be true", etc. etc. Does this mean he basically can't say anything about what those "different or added" facts might be or who they might pertain to?? So, this just "adds" to our already curious minds (not mindless, as one blogger suggests we are)what is going on that is So BIG??? or Is this section just standard lingo in a separation agreement?? Regardless, I think we will see a lot more squirming before all of this ends, if it ever does. Thanks again, Julie, for this info.

  3. This comment is from the EXTRA EXTRA BIG HEADLINES blog

    Anonymous July 19, 2012 11:49 PM
    Why do you people care so much about Winchendon??? Why not worry about focusing on making your town a better place. Why waste the time talking about the going ons of you neighbor? It's mindless really....

    Over and out July 20, 2012 7:21 AM
    Anonymous 11:49

    If a former employee of Winchendon is now sitting on your BOS in Templeton, you might want to consider some of the reasons why that BOS member is a "former" employee of the Town of Winchendon.

    Should the voters in Templeton be made aware that one of their BOS members is a crook? Or is that just business as usual in Templeton? 

    If it is that disturbing to you to look at facts, maybe you want to watch reality TV.

    Reality here in Templeton is that people have finally realized there is a problem with our local government. Winchendon is part of that equation. Interference by Leonard Kopelman is another part of that equation. The Gardner News biased reporting is another part of the equation(Thank you Pauly for this blog)...that equation does not equal good government for the residents of Templeton. 

    Templeton deserves better government. You won't get better government with crooks and liars on your BOS.

  4. So, even if there was a rule that potential BOS candidates had to undergo a criminal background check, it wouldn't have picked up on this incident, would it? Now it makes sense why the LTPS, Inc. spread Jeff Bennett's police record around. It was a diversion away from any pointing fingers at Mullins. It was so if anyone said anything about Mullins, they could say "look at Bennett's record. Mullins doesn't have anything like that on his." Well, LTPS, Inc. people reading this blog, let me tell you, there is a HUGE difference between Jeff Bennett and Patrick Mullins. Jeff was not a pawn in some elaborate coverup. He has done so much for the betterment of this town than Patrick has done or will ever do. Jeff has our deepest gratitude and respect for his service. Jeff is also very honest and discussed his past and took responsibility for his actions (from when he was a young punk). Patrick committed crimes as an adult, did not admit to them, has not done a thing for this town, has not given any ideas for improvement, and does not have any respect from the citizens. I do believe he is being used by GS and LK and probably does not want to sit on the BOS and get the constant scrutiny that he does. I do feel for him for being a pawn. But, the fact of the matter is, his own actions led him to where he is today. If he hadn't done something wrong, thrown a fellow employee under the bus, then karma wouldn't have come back to him tenfold. I understand he cannot admit his wrongdoing or admit he's under the thumb of GS & LK because he will be in breach of contract. I believe he is now being threatened to do whatever GS and LK want him to do because they saved his rear from going to jail. And, I believe that since he voted against K&P's rehiring, he pissed off GS & LK and that is why these public records were released. Now they want the wolves to tear him apart. I don't want to tear him apart. I simply would like him to resign from the BOS and get his life together. When his unemployment runs out, its going to be really hard to find someone to hire him with all this baggage following him around for years to come. May this be a lesson to all the Red Barn followers to get away from your "dear friends". They will do the same to you. Don't believe me? Keep dong their dirty work and try your luck. And to Mr. Mullins, it may be tough, but maybe you should breach your contract, face a trial, pay your dues and be free of the hold that GS & LK have on you. It may be the only way to have a better life moving on. I know I would have more respect for you if you do this. And I'm sure others would as well. Break your contract and let the public know what LK & GS made you do, what they've said to you. Help put an end to the bullying control these people have on so many of their followers.

  5. Does anyone think is a coincidence that after there was a unanimous vote by the Templeton Board of Selectmen to fire K&P that all this paper work got released. Back when this info on Patrick first broke, I went to Winchendon and had a conversation with Jum Kriedler about Patrick's employment with Winchendon, the conversation took place in the elavator within town hall. Hey it just happened that way. But Jim would not say anything, he said there were things involved. I am curious about the confidentiality clause (5) State law woulld say this is a public record and it should have been available when Julie first asked for it, if not, how is it being released now? It was a coverup and since the vote to fire K&P, they let it rip to embarrass Patrick even further, and they think Templeton is messed up. On the flip side, Winchendon has one good thing going for them, fire chief Tom Smith, who responded to a small fire on Elm Street in Templeton when interim fire chief for Templeton Larry Bankowski went on vacation (WTF!!??) seems only a couple guys showed up from Templeton, is that a moral problem over there at Templeton fire?? I thankTom again for his service to Templeton

    1. jeff

      you are absolutely right about tom smith we lost one hell of a guy and all the area chiefs had tons of respect for him!!!here is a brief story of day time response ,,years ago in town there was tons of work most of the fire dept worked in town or just in Gardner close by ..and now that there is no work in the area everybody works out at the 495 area and beyond there is not many that work around here that being said i used to respond to every thing years ago day and night and i worked in Gardner now that times have changed the cost of living is high i live week by week just like the most of the blue collar world so i can not afford to leave work.. i do not get paid for when i leave work to go on a if i go to 2-3 calls a week during the day i am loosing around 6 hours of reg time and i have to work 40 hrs to get over time so i end up loosing around 200 bucks a week of over time . the fire dept does pay us for calls but it is no way close to what i make and we have to wait months to get paid ...times are tough guys can not afford to respond to the smells and bells and car accidents..but if there is a house fire we will be there .and the last thing the guys and myself want to here is.. if your dedicated you would show up that type of attitude will just give us a reason to tell you go f your self you have no idea what we have done for this town over the 30 years that i have been on and yes for free...time to have a full time fire dept with a few guys on to handle the ambulance that would pay for these guys and handle the small calls (smells and bells) this is just my opinion and not the rest of the dept!!!!!

    2. Thank you for your 30+ years of service for free in taking care of us residents & our homes! You make some very valid points on how hard it is for most everyone to respond to or do what they used to do being that so many are barely making it by paycheck to paycheck that they can't afford to even take a couple of hours away from their job anymore. Again, thank you so much for your dedication to this town!!

  6. Mullins' agreement seems padded with more protective clauses. It really didn't have the tone of a termination document. The differences in the minutes are striking. The Winchendon officials were in agreement and really didn't delve too much into the individuals involved. Look at Mr. Ritter's minutes, and all you see is a couple Selectmen ripping Mr. Ritter to shreds. If this is the treatment that an honest employee receives, how would VW et al. treat someone who actually stole or warranted termination?

    1. Only a fool would think that all of this stuff would really remain a secret! Oh yah, so how did that work for you Len? This has been a nightmare for our town. Can you imagine how it feels to Scrappy? At the time the offer GS and LK gave him must have looked like a golden parachute. A way out, and a way to save his backside. We all know that back fired. Well, everyone has offered all kinds of suggestions, most of them good. Lets hope he takes them into consideration. Time will tell, It really does come out in the wash. My opinion, Bev.

  7. Ya'll be sure ya don't get fooled into a wachin mullins too much and forget bout all dat other stuff in town. Dem rattlers may be sendin one of der own out in de open to rattle and make ya'll watch him whilst de other ones sneak up from behind an bite ya in de ah posterio, da backside. Things not be goin der way so they gettin desperat and tryin anything to be gettin water into da boat. gots to keep da sun shinin and be watchin dem clouds, dark side try to move back in, be a wachin da temple of doom, da darkside near dat red barn at de echo of ill on de baldwinsville pathway to de devil.
