Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Kudos to Winchendon

In my opinion it's about time the town of Winchendon let the taxpayers in on a big secret, if that's the proper word for the front-page report of the gardner news July 18, 2012-thefts investigate-we the taxpayers in Templeton have been waiting long time to read the official report of that investigation, because here in Templeton we have a special interest about that Winchendon deal, if you know what I mean?
Now, a lot of questions have been answered for us people in Templeton after the big recall, and all my complaints of wrongdoing's hearing Templeton, why did it take so long? In my opinion that whole deal was probably squash, but someone, hee,hee,hee, would not let go, pretty good huh? We work hard for every dollar we get and I don't want anyone stealing one penny of it. Is it over and Winchendon? I don't think so I agree with Elizabeth Hunt, those involved were caught red-handed and through investigation and surveillance, so why wait to fire them? Videos don't usually lie, but I guess it's just one of those things that happens when-obstruction of justice is brought to the attention of the taxpayers. Isn't it funny? Winchendon had a big theft problem eight years ago-Templeton had one 10 years ago and again last year in my opinion, if the theft was dealt with properly eight years ago, Winchendon would not have had more theft this past year, and my right or not? By the way are you-recall organizers still listening? We the taxpayers of Templeton will not forget the turmoil that was created by that recall go, about 10 or 15 people, it will probably take 10 or 15 years to recover but citizens 4 Templeton will not stop and we are working on the issues every day. Seven days a week now that Winchendon has let the cat out of the back. Will we still have a recall? Or will the parties involved just send the town clerk and the board of selectmen nice letter of resignation? This will save the town hundreds of dollars. A note to anonymous 718 11:37 AM it's about time someone spoke out for Donald I knew all along what had happened but i asked to have Donald come clean a long time ago. Like Bev says it will all come out in the wash, so true but now we have the same problem at the selectmen's office with signatures, in my opinion, someone is not thinking on one issue. The word is to pay them off and forget it, is that the way it is Virginia? Pay them off with our money and forget it? A lot of your taxpayers don't know what I'm talking about, other words don't research the problem just pay the request and then later find out someone lied. Now, try to get the money back, right. I'm talking about the con con agent getting cash for sick pay and used with no proof that it is owed. Sound like same old same old bul----with our taxpayers money, personnel policy, yeah right? That policy was and still is a big laugh, it protects some employees and hangs others. It should not have ever been use. I hear from some authorities saying “that’s” a bylaw or “that’s” the policy or we can break the law, well how about the change that already broke the law, collected the money and no longer work in Templeton? What now? Obstruction of justice is a serious charge and it happened in gross issues and it was covered up by the former chain of command and others at 690 patriots road. Someone is again forgetting what is happened. But our money is still gone and the people responsible are lapping it all us taxpayers. Why haven't the police done more? Why doesn't someone ask each and every selectmen and get a reply on paper, you know what I mean "no pass the buck" answer on paper. I have been on the phone constantly with Atty. Gen.'s office with the help of state rep Denise Andrews from Orange. Has off, law firm of K&P got so much influence on others that I should "forget" the conspiracy of the recall and all the obstruction of justice issues here in Templeton. Most of us taxpayers know the real truth about the recall that has ruined our town. But much more "must" be done to make sure it doesn't happen again and in my opinion someone is still trying to get back into office to do exactly that. In your people no long talking about. A note-did anyone try to watching here the elementary school committee meeting July 19, 2012 at two o'clock on cable the sound was so bad it was a mess, how come? This is another example of how things get pushed onto us taxpayers with no recourse, did the channel 8 people not notice the sound? I did not finish watching the broadcast of that meeting I was at the meeting in person in still had a hard time hearing some people. What's the problem with these meetings? Why can't these speakers for the cause make a nice script to pass out to us taxpayers and save a lot of questions. If a person can remember the whole meeting conversations, good for them. But I don't think so. And again if that issue had been on the books for nine years who is to blame for not getting information out to the taxpayers of the voters? Was there a plan, on paper to start with? Let's see the plan from the beginning.-End of story thanks for reading-Pauly


  1. If we are really serious about solving corruption here in Templeton as well as throughout our country and State of Massachusetts we may need to start with companies like Kopelman and Paige. The trinkets stolen by the municipal workers are nothing compared with the alleged rip off of millions of dollars by K&P and like minded corporations intent on destroying our Constitutional form of government. The cost of these alleged rip offs are then picked up by the tax paying public. For those with the time and the inclination to put on an extra thick Depend I would suggest the book The Israeli Lobby and Foreign Policy by Mearsheimer and Walt. This book only hits the tip of this iceberg but hopefully will be a start in your research on the subject. Also before we get Allah in the sights of our gun scopes for his alleged actions on 9/11 we should do our due diligence and see who really benefited from events on that fateful day. We owe the Muslim Community an apology in my opinion..

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