Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Stealing our money!
I, PHC Sr am disgusted with the way the end of Monday’s July 23rd selectmen  meeting went after I asked the Chair Chris Stewart to be heard. I asked Virginia Wilder why she signed a payroll voucher for the concom agent for $220.00. well after a little, ers – ors & ums, Virgina said she signed the voucher because concom Chairman George Andrews said it was ok. Pretty good answer huh? George Andrews has only been concom chairman by illegal means. Only 1 year between Grimley  and Andrews
becoming chairman. (boogieman) Did Andrews check on Koonce’s unused sick days. Andrews became Chairman in Sept. 2011, did he check Koonce’s record of “boggieman” activities. I have all the proof. But last night the selectboard did not want to see it. The comment was made from the board, (see the dvd) “he’s gone, $220. Is pretty cheap to get rid of him without legal cost.” This moron would not try to sue the town for something he, Koonce did not earn and I am ashamed of selectman Farrell’s comments on the legal, bul----. She was out of order, was it okay to pay Ritter the $14,000 to get rid of him? I guess those other four members are too busy chatting amongst themselves to listen to Jeff Bennett. It's illegal, and our or bylaws have been broken. How come, Julie, VW, Chris, Mullins don't catch on? That board is one of the big reasons that the town has lost all its morale. Town employees stealing, cheating, right in front of their noses. Good example,, then Julie Farrell runs off at the mouth, that we are not going to spend thousands to prove it, to prove anything. I PHC Senior did that work for you and I had all the paperwork with me last night. Why didn't you ask me to prove it? Or are you waiting for me to say I'm sorry for trying to save taxpayers $220. Why didn’t the rest of the board sign that voucher, maybe someone would have asked for proof  from Koonce and to tell you Jeff Bennett, you are talking to deaf ears is, if you expect any help from your board of selectmen. This is and has been ongoing bul--- to cover up wrongdoing here in Templeton. The board of selectmen doesn't want to be embarrassed by a handful of people and have sacrificed their credibility doing so. Watch the DVD of July 23, 2012 and see and hear for yourself. And please make note of what Jeff Bennett says about certain boards and committee members, listen closely. And one more thing – It cost filing fees to take someone to small claims court and if you win they pay the filing fee. You don’t need a lawyer!
Why didn’t you listen to me PHC Sr, when he was getting paid illegally for 2 years at 4 grades above his grade. Over $14,000. What say Wilder?
PS After I protested about this happening, again my words and blogs are falling on deaf ears. Thanks PHC Sr
PSS are you satisfied Julie?


  1. Pauly, Virginia Wilder and George Andrews will be invited to the next Advisory Board meeting, as noted at the last meeting. The Advisory Board has some questions regarding the payout of Koonce's sick time. You may not have had all of your questions answered last night, but you will have another opportunity to ask more questions, and you will probably find that the leadership of the Advisory Board will allow you to really push this issue.

  2. Sorry Paulie, Julie was right. It is not worth it to go to war over $220.00. Papa Bear

  3. It's not worth going to court over $220, but the principle of the matter is worth the fight. The taxpayers in this town deserve better than a system like our current sick time policy. Maybe getting the questions answered at the Advisory Board meeting will start the ball rolling to fix a well known problem in town.

    Like the sign in my office says, "Compromise is always wrong when it sacrifices a principle."


  4. Phil,

    I get the impression that the Advisory Board will be making many recommendations in the coming weeks on this matter and others. It's going to be up to the Board of Selectmen to turn these recommendations into reality. That would require a little bit more initiative on the part of our Chairman to get the ball rolling.

    1. It is easier to spend your own money to stand up for a cause than it is to spend the town's money. The town does not have the extra $$ to chase $220.00. If it is so easy, why did it cost us {the town of Templeton} $23,000, to fight over a $3,000. bill? Things are in the process of being worked on, new procedures rules and a clear guideline for everyone to go by. I have been telling you , and so has Jeff. Rome was not built in a day, what don't you guys understand? We need big changes in this town, no one is going to get everything they want, when they want it. If the Advisory Board can get the money back, thats fine. So would you guys put away the torches, and pitchforks, and give things some time. Things can not get any worse than they have been. Don't confuse your allies, with your enemies. We still have a long way to go, and no one said it was going to be easy. This is my opinion, like it or not! Bev.

  5. Pauly don't have a coronary over $220.00! We need you around for bigger and better things. The advisory board is listening and will act on all matters brought to their attention. Without you they will get away with all manner of illegal activities. They know you are watching so stay healthy and alert. Perhaps the advisory board will agree to recommend a letter be sent requesting the $$ returned. Can the town file a claim for returned $$ in small claims court or is it more complicated than that? You are doing a good job keep up the good work.

  6. This is where politics or anything in life gets so complicated & heated. I concur with Bev on this for the most part. Yet, I believe or at least think that I understand both sides of this issue. I agree completely with Pauly that when something is not right it should be focused on, addressed & corrected. And those that did wrong should have to be held accountable! Even if only on principle when it is more costly to get that money back as Julie so aptly points out. The person should still have to have some sanctions or fines levied against them. Is it right for people to lie, cheat & steal & others to just sign off to get them to go away? Absolutely not but, unfortunately in this case it seems that is the least costly to the taxpayers. Now, is there some way to continue to try to correct these wrongs so this doesn't happen again? Yes, as Julie says on that subject they are working to put something in place to account for all the claims. Now, Pauly, you are probably going to be mad at me too but, I say how can you be ashamed of a woman like Julie who stands on principle even when the S--T is thrown at her & she knows a decision isn't going to be a popular one but it's the Overall best route to go for that point in time as things begin to get remedied. And a lot of these things are beginning to get remedied in Large part because of you, your tenacity, thorough documentation & this amazing blog site. All that you've done will go far to see that people have to be accountable for their actions. A bit more of my thoughts to follow.

    1. In the meantime, it appears that difficult & unpopular decisions are going to have to be made. It didn't get messed up overnight & will likely not get fixed that quickly either. I know Julie can stand up for herself but, I also know how principled she is & if she could make a better decision, vote or ruling I believe she would. Now, granted I am not a hands on person as you are Pauly & there might be a lot more there that I didn't witness but my blog is based on knowing Julie as the thoroughly adept watchful eye for the taxpayers that she is. I also realize that you're probably one of the most diligent determined watchdoggers for Templeton there ever was but I think often people's hands are tied on issues that we wished could've gone differently. Unfortunately, we live in a self-entitled world right now with sleazy lawyers always lurking around the corner to get their piece of the pie, as well. They make a simple thing to fix, as this should be, very expensive. That is what it looks to me Mrs. Farrell is trying to avoid. If she could snap her fingers & get justice the way you & probably most of us want, I think she would. It seems to me she is working very hard on our behalf to fix many of those very Wrong practices that we have seen here the last few years. I say shame on all those people who have done us wrong, not Julie. I hope this was clear enough because all blogging is subject to interpretation. I know, because I recently misunderstood one of the bloggers & didn't get his point but I think those of us who are participating here are trying to do the best we can to make things better. The true intent doesn't always come across especially when someone thinks someone else doesn't agree with them or are attacking what they are saying. I am NOT doing any of that. In fact, I really agree with you the most, Pauly, on this subject but, chasing after the $220 is likely to turn into thousands due to the corrupt system that is supposed to be helping us yet seems to help a handful of lawyers, judges & their courts instead. I, for one, am glad we have someone like Julie who can withstand the heat & make those difficult decisions regardless of the backlash she is likely to get. If she could make a comeback like she did & still want to represent us after that nasty unethical recall & remain as strong & principled as she is, I say we are very fortunate to have her be willing to work at correcting things for this town. It doesn't always go the way we want it to the first time. I think I understand what both of you are feeling about this matter!! Please hang in there with her Pauly. She is too good to lose. And that is my opinion on this issue.

  7. I understand what everyone is saying. We can't go after the money because it will cost us more than we will receive. But, I do think its worth pointing out that this is how certain people have gotten away with milking the town of a lot more than a hundred here and hundred there. They swipe money little bits at a time so if it is detected, its not that large of a deal. Who's doing forensic accounting about CS's slush funds--street listings? How many thousands did she steal with that set up? What other misc. bank accounts are spread around the area with random amounts of money in them? Who else has been overpaid or double paid? The point Pauly is trying to get across (in my opinion) its not the actual $220 that is upsetting. Its the ACT that continues to occur in which no one is stopping. How come the BOS didn't say "we will investigate" and actually go look up the records and discuss with the gentleman that submitted them? The message to Pauly is "we're moving on" and that is what he has heard for years. Stop looking at the individual incidents and start looking at the overall picture. What else has been stored in the Accountant's office? Maybe someone should look at everything that is hidden--I mean stored in there. Forensic accounting. Good stuff. And one more thing...if the BOS can move the former ConComm agent from one step to another without going in front of the Personnel Board, why won't they do it for the COA Director? Why was it acceptable for someone's buddy but not for this woman? Its the lax rules that apply to some but not others that are pissing off the citizens.

    1. Excellent points!! That is right & you said it very well. I do believe that is what Pauly was trying to get across & for so long. I also wonder just where the "cooked" books or other accounts are?? Yes, this town screams for forensic accounting to be done! Makes me wonder with all the scurrying to get the old regime in what she went back in to find & remove? Just asking if this is a possibility because it sure seems like it. Pauly is right about why this stuff continues. And this blogger is correct that as long as people realize that they can keep dodging any consequences to their actions nothing will ever be resolved. Great commenting on this incident.

    2. It was not right to move the con com agent then and it would not be right to do it now, the personnel policy clearly states that all increases, step and grade changes go to town meeting. two wrongs don't make it right or the way it is. That is part of the problem if we keep bending the rules, pretty soon everyone thinks the wrong way is the correct & legal way because we been doing it that way for a long time, that I believe is Pauly's point more than anything. BOS minutes, May 24, 2010, Farrell, Mitchell, columbus stewart & o'brien all voted to raise the con com agent from grade 6 step 3 to grade 6 top step, completely bypassing the personnel policy. Joe fair of K&P opined that the agent had been being paid outside of the grade 6 pay range, pauly is right again. You need to look at the minutes of the con com personnel board & selectmen beginning in nov 2007 thru may 2010 and you can see the steps that were taken to get this agent above what he was hired at and before he finished his reqquired 6 months probation and that is what got this blog started!!!!

    3. Jeff is absolutely correct.

      We (BOS) did vote to pay the con com agent grade 6 step 3 to grade 6 top step. We were told by the former town coordinator that this was the correct procedure after the grade change for the con com agent was voted down at town meeting. We were told that we would violate some law and open up the town to a lawsuit, if we didn't vote to keep the concom agent's pay from being reduced. Grade 6 top step was the closest amount to what the concom agent had been getting paid.

      I will never vote to do that again. We have a policy in place. As bad as the personnel policy is, it is in effect and needs to be followed. There are way too many contradictions within the Personnel policy. One section states that all step and grade changes need to go before town meeting. A different section states that the personnel board can recommend changes to the BOS. The BOS has a hearing and the outcome of the hearing on the personnel changes becomes part of the personnel policy.

      There is much work to be done.

  8. Why couldn't the BOS say to Pauly "you have a point, Mr. Cosentino. The system is flawed and we will look into it." They treated him as if he was bringing up something ridiculous. They could have acknowledged the validity of his accusation. But instead they acted as if it was Pauly being Pauly. He was right in the "going postal" incident when CS was hiding complaints or giving them directly to the person the complaint was about to deem it valid. And look what was done to him then! They attacked his character and tried to make him out to be crazy and tried to ban him from town offices. Look how that turned out. Many people have backed his accusation up. The man does not make things up. Just acknowledge he has a point instead of sitting there acting like he's speaking Chinese.

    1. This is another great blog. I do think Pauly has taken enough hits to his integrity, intent & capabilities at some of these meetings & afterwards. No question, in my mind, that he is right & that the $220 is only a small example of the bigger picture he is trying to get addressed & fixed. He is a very principled man, as well. I believe you are right that it is not the dollar amount but these acts themselves that go unpunished that continue the cycle of ripping us off!! My agreed opinion. Thanks for these added clarifications for those of us who are not able to attend the meetings as we wished we could.
