Sunday, July 15, 2012

Moon dust carrot, where?

In my opinion the common should be left alone. Cut the grass, trim sides, give it a good look, let the people enjoy something that is natural to Templeton. Who wants the changes? What changes are wanted? And by who? On paper sound off on paper with a legible signature and wait for comments, especially from me phc sr. I want to answer to the 21st-century morons that want to change something just because they say so. Or is someone trying to get a shortcut from just before the country store to route 2A?
Is that it? Come on sound off you engineers and historic places architects, sound off, but and I say but, draw a picture on draft paper and don't forget the "outhouse" in the middle of the common okay? And make it in color and please state the reasons for the change. And don't say the public safety reasons. Slow down shut off your car radios, shut off your cell phones, shut off your iPods and concentrate on driving your vehicle until you are out of-the common area now! Who wants to change what? On the common and around the common. I have, PHC Sr, enjoyed that Templeton common just the way it is for 75 years. I am sorry that the Templeton Inn was torn down but I could not do anything about it then. Come on Templeton common improvement committee sound off. But please identify yourself, I just want to see who really wants to change-my Templeton common, okay? Sound off let's tear down the fire station, we got too many anyway let's tear down Charlie's general store, that old building on the common will probably only last another 400  or 500 years. So let's tear it down for parking lot for all the welfare recipients that move to Templeton. Sound good? What do you think-Bob Whalen? Speak up before someone takes your house by eminent domain and let's move that WW II statue down and back of the first church so that statute can get some sleep okay? hoo boy have I been ranting or what? Other words lay off the Kool-Aid and enjoy the common in Templeton the way it is or take a hike, get it go away, go change the common in Petersham or Barre  I won't go there anymore either. its the end of the story on changing the common in Templeton. If you people want more comments on PHC Senior sound off on-change the common and to you Ttwisted Ssister 68 why use the dat, dis,  da, gotta, wit in your comments? I almost thought it was Columbus writing your comment on July 14 at 9:34 PM, hee-hee-hee. But you are right about what he wrote and to DCE, 7/14 9:31 PM. Don't worry about that evil eye, I think he is beginning to see the light and will-take a hike before the repo  I mean recall man arrives. And to you Bev on the Hill on July 14 9:25 PM, I wonder why all these pipes are leaking? Was Bud Chase in the area with the blacktop phantom? Ask Dana, he knows all about blacktop Bud, hee-hee-hee. Who do you people think went around with a big stick breaking these pipes? Jerry, no, Dennis, no, Columbus, possible, maybe it was Jeff Ritter, you know the old retaliation thing. Whoooo boy what an imagination I have, public works department? Now you people are getting scary why make it simple? Why don't Templeton just farm the whole thing to the guys with the most oxycodone pills. Yup Yup Yup, is water pressure in these pipes like air in a tire? It gets too high something is going to blow. Is that the problem? Poor maintenance on a hot day? Or does it make a difference. I'll ask Harry Aldrich, at least I'll get an honest answer, Harry is retired he used to be head of highway, water, sewer, but when they were all one department, remember? And again if you don't ask will someone offer  an explanation? What about it Julie, we all know the pipes are-old. But is that the real problem, or are there some big rocks sneaking close to the valves and pipes? Because in 1950 a lot of contractors took shortcuts, like throwing the big rocks back in the ditch. Like they did on Route 2A with the sewer lines. I saw a lot of that sh--- happen. Yes I did write a letter to Sen. Stephen Brewer. That practice did not stop-but it slowed down a lot. And  Bev and by don't even mention the empty houses here in Templeton if the CPA has its way they would bulldoze them down and give the land to open space. And then wait until 12- 12-12, hee-hee-hee if you know what I mean? And to truth fairy. 7/14 8:58 PM, don't ever think of your step 3  under the board of selectmen, never, never, never. It would be another 3 beats 2 again and we would all (as Bev says) be screwed again. And to you anonymous 7/14 8:55 PM, what's the mill street shut off got to do with the breaks? And to you informan98, put your ideas on paper one by one in layman's terms and send to  me. I will get a lot of attention, but probably not much action. You are too smart and I must say you will be a real old-old person if it catches on-keep the ideas coming, maybe someone will listen after we walk out of bankruptcy court. Again anonymous July 14 6:07 PM, when you go to the next selectmen's meeting notice how the board is seated, what? Don't they know exactly who we the taxpayer is watching? Is this your doings chris?

Thanks for reading, Pauly.


  1. I so agree with you Pauly, especially about the Templeton Common!! People come into these nice rural New England towns & want to change everything to suit themselves. You have either the spoiled rotten big city slickers, those welfare recipients we HAVE to take in to satisfy the Big Boston Govt. Machine, or those who just don't care one way or the other. I, too, want the Common to stay as it is & wish you had have been in a position to save the Templeton Inn years ago. My parents lived there for a short while after they first got married & said it was an absolutely beautiful building. Once these Historic buildings & Commons are destroyed you can NEVER get that New England charm back. One of the reasons I love NE is because of the small town ambience. It seems to me that this aspect of our lives is changing rapidly & Not too many seem to give a damn anymore as long as it doesn't affect them. All you hear is move with the times or that's progress or let's move forward. Move forward to what?? I think we all need to slow down & be happy with what we have been blessed with. Yes, there are always going to be those less fortunate but, there are a lot of whiners out there, too, that what to change everything. I say, what is wrong with keeping it the way it is. Like Pauly says, if you don't like it here, take a hike!!! I think this economic crisis we are facing belongs to several facets of our society. It is not just one entity that has caused this housing crash debacle. It is a trickle down effect from the top to the bottom & we are seeing it plummet daily. At least from where I sit, I do not see what I want to see either nor have I for almost as long as Pauly. Everyone thought I was just being too much of a downer years back when I said we a re going to go bankrupt if we don't slow down & fix things. Some thought I was being too "depressed" about what I perceived was happening to not only our town but all the surrounding small towns that we used to be near a mirror image of. It is a sad day when the beauty of a small village is compromised for the personal gain or convenience of a few. There are a lot of self-entitled people these days. At least it seems to me that the arrogance is gaining ground on all levels of the socio-economic scale. That is why we are on the verge of collapse as a country we once knew & loved. Yeah, go put the WWll memeorial to our veterans behind the church. Good God, how do these people think they are Free to make any of the irresponsible decisions they are making now. Instead of revering those who fought so hard for our freedom & rights we are giving them away at a rapid pace. We are heading for a total fall of life as we know unless we can steer this "ship" back on course. There are those few good people, I have mentioned numerous times, that I see making a big difference here. I regret I am not one of the hands on people anymore due to a number of personal issues. I agree with Bev, in a blog a while back, that young people need to take their turn & stand up for what is right & not just go to meetings for the school or one issue that one thinks just affects them only. It is the big picture that Pauly, Julie, Jeff & all the others on that team who are trying to remedy the situation. Again, this series of events that are occurring are a chain reaction & they will continue to go off like a continuously loaded cannon if everyone does not do their part. I have done what I can through the years but wish I could do more. I am still praying & believe we need that now more than ever. All my thoughts & opinions expressed in all my blogs. Thanks Pauly & Sue for this blogging site. It is a wonderful "tool" for helping us save out town!!! Have a great Sunday.

    1. Oops, should have done some proof reading or spell check before publishing this but, I'm sure most will get my "drift" :)

  2. Actually you should attend Templeton common improvement committee meetings. One thing was to fix the WWI memorial (remember the broken bayonet) another thing is to replace the trees, old rotten some with disease that will some time fall on some one. some curbing around it so all the grass does not die around the outside, bury the electric near the "general store" and areas in front of the historic society building. It is clean it up and make it look nicer like it once did. Some old fashion looking lights as what was around in the old days. It is not all about city slickers and changing "your"town You actually need to take care of things or they just rot and fade away. Just like you have to paint ya house sometime (well some do) you need to do a little work on the common, new grass and such so it looks nice for anothe hundred years. You cannot live in the past forever!

  3. Talk about koolaid drinkers, are you people drinking blueberry from echohill? No one ever said anything about moving war monuments behind a church, try attending the meetings and find out the truth. Perhaps we shold have kept the horse drawn fire wagon. What would it be like to sit on a bench with old style (look of gas fired lights) on the common, enjoying an ice cream cone with nice trees like american chestnut, elm oak with a nice walkway and curbing with maybe an old style rail fence with the old shuffle board areas like use to be there. new grass and sidewalk in front of the historic building. The nice old look of the common as it once was. No one wants to build a super highway or skyscrapers up there.

    1. My goodness, relax everyone! That's why I said I should have proof read but it was to get a point across, like Pauly did!! Well, when you are close to 90 years old, like I am, I figure what would be wrong with horse drawn carriages, besides a little S==T left behind!! We deal with enough of that now. Yes, we all need a joke now & then. So laughs on everyone. Let's all drink our own kool-aid & live in our own world. Everyone is doing that now anyway. And as far as the Memorial goes I wouldn't put it past some ungrateful people to want to do that because they felt it was in their way. That is my point. Okay, do we all get it now!! As far as all the other suggestions you made. That would all be a lovely addition to the Common. It really would.

  4. Thanks informan98 thats what we need the information and updates from committees. (the moving the monument was a joke)

    1. At one point a couple of years ago I made an attempt to get on the Common Improvement Comm. That did not go well, Bart decided "we would do flowers one more year!" that was a couple of years, give a take two or three ago. That ment not being able to invest enough time on anything else. This much I do know, most of it I thought was good. New sidewalks, curbing, they were looking at granite, I think. Changing South Rd, to one way, Improving parking in front of the store. How far this got, I do not know. We need to hear from Mike Dickson. No one can do a single thing to our common without a town meeting vote. Alan has done a super job replacing trees as they die. They were planted all at once, now they are dieing all in about the same time frame. Bev.
