Saturday, July 14, 2012

more questions from Just Wondering

Hello Pauly
I have a few more questions/comments today. Regarding the water main breaks. I heard Bud was out there, is it true that he does not get any overtime but Ron Davin the Water Dept head person does? I remember Carol S getting overtime during the ice storm.

I heard that 2 members of the ConCom resigned JoannB and SG. Were they getting nervous because of you, Pauly pushing with the wrong doings? By the way what ever happened to the Concom laptop that was last at Joann’s house? And where is the underwater camera that the commission bought?

Someone on the blog mentioned the water bonds, isn’t there a bond that is out for 40 years and the water dept said it was only costing $25,000/yr hmm $25,000 per year times 40 years equals 1 MILLION DOLLARS for interest only. And Dana Blais says the highway has poor management!
Now let’s get to the executive session minutes. (March 12th) Ok we keep seeing the words “settlement agreement” What can be done  about the fact that this was a settlement agreement and the Bylaws were violated/broken? If I was a resident of this town and a town board or the police came to me and said “ you have violated the town bylaws.” My answer would be “so what three members of the Board of Selectmen did it”, Virginia Wilder, Patrick Mullins and then Chairman Robert Columbus. “What are you doing about them”? It tells the residents that the bylaws mean NOTHING!

Seems Mr. Columbus was working on this (getting rid of Mr. Ritter) as soon as K&P were hired back.  What right did BC have to call K&P and start the ball rolling so to speak. On his own, Virginia and Mullins must have known he was contacting K & P. Is this why K&P waited so long to send out the February and March bills?

Hey Virginia, in the minutes you say that you “have not agreed with many things that he (Mr. Ritter ) has done. Could you elaborate? Tell us what those things are. You Virginia say that you don’t “want them to become  official warnings” “but if you are pushed to the edge you will go there”. Well we are pushing!!!!!! Tell us. 
Ok now lets move on to the March 26th Executive Session Minutes. Did everyone catch the part that said that Ms Skelton had filed a case in Worcester Superior Court to “stop executive sessions”. What did this cost the town? Executive Session come under Mass General Laws. These people just love wasting taxpayer money!

So Virginia, who wrote your motion? (see the fourth paragraph) Lenny ? we all know that you cannot come up with this stuff on your own. And to Mr. Mullins (Scrappy, as you bloggers seem to like to call him) I’m sorry but I can’t help but think that unless JS or BC had told him to “second Virginia’s motion no matter what she said” he probably didn’t have a clue what she said. Did you Pat??

Virginia states  that “she is not pleased with Mr.  Ritter’s performance and she believes there are a lot of problems relating to the warrant because of those problems”. VW what exactly were the problems  and what about Ms Skelton changing and screwing up the warrant? Well Virginia??

Mullins, Wilder and Columbus you are all liars. If Mr. Ritter had wanted to resign he would have just resigned. All he would have said is, I got another job I am resigning, end of story.

Virginia what did you mean when you said “ from what you have seen in the office and your personnel contact with Mr. Ritter, there would be a lot of problems if we didn’t” (let him go)

Virginia, you make a comment that you “would support Mr. Ritter being able to collect unemployment”. Let me ask you, who leaves a job without have another one to go to. Liar, all liars.

Sorry Pauly, I am just so disgusted with this. Can’t wait to see the executive minutes for the 3rd executive session! I’m sure I’ll have more questions.  Chris S and Jeff B, thanks for holding your ground. Virginia and Pat, as you would  say “take a hike”!!!
Could you ask anyone if they have any questions about what was said at the executive sessions?
Just wondering.


  1. BC was working to get rid of Jeff Ritter from the moment he was appointed. Contact with K&P began way before Feb 16th

    1. It is simply amazing that a person can be so caught up in a mission that they can become blind to anything else around them. I think this is what happened to G.S.'s followers. It did not take a rocket scientist to see what a accomplished person Mr. Ritter was from the very beginning. All the pain and upset was caused because they could not see a good man , when he was right in front of them. The minutes of the executive are coming out. The G.S. crew will have to face the music. It was not hard for these people to bully him. Now you are not going to beable to act like you don't know what people are talking about, when they say we need a anti-bullying rule in the personnel policy. My opinion, Bev
