Saturday, July 7, 2012

More questions from "Just Wondering"

Hi  Pauly

I’m back in town after a week vacation and I have some more questions for some people in town. Would you kindly post my questions?
Thank you,
Just Wondering

To Mrs. Mullins – did you know what your husband was doing in Winchendon? Did you notice the scrap metal, batteries etc. he was storing in your garage, did you ever ask him why? Are you a registered voter, why don’t you use his name? (Mullins)Why don’t you fill out the census? Are you embarrassed by your husband? You are a state employee, did you take the ethics test?
To George  Andrews, Conservation Commission Chairman, - didn’t you try to collect workers comp against the Highway Dept years ago and get caught? Why did you lose your nursing license?

To Conservation member Joanne Burdin, how as a conservation member can you turn a blind eye when your own husband bury things on your land? Should we make you do an E21 on your land? Where is you permit for your wind turbine? What did your husband bury on the land he bought from his cousin Mark?
To Carol Skelton – are you still suing the town? And if so, for what?
To Mrs. Brehio (steve’s wife) why did you get a copy of Jeff Bennett’s record when he was a kid and release it? You are a state employee, did you take the ethics test?

To Ed McClure – why did you hand  out copies of Jeff B’s court record? Who asked you to do this? How would you like someone to hand out court records of your son?  Are you the “anonymous person who reported about the pcb’s that made the senior center spend an extra $900 for a frivolous test?
To Larry Brandt, Building inspector – do you really work 25 hours per week? Where do you go after 9:00am?
John Driscoll, TL&W dept. (this is more of a comment) we the voters created the Municipal Light Dept. we can vote to change it!!!!!


  1. EXTRA. EXTRA READ ALL ABOUT IT!!!!Check the Worcester Tel. Sundays paper page A9 not bad of a pension $84,384 templeton light dept.
    just reporting what I read.

    1. And, just think.....soon she will collect her retirement and they will be the highest paid couple in the Templeton retirement system! What a proud day for us. I hope they can make ends meet with their little home industry on Echo Hill.

    2. Very interesting article. I wonder where those two fall in the public record list of highest paid. Interesting that other small towns have light managers with the highest pay too. Somehow what that family has done to this town is immoral and should be illegal. (I'm sure some is) Why anyone would follow their commands is beyond me. You can see the article on the main page of the website.

    3. The large retirement package for Gerald P Skelton was made possible by the scam- Chapter 93 Acts of 2000. GPS actively went after control of the water department using the resources of the Light Department. Once that was accomplished (Chapter 93 Acts of 2000) he needed a big raise ' cause he had so many more responsibilities and so his retirement would increase dramatically. Except, the first thing he did was to hire a water superintendent to "oversee" the water department. Too many high-paid chiefs and not enough Indians. In my opinion...

    4. Wow pretty sad that Todd Basso makes more in "Retirement" than Jake Barden where is that fair?

  2. I am wondering if maybe there should be some testing of soil etc. in the yard of Ed McClure!! Ride by and check out the junk yard. How about some investigating into the personal life of Squirt? Is Ginny's dear friend still suing the town and selected selectman? Please continue to keep the townspeople informed. Will there be a recall of the 2 deadbeat, trouble making selectmen/women? Not all is said at meetings; it takes this page to truly keep everyone abreast of what's really going on. We ALL need to ask questions and let everyone on the board know that we are ALL watching.

  3. Why is Virginia Wilder so worried about the elementary school project . She is the last person that should be on that committee . Mondays selectmens meeting has the organization of the members on the agenda . If you put her on as a member they should just have all the meetings at ECHO HILL . to save her the trouble of not reporting to her MASTERS fast enough . Also if {WHEN } she is recalled ,she would be replaced anyways . Lets keep that project on tract without the help of C.S and company .

  4. I have a problem with Carol S suing the town and two selectmen being "dear" friends with Carol and Jerry. We all know Virginia speeds off to echo hill after every meeting and is seen there various other times. Patrick Mullins aka Scappy is always seen having breakfast with Jerry Skelton. Now as selectmen they are suppose to be looking out for the town not their dear friends. Are they letting them know (skeltons) know what is being discussed by the town attorney (oh yeh, thats their dear friend Lenny) can we call our ethics liason oh wait Rich Curtis is a member of the echo hill gang. This is all so wrong. I say don't wait for a recall. Scrappy should resign based on what he did in winchendon and his not excluding himself with anything to do with the skelton lawsuit. VW should resign based on her conflict with the skelton lawsuit. This is also the reason they should never have voted on dismissing Ritter aand bringing Carol back. Big ethics violations here - Hey Rich C maybe you should just resign too!
