Saturday, July 7, 2012

A poem from a blogger

VW Spotting 1pm Echo Hill Farm
The blueberries are ripe, there was no time to waste.
VW hopped in her car, and sped to Echo Hill with haste.

There was Carol, and Jerry, and all of their treasures,
Selling junk to townspeople, their greatest pleasure!
With a Board meeting Monday, how should she vote? What should she say?
“You know the drill Virginia, we’ll write you a script, it’s easier that way.”
“Please have some berries, they’re fresh and they’re sweet.
They’ll make wonderful kool-aid, our Echo Hill treat!”
So she popped a few berries, and then she ate a few more.
They WERE quite good, even better than those at the country store.
And then Carol smiled, “you still have to pay Virginia, for I do not lend.
These berries are not free, not even for you, my dear friend.”


  1. Classic!!!! (Laughing out loud)

    1. Also laughed out loud!Do you think VW will get the point? Probably not, because Carol is her FRIEND.

    2. Friend, now that is a powerfull word. They say most people have only one or two "realy good friends." I read some where, that the rest of your friends, are really, just acquaintences. I am lucky, my true, best friend, has been my friend since we were in jr. high together. I talk to her almost every day, we usually try to get together once a week. I would never expect her to stand up for me if I did something wrong. A true friend, does not put her friend in a position to be harmed in any way. A true friend does not ask her friend to act in a way that is dishonest. A true friend cares about her friend,and would not betray her. When you come down to it, I would never treat any of the people I know in the way I have described. As a matter of fact, I value the friendships I have, with both men and woman. What is the old saying? You have to be a friend, to have a friend. I hope Virginia gets as much back from her relationship with Carol, as she has put into it. What do I know, maybe they are soulmates! Seriously, I kind of doubt it. My opinion, your friend, Bev.
