Saturday, July 7, 2012

To ttwistedssister68

in my opinion it is my duty, to all of us taxpayers to try to help our elected board of selectmen about wrong doings. Right or wrong it will be their final vote that sets a principle about who says a request should be granted or not. Us taxpayers here in Templeton have been "conned" by people and lost thousands of dollars
and I prove it. Why don't you put in a request for something for nothing and see what happens. End of story.
I am still pushing the "obstruction of justice" issue because in my opinion these things should not be forgotten because the accused resigns their position, it took a lot longer than it should have because of lawyer interference. Do you also want to forget 252 Baldwinsville Rd., $700,000 worth of waste, do you want to forget the millions, yes millions of dollars on "with the sewer commission. Do you know what the forgetting things and starting over means? Like a saying, just bulldoze it over and start all over again. Think, think, think and make notes. It's our tax money that a few people want control without our say-so. Get it, in life isn't fair and no-I PHC sr am not going to "just deal with it".
 Another note to-ttwistedssister68 if you know the whole story behind the so-called, dealer plate, repair plate, OC plate and the handicap plate you would understand better, please don't procrastinate look into things personally, ask questions on paper, not by word of mouth. And I know the con com agent is gone, he was gone when he was here. But he the con com agent, is still looking for money from the town that he did not earn or deserve. Try to be at  the  next finance/advisory board meeting. Watch for the posting. You'll see for yourself: kooncy trying to cheat the town for more money "sick-time". I PHC senior am bringing all my records on paper about this guy, with phone records, computer printouts and other information on wrongdoings with this Guy. My questions will be, how much does koonce owe Templeton for not showing up for work, I have the dates in the times on paper. Come on to the meeting and watch of parasites squirm. I hope Grimley and Joann come to support Koonce. What a big surprise they will get. And try to remember-this is one incident that must be documented, because it shows how greedy individual can get. And do not forget Carol Skelton's quote as town coordinator, Koonce was supervised by Grimley and/or Joann so you can see why he is like he is. Right Carol, under oath -what does that mean? To some-nothing, but to others it could mean 90 days in West Boylston, hee hee hee. Thanks for reading-Pauly.


  1. What is the current makeup of the ConComm committee? No info about it in G'Snooz. If someone has a wind turbine on their property, do they need a permit or some kind of permission from the town to operate it? What are the rules? Obstruction of Justice has certainly been running rampant for a long time here and I'm not sure some know what that means when it has become the "norm". It seems like the state won't investigate as K&P's Lenny has tainted the avenues to Boston. All I can say is keep spreading the word on the truth of Templeton and hopefully these vultures will get tired and move out...there isn't much meat left on the bone for them to pick off. They'll have to move on eventually to feed their greed.

    1. It is sad to say but, I don't think anyone could pull of what they have done here, any place else in the world. It makes me sick to think of the crap they have pulled. Talk about being the best of all conn. men. Have you heard J.S. open his mouth in the last six mounths? No! He is slick, getting Bubba and Scrappy with Virginia to do his dirty work. As anonymous said the bone is picked clean, not much left to damage. I wonder with all the corruption in big business do you think somehow it has been acceptable, to rip off the taxpayers? I suppose a person can justify anything, if they are crazy enough. My only hope is that the people on the Lions Club, will someday see J.S. and Bubba for what they really are. I really hope they throw them out of the club. Oh yes. I forgot, the Lions Club supported Floyd Ryder also. They must be pretty loose as to who they accept into their club. Do they have any standards at all? Guess not! My opinion as always, Bev.

    2. If one wants to put up a wind turbide it is stated in the by laws - they must go before the planning board and of course get a building permit and a sign off by the con comm all of which JoAnn Burdin never did. but then again she never got a permit way back in 89 to build her house or fill in her wetlands, But ask people who have had to go before the concomm about how she has yelled and screamed at them (taxpayers) and accused them of ruining the wetlands -

  2. Bring a copy of the personnel policy, page 23, where it be down on paper dat you only get 10 bucks a day if in you voluntarily terminate, I make dat to be you quit or you be a movin on da road on ya own. It also say dat you get 10 bucks a day for sick time up to 40 per cent of da time you have up to 40 days, dat be alot of time. I be thinking ole koonce left cause he was sent packin by town folk who cut off his allowance. Didnt he put some papers on da table at the meetin hall about all the things for keepin him, he be a sneaky devil. So ifin it was my doe, I tell him no sick time dollas for you cause you was let go. Dat what this here policy be sayin, if in you no like it, hiya ya self a high flootin lawyer and sue de town.

  3. Hey Bev I say we do a 10 Taxpayer lawsuit against CS JS BC VW PM etc etc heard there's a good lawyer for this in Worcester.

    and to ttwisted (you are twistd) I don't think that it is joke that someone is putting in for more money from the town, this has to stop now.
