Monday, July 30, 2012

Thank you and Block party info

The Committee for the 250th East Templeton Block Party would like to send out a big “THANK YOU” to the Town Cemetery and Parks Department-Alan Mayo and his crew-for the great work they are doing in getting East Templeton Center ready for the upcoming Block Party-Saturday, August 4th from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m.  See you there!!!!


  1. Way to go guys! It should be a fun day. I"m looking forward to the town officials dunk tank, especially!!!!!

  2. Thank you to the committee and Al Mayo and his crew for all of their hard work. Keep your fingers crossed for good weather this weekend. Be sure to stop by the Popcorn wagon to get your fix of Gourmet Popcorn and Fresh Fudge!
