Monday, July 30, 2012


The is a debate between some of the candidates running for state rep.
Wednesday August 1st 7:00PM
Narragansett Middle School Auditorium

Rumor has it Mr Caamanos of The Gardner News will be  Moderator!!!!!
OOH BOY!!!!!!


  1. Do you know which candidates will be part of the debate?

    Also, it would be nice if we could ask questions directly to the moderator. I would love to ask him to apologize publicly for printing outright lies in his articles. I would also like to know where his journalism degree came from. And would like to ask "what color is the sky in his world?"

    1. I don't think Mr. Caamanos can see the sky. His head is stuck in a cloud, or up GS's butt, i'm not sure which. Who picked this guy? Couldn't they find someone who did not have a adjenda. TGN has not printed the truth in over a year. For the life of me, why would anyone pay 75cents a day for a piece of paper with nothing on it? My opinion, Bev.

  2. The Democratic candidates including myself will be at the debate. I encourage you all to come and ask questions of all four candidates. This should be the place where fluff is confronted with facts. Obviously it's 1 am and I can't sleep with all the excitement I am feeling....... I have posted my blueprint for district success at please take the time to review it. I am proud to say that I am the only candidate that has specifically addressed our issues in such a clear format.

  3. Thought Mr. White's comments from a past blog were worth reposting here. Hope this is okay Pauly. This is not to say I am or am not endorsing him or dismissing Ms. Andrews past leadership. Will see how the debate goes & look at her past record with regard to issues she voted on up to date to help decide who best fits the position. I am not too happy that she slacked on the EBT card abuse reform. However, can't always be for or against a candidate on one issue, albeit a very serious one that is costing taxpayers HUGE amounts of squandered money. The illegal alien issue slough off as not that important, by Ms. Andrews, is of major concern for me, too. My opinion here, Mr. White's follows below.

    Jim WhiteAugust 1, 2012 12:36 AM
    Mark, your questions are very important. The reason I am running for State Rep to replace Denise, is because I disagree with her voting history and her lack of proactive representation. Denise talks about the needs of the area she "will" work on, but has done little or nothing up until now, when she needs your support. She did vote against H. 4100, the welfare EBT reform. Reform which is not anti-poor but pro-taxpayer. In spite of her NO vote the House voted to approved an amendment prohibiting the use of electronic benefit transfer (EBT) cards by welfare recipients for the purchase of pornography, firearms, tickets to movies and theater shows, cosmetics, travel, jewelry, bond for defendants, tattoos, body piercings, gambling and yes even BAIL. I would have voted YES! Why she believes a NO vote made sense, is a question you should ask her.

    As for the bill allowing illegal immigrants the right to drive, H. 4238. This vote was on an amendment to the FY 2013 state budget that Gov. Patrick filed as part of his vetoes. The Legislature had approved a measure that would require applicants to provide proof of “legal residence” in order to register their car. The governor’s amendment would require proof of “residence,” legal or illegal. Patrick said allowing an illegal alien to own a vehicle in Massachusetts does not jeopardize the public’s safety. He argued that on the contrary, it serves the public’s safety interests to know the name and location of the owner of every vehicle on the road. Opponents of the governor’s amendment said it is too weak and will still allow illegal aliens to drive on the roadways. They argued it is time to allow only legal residents to register a car in Massachusetts. A “yes” vote is for the governor’s proposal requiring proof of residence, ILLEGAL or legal. A “no” vote is against allowing illegal immigrants to register a car at all. Denise voted YES let them drive. I want the chance to ask her what she was thinking on this. I would have voted NO!

    Denise was one of 14 people who voted against the 3 strikes law in it's original form last November. She did finally vote for it after serious crimes were removed such as, indecent assault & battery on mentally retarded, assault & battery on elderly person, assault & battery by dangerous weapon on elderly, possession of devices with intention to make chemical biological or nuclear weapons, drugging persons for sexual intercourse and other VERY SERIOUS CRIMES.

    The list of what I believe are ridiculous votes goes on and I'd be happy to post others. The point is that Denise is a very charming person and talks a great deal about important issues this district needs addressed, but her legislative history lives in complete opposition to her words.

    Keep asking the important questions, MS. Andrews' legislative record is an open book which she cannot completely hide. Although she has tried (which is also on the record).

    Jim White
    P.S. I will be at the debate tomorrow night

    1. While we are talking about Andrews' voting record and her position on illegal aliens, lets also look at her vote on the Secure Communities amendment from last year's debate on the state budget:

      This amendment would require Massachusetts to join the federal Secure Communities program by October 1, 2011. Under the program, the fingerprints of all individuals in Massachusetts jails would be checked with FBI and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) databases for the criminal’s immigration status and prior criminal record. The Obama administration has mandated that all states join the program by 2013. To date, 41 states have implemented Secure Communities which allows local police to run the fingerprints of people they have arrested through the federal databases to see if the person is a legal resident or not. If the person is an illegal immigrant, then ICE is notified and the person is deported. Gov. Patrick is dragging his feet and this vote was to force the governor to get with the program. A pilot project run by the Boston Police Department resulted in 293 deportations, all of them a “public threat” according to the Boston police commissioner. Rep. Andrews wants to keep even criminal illegal immigrants here, folks who not only broke our laws in entering our country, but who have also been arrested for committing other serious crimes. In August 2011, police arrested Nicholas Guaman, a native of Ecuador after he struck a motorcyclist with his pickup truck after running a stop sign while drunk in Milford. Guaman, who was in the country illegally, dragged the body of 23-year old Matthew Denice of Milford a quarter of a mile before backing up over him. Denice, a recent graduate of Framingham State College, later died from his injuries. Guaman had been arrested three times since 2007 for driving without a license and got a year of probation for assault and battery on a police officer. Rejected 73Y-84N-2NV. April 28, 2011. Roll call #73.

      Andrews voted: No
