Monday, July 9, 2012

Vote for who?

In my opinion, my vote is on hold because of one particular question I asked Denise Andrews at JK crossroads information meeting a couple of weeks ago. I asked Denise to ask the Atty General’s office – why my complaints by reg. mail were not answered. 3 days later I heard from the atty gen’l office, about my complaints (via-us mail, return receipt by the way) it was actually one day because it was asked  on a Friday (sat and sun not open) so it took one day to get someone in the AG’s office
to investigate. Pretty good, huh? But and try to remember, but is that the end of the story? It does sound like a pacifier fix. But I, PHC sr am waiting for a follow up by Ed Donnelly of the AG’s office. My vote and a lot of others are waiting to see the outcome of my bona fide complaints. Am I right of not? Don’t  forget, it’s not over until justice is done. And we need the help of any state rep. or us senator. Which has not been happening. What do you think? Keep up with the times, don’t just keep thinking. When you stop corruption in a little town – a lot of small crooked things stop also. Like scrap metal thefts and gas thefts, water thefts, payroll thefts, etc.etc. and there is only a handful of people that’s part of this stuff that eventually cost us taxpayers thousands every year. So when you decide who to vote for town or state – look closely at what the person you vote for has done for our community. Not just some other town. I personally have not seen much help here in Templeton from anyone.

Thanks for reading my short comments. Pauly


  1. Well, seems that if you shake the peach tree and nothing comes out, you have to find another way to get what you want. I think it is time for the Citizens 4 Templeton to take a road trip. We need to go to the head of the investigation crew to see if we can do something about our crop being taken. Maybe this guy does not get the big picture. We can talk about this later. First things first. Tonight is a big deal. There is no way in hell that we want K&P back. Virginia will yell! What will Chris do? That is the million dollar question. If he goes with them, the town is really screwed. They{K&P}, think they are to big to fail. Maybe they are good with other towns, but Len's conflict of interest in Templeton, is the big reason for a majority of our problems. We need everyone to show up tonight. Did you guys see the W.T&.G yesterday? The town of Templeton has allowed Mr. Skelton to make himself very wealthy, on our dimes, nickles and quarters. It is no ones fault but our own. You snooze, you loose. We will continue to loose for a very long time. "Road trip anyone?" I hope I see you guys tonight. My opinion and 2cents worth, Bev.

  2. Justice delayed is justice denied. Time marches on and Templeton will most likely not get their day in court. I like to look at how the Palestinians are treated and think that justice system is headed our way with a special thanks to firms like Kopelman and Paige and their illustrious leader. A close look at what happened with case 02-2424C and you come to realize that this state has been sold to the highest bidder.
