Monday, July 9, 2012

Got your attention?

In my opinion, Walt Corey knows what's going on in this town and other towns also. It isn't against all the teachers, just the ones that want the cake and eat it too. Other words trying to spread the word about woe is me, woe is me-I for one know what these teachers go through day by day and they are certainly being "well" paid for their services. If I had a loaf of bread under each arm, I would quietly teach those kids the best I could and make written complaints to the superintendent and let the super deal with the parents. Other words, and override is, in all honesty away from schools and teachers to get something they don't need or deserve during a crisis
like Templeton has just been through with the renegade majority of selectmen. Think about it, there would be money for all that was asked for at the election June 28, 2012. But guess what? It's gone and all us taxpayers know where it went. If you attended those two selectmen's meeting, getting Carol back on the coordinators position, see the DVD for yourself. Where were all these teachers and school staff when all that SH----was going on. we still have the problem and it will continue until a complete investigation of Templeton is done. Including the school. I hope to hear more comments on the teachers pay in the way schools are running financially. If you don't know what I mean. Money is the name of the game, us taxpayers are all taxed out. And we are not going to stop asking questions, and we want answers. If you teachers, school people,L&W people, and all other think this year 2012 was tough, hang on to your sneakers. We all have a tough road ahead of us. Life has been great, life has been prosperous, life has been naïve. We the taxpayer let those we trusted "rape" each and every one of us taxpayers with the progress bu----, progress has gone on long enough in my opinion. Like Rudy Sundstrom says "in study the problem, solve it, then proceed". 

In my opinion, most taxpayers have gotten the drift. We are working 24-7 to get rid of the bad apples. And trying to get out of town turned around and headed in the right direction to  recovery about six years. Those people-the bad apples know what's happening, but are not catching on. And to anyone, I mean anyone that thinks they can solve all problems, come on-put it on paper. Get it don't keep your knowledge a secret. Put it on paper for all concerned to read. How's that? I PHC Sr have addressed many concerns in the past. Not one-not one has been answered up to July 1, 2012. Fiscal year 2013. Why not Virginia, Bob Columbus, scrappy Mullins, Stewart? Why not? Columbus needs something in his face and I don't mean a big "wet" kiss, hee hee-hee. Is he Columbus sucking around for a third shot to wreck my town of Templeton? No Way, José. The poisoned well is almost safe now, right Tom J and all the other witnesses, agree, come on people sound off.
Walt started it, so don't stop-let it out about everything, school, L&W, highway selectmen's office, those new $3000 desks, those elected lying officials(VW,PM) my opinion. Those cheating, lying, appointed officials-Concom, my opinion. Now do you all understand why there is no money for schools and highway? And I don't see it happening in the near future unless we all hit lottery. Big chance!!!
Please read carefully Jeff Bennett's comment of July 2, 2012 7:16 AM, read it good a couple of times. Did he say it like it was? A lot of you taxpayers listen to "word-of-mouth" don't, please don't if you don't have it on paper. And yes people, those executive minutes of the resignation? Okay Jeff Ritter, town coordinator, you can read and understand underhanded, crooked actions by a majority of the board of selectmen and us taxpayers were not able to witness this cruel act against Jeff Ritter as a human, not just an employee of Templeton. Like I PHC Senior have printed-many many times, only a handful 10 to 12 people are responsible this conspiracy. And again I thank Walt and Isteach but opening up my comment of teachers and other Templeton employees. You don't embarrass me about my comments actually you are helping the cause. Sound off and keep sounding off. Imagine going to town hall to pay your taxes and not, I say not have to worry who will try to “steal” your hard earned money.
And again a "reminder" Mullins and Wilder-take a hike, help Templeton for change instead of trying to destroy Templeton (the skeletons). Everybody please-try to attempt the board of selectmen meeting July 9 6:30 PM Baldwinsville elementary school cafeteria be a witness to what I have been printing the years. Yes the board of selectmen majority "voting to break our bylaws" and it will be on DVD. Watch the jowls, shakes in the eyes fall to an all-time low. Be a witness and by DVD for five dollars for a reminder for the future. Is Chris Stewart going to mumble, jumble, yell at Joe Boyd for asking an honest question and not getting any answers? For months? Thanks for reading my opinion-Pauly.


  1. One of the bigger things that bothered me when the "grand push" was on to get a new town hall, then at the same time a new school. I often thought to my self, why now? We are in the middle of a recession, people are loosing their houses, we have no industry to help with our tax rate. Why did anyone pick now to do this? Things started to unravel, and soon it became clear to me, what kind of a financial mess the town was in. Pauly is right, how can these parents begin to ask for a new school, {yes, I know we need one}, when we do not have the money to pay back the money Gerry Skelton so thoughtfully borrowed for us! I think the interest alone is 25,000, due in the fall. I did not see that in the budget anywhere. We are like the little boy who has his finger in the dike. We have more leaks than we have fingers..So I see it this way, you younger people, you have a choice to make. You can sit in front of your Computer, Your tv.,or what ever you do and wine, or you can come and help us get things straightened out. The sooner we can get the town on its feet, the sooner we can work on what we need. It is simple as that. Oh yes, I know you work, you have kids to take care of. I did that, and so did the people who are in their 70's, 80's and 90's. They still manage to attend the meetings in town. My opinion, Bev.

    1. Bev-You've hit the nail on the head. Everything you've said is the truth. These younger generations have a sense of entitlement that they deserve it all without being put out or doing the work themselves. If they want a good community to live in, they have to make it a good community to live in. You get what you give. It would be nice to see some younger people at the meetings and hear their point of view. All ideas are welcomed. Maybe with Pauly's blog, and Be Heard of Facebook they will catch on to the discussions and get involved. Someone is going to have to run the town when were gone. So, why not start now and learn and help as much as one can? What's the saying "It takes a village..." Well, in our case, it takes 4 villages.

  2. Bev, this is a copy paste from my part II but it answers your question.

    This may seem counter intuitive but what this town desperately needs is a thriving and growing tax base and that you have to attract and nurture. And that requires a really good school system, which can't be done on the cheap.

    Good towns attract people because, let's face it, most every parent wants their kids educated the best that can be.

    The difference between a new school and a new town hall is the new school is an investment in the future. A new town hall is, well, a building with a fresh paint smell and clean stalls.

    And what's with that closet this town passes off as a police station?? How did I get there? If we were a young couple again thinking about buying in and raising a family here and were shown that building next to the police station as Templeton Elementary school...well, we would go elsewhere.

    That's why you need to invest in educational infrastructure.
