Tuesday, July 10, 2012

K&P are out

Just a quick note - Kopelmam & Paige were NOT reappointed as town counsel at last nights selectmens meeting. What a great group of taxpayer participation at that meeting. The taxpayers spoke and were heard! (I just can't remember what lawfirm they did appoint, the meeting went until 10:00PM ) We did learn a few more things about K&P last night, Mr. Ritter (when asked) did state that Leonard Kopelman himself did call Jeff R after he interviewed with Templeton in Dec 2012 and he (LK) told Ritter not to take the job. Mr Ritter also stated that the day after BB&M lawfirm was fired by the 3 members of the board (BC VW & PM) and K&P was brought back(April 17) Leonard K call Mr Ritter an told him to start packing! This shows what poison K& P was for this town - our town. Thank you to all the people at the meeting who spoke and were heard.

Another thing that was mentioned was the work on the Senior Ctr - awesome job by BUD CHASE, MARK KASPER and the HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT. Not only did they do a great job but they also saved the town big bucks. So when you see a member of the higway dept today give them a wave and a "atta boy"! And a to BIG thanks to DOUG MORRISON for all his endless work on the senior ctr and a another big thanks to the SENIOR CTR BUILDING COMMITTEE too!

another thing - it seems the Assessors office's truck's rocker panels & frame is all cracked and rotted. Another thanks to DOUG MORRISON and his wife DIANNA who offered a gift to the town of a vehicle they have that they are not using any more. Thanks Doug & Dianna.

It was also noted that KATE MYERS has stepped up and is helping with the payroll while we don't have a town accountant. THANKS KATE! And a BIG THANKS to former treasurer TAMMY COLLAR for coming back for FREE and helping to show Kate how to do the work. As Sue pointed out at the meeting - it amazing that Tammy even wants to help this town after what certain people did to her, just shows you the kind of amazing person Tammy is!   It did look like VW was taking credit for Tammy coming back to help out - sorry VW you don't get any credit on this one, if it wasn't for your team Skelton/Columbus we would not have lost a great person like Tammy in the first place!

Thanks for reading. Pauly


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Small correction but important correction. Mr. Ritter was contacted by Lenny on Feb 17th - less than 24 hours after the BOS vote to change town counsel on Feb 16th. Mr. Ritter was also contacted by Lenny after his interview in Dec 2011. Why would Lenny interfere and actively discourage candidates for town coordinator in the Town of Templeton? K&P wasn't our town counsel in December 2011...

    I would like to thank all of our employees. Kate M. has really stepped up to the plate taking on the added responsibility of ensuring all town employees get paid.

    Bud Chase and Mark Kasper have donated countless hours of their vacation time to the senior center project and should be commended for going the extra mile.

    Doug and Dianna Morrison have pushed and pulled and prodded the senior center project so that it would be a reality. Awesome donation of a vehicle !

    Tammy Coller is an exceptional person to donate her time and skills to help Kate and keep Templeton functioning. especially when you consider the manner in which she had been mistreated by the "Echo Hill " gang.

    BTW, the new town counsel is Deutsch Williams...out of Boston.

  3. sorry I confused the dates Feb 16 was the date K&P came back - April 17 was when Carol S came back.

  4. Be sure to be on the look out for executive session minutes, I will get a copy and get it on the blog so anyone can view and or print out, no sense evreryone paying for the same thing. Len called Jeff Ritter on Friday, February 17, 2012, less than 24 hours after being "re-hired" I was in the office when Jeff took the call and I would state that in court if need be.

  5. Can't wait to see the minutes! It will be interesting to see certain people try to defend their statements and actions.

    1. I cannot begin to say how happy that K&P are gone. This was a huge night of the residents of the Town of Templeton. I wonder how Virginia explained this to the Echo hill gang. Now we have to plan the road trip. Good job to everyone who helps the town when it is down on its knees. Rejoyce!!The king may not be dead, but they are gone!Bev., a very happy lady!

  6. Wow! It was a whole new feeling at the BOS meeting last night. People shared opinions and everyone listened. Depts shared updates, asked for help solving some problems and others stepped up with solutions. People who have worked hard for this town were thanked. People actually smiled instead of grimaced. There was a big turnout. It was as if I had moved to another town. It was such a great feeling to see in person how productive a BOS meeting CAN be and will be moving forward. Even VW played nice. It IS possible to effect change. So everyone keep plugging away. Share your ideas and opinions because it does help. Chris Stewart is doing a very good job as Chair.

    Regarding the town counsel vote: I am so saddened to hear more of the story of what happened to Mr. Ritter when he applied for the town coordinator position. If someone threatened me not to take a job, called me on my private line to do so, I would question whether or not it was worth getting involved in a place with such drama. But, thank goodness Mr. Ritter has some (you know what) and stuck it out, went through the ringer, and came back! THANK YOU. What that law firm did was over the line. It has to be illegal in some way. Interfering in town business, threats, harassment, billing for services when they were not employed by the town. Is that fraud? I doubt the Snooze will report on that part of the story or retract and apologize for the misinformation they wrote about Mr. Ritter. But, we don't need that sorry rag. The word will get out about the truth and K&P should hold their head in shame for what they did here. New attorneys is great for this town. Lets get back to doing honest and transparent business. Keep the bullying away from our employees. Keep the blueberry bunch away from our wallets. Lets enjoy living here the way we deserve to.

  7. Kudos also to Sue for correcting the misinformed Mullins regarding her assistant. She did a great job explaining the business of her office, and Mullins had nothing left to do but hang his head in shame. The next time you have a question, why don't you go directly to the source?

    1. If he likes how Winchendon operates so much, then why doesn't he go work there? Oh, wait! He can't. He was fired for stealing. Almost forgot.

  8. Thank you to Pauly for all his 10+ years of getting the word out about corruption and all the other bad things certain people have done in Templeton. He should feel proud for what his blog has done. He's provided facts on paper, gotten people to listen, gotten people to act, and has protected his hometown from financial ruin. There's still a lot of work to be done. There's still a lot to pay attention to. If the state isn't going to help bring justice or enforce the law in Templeton, then its up to us to do it for ourselves. We can put an end to corruption by getting people out of power that have done wrong. We can call for our own audits and reviews of every aspect of town business. We can make sure our bylaws are abided by equally. We can make sure all contracts with vendors are up to date and accurate. Lets review insurance policies. Lets review retirement policies. Lets keep spending in check. What's going on with the wind turbine? Lets find out. Pauly can't do it alone. We need to take action together. We need to make sure that all his years of struggles were worth it. Attend as many meetings as you can. Help your neighbors when you can. And continue to be a watchdog to elected officials and their actions.

  9. Thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Morrison for the assesor's 'new' truck. I applaud them for donating a vehicle to the town. As a taxpayer, I appreciate that our town does not have to purchase a new vehicle for the Assessor's for the time being. Hopefully, this generous act will not get them accused of doing it only for a tax write-off.

    I am assuming that they are trying to help the Assessor's, and they don't have an "ulterior motive" like others in this town have been accused of on this website when they offer a donation to the town. :)

    This town and this country has been built on generosity, it is nice to see that it is still alive and well.


  10. An interesting line in the executive session minutes of March 12, 2012, now released minutes. 1st pge, about half way down, K&P lawyer D Jenkins admits he was put in touch with columbus "about" 3 weeks before this meeting by Len Kopelman. Who asked Len to do this, I am/was a sitting member of the BOS and do not have any notes on this or any vote to do this. "About" could be 3 1/2 weeks or if one considers K&P billed town for perssonnel work done on 2/16/12 under labor counsel when the vote to change back to K&P took place after 5:30 pm on 2/16/12, was someone in contact with K&P prior to 2/16/12? I thought the BOS said that night they had NO contact with K&P prior. Either Len was working on his own or someone was working on side with Len. You can see a vote to go into executive session on /12/12 was Bennett/Stewart NO wilder columbus mullins yes.I stated that this was first time I had heard of this business and I asked columbus if he had conversations with Len Kopelman and columbus replied yes he had. I will get these minutes electronic so they can be on the blog in entirety and you people will see who has been honest and who has been looking out for you, the town.

    1. Thanks for the preview, Jeff! Can't wait to see them in their entirety. I just hope we get the chance at a public meeting to confront VW and PM without Chris shutting everyone down.

    2. Don't forget the links at the top of Pauly's blog that will take you to the video of the meetings being referred to. Its all documented and witnessed by MANY who were there in person.

  11. Mr. mullins was not just hanging his head. He gave me some nasty looks. I think he heard me refer to him as "Scrappy". Oh My, as they say "you make your bed, you lay in it". Pete was right, Scrappy does have a conflict of interest with K.P., atleast, he did not have the b---s, to vote against the new lawyers we hired last night. Chris gave me a scare last night. I think we let him know how we felt. I told Bart, "Just think, if we as a group were not at the meeting." Democracy works, but you have to show up first. I totally agree with everything Anomous, 10:21 said. The Light and Water dept meeting is tonight, at 6:00P.M.. We need to find out why the windmill is not going round, and round. At least it hasn't been when I looked at it lately. Try to make this meeting, I am sure Mr.Driscoll will be thrilled to see us. Bev.

    1. Oh, don't forget to use the bathroom before you go!,Bev.

  12. March 26, 2012, vote to go into executive session to talk of negotiations of non union personnel, town coordinator. Bennett NO, stewart, columbus, wilder mullins yes. Why a meeting to have negotiations if a person is simply resigning. No meetings for town accountant to resign, no meeting for town trasurer to resign, no meeting for fire chief to resign and he had a newly signed contract in place, same as Ritter. Also talked about was a change on the board so there may be a change in strategy dealing with complaint filed against town / selectmen by carol skelton. Apparently someone decided to split the response, one from three selectmen and another from the town. So who decided to do this because as a member of the select board I have no notes of any meeting or vote to do this. columbus was chair so what say you columbus?? Attorney jenkins also brought up wether it was legal for two selectmen to sign contract when they were under threat of recal and he cited two cases where this was upheld in court. I asked if the same applies to columbua as he is up for re-election? Jenkins said it is not the same thing as columbus does not know for sure whether he will be leaving office after election. Are you kidding me, did K&P have crystal ball about recall? Did Farrell & Mitchell know for sure if they would be recalled? Did anyone? This was an example of K&P playing like they were king. If you look back to a meeting in July 2011, you will see Len Kopelman stating that his firm "works for the majority of the board of selectmen" So my conclusion is Jenkins was answering my question the way the majority wanted and perhaps already decided at one of their many meetings at echo hill, my opinion is they had already decided and informed Len this is what they wanted. Enough blog entries by people who saw the cars at skelton home many many times. Events that followed almost prove this to be true as these minutes back up, in my opinion, you make up your own mind after reading them. Wilder made motion to authorize counsel to initiate litigation contesting validity of contract with Ritter. wilder, columbus and mullins yes, stewart bennett NO. Wilder motioned to allow counsel to negotiate a settlement for 3 months pay or less with Ritter. wilder, columbus mullins yes, bennett stewart NO. Tell me again ms wilder how there was no settlement therefor there was no violation of town by-law. These minutes and the soon to be released 3rd set in my opinion prove that we had 3 liars on the select board who participated in illegal action concerning the firing/rehiring of town counsel, the firing of Ritter and the bring back of carol skelton. these 3 members had a plan to move backwards which is not what they said in their push for recall. two members still sit on the board who lied to you, the taxpayers and these minutes prove it. What you choose to do about is up to you. One thing I know is Mr. Ritter is an honorable man to come back after how he was treated by those 3 and many others. If jerry skelton thinks Paul cosentino got cancer and pete kasper got cancer because they spoke out against the skeltons then I must be headed straight to the grave, but I will smile knowing it was worth it. Residents of Templeton deserve better than what they got the past few years and so do the employees. My opinion is they are seeing the light now and they will not be bullied or lied to or pushed around any longer, I believe they showed that last night, Thank You. Bev, keep the washer warmed up, we have a few more loads to do.

    1. I feel like crying, these people are so unbelievably awfull. How could anyone be so down right mean. The washer is a heavy duty model, and the dryer is so hot, they will think they are in hell. It will come out full circle. We are going on a road trip. I am so upset with reading just this much, I don't know if I can deal with the rest of the truth. Our Mr. Ritter, I am so sorry you had to go through this. Thank goodness you are so brave. The road trip has to happen. This is too bad to let go. "VW & Scrappy, you will have no place to hide." I hope what you got out of this crap you pulled was worth what people will know about you now. Jeff, we have alot of room in the washer, alot of water in the well, BRING IT ON.

  13. Pauly, just last year people in this town did not know what was going on. Just a handfull of former empoylees knew, and they were afraid to speak out. You gave us a sounding board and know the employees are speaking out in public, I can't thank you enough for what you have given to this town.
    I believe KP shoud be brought up on charges, along with the two select persons who were on board with BC., they have lied to us since they have been on the board. I noticed BC was not at last nights meeting, what a shame, we all could of asked him about KP.
    Finally, I think we all shoud rent a bus and go to BOSTON to see our reps. in a group we may be able to get some answers.
    Thank you #25

  14. Ms. Wilder said that she is not pleased with Mr. Ritter's performance and she believes there are alot of problems relating to the warrant because of thos eproblems. I wonder how ginny feels about an interim employee, carol skelton, emailing town counsel with changes to warrant articles, articles that had already been voted on by the select board and sent to town counsel. How does virginia feel about carol skelton on her own, unless she was instructed by one or all 3 to do this, changing articles, going to the town accountant and putting a "budget" together. I have these emails to prove this and will get them on the blog for all to see. Does virginia see this as a "problem" or did she over look this action of "her dear friend?" columbus & Jenkins stated there is no probationary period in Ritter's contract. columbus stated how the selectmen were presented with alot of issues after the recall including this contract which put the board in a difficult situation. bob, do you mean the vote by you, wilder mullins to change town counsel 2/3 of the way thru a month that ended up having the taxpayers spending twice for town counsel, is that the difficult situation columbus spoke of?

  15. Hey Jeff & Julie Will we the taxpayers be able to ask questions about the executive session minutes? I think we should be able to ask Virginia and Scrappy some hard questions after we see the minutes. and I agree with what Bev said last night with the big bill from K&P regarding all the "settlement" work - send the bill to Columbus, Mullins and Wilder to pay. This was all there doings!!!!!!

  16. Pauly you are free to ask any question you want under old or new business, the answers or lack of will depend on them. I will always answer any question from a taxpayer if I do not know I will find out for you and answer it if the information is available. Somethings you may have to wait on such as these executive session minutes. We are YOUR representatives in YOUR town so we should all be willing to listen and answer. Realize that all selectmen may not feel as I do. I hope I have demonstrated who I work for and care about, if not, let me know! This is my opinion on how I think things should work

  17. You may be interested to lnow that one of the principles in the law firm of Deutsch / Williams is/has been a selectman for 16 years and hence knows the prospect of working with a split select board and the will of the people. This should make him very aware of the things that happen in a small town and how things such as a budget go. I feel that we have lucked out this time in that we have one attorney who knows first hand what it is like to be a selectman, he also serves on the executive board for MMA, massachusetts municiple association. Time will tell.

  18. After watching the BOS meeting tonight and hearing of the astonishing lengths that K&P went through to prevent someone from accepting the town coordinator position here in Templeton, I wonder how much K&P would like it if Templeton residents called all other towns in MA that were looking to hire a new town counsel and telling them not to hire K&P. They'd probably not be too pleased. So, how do they think that its okay for them to interfere with someone else's employment?

  19. Better yet, write K&Ps current towns and cities and let them know how K&P interfered with Templeton, you have the documentaion, these executive session minutes the bills and the town by-law for starters, list of client cities and towns are on K&P website, nothing to lose

    1. I know the town of Brookfield fired K&P and actually regionalized their legal needs with the other Brookfields. They too were not pleased with their handling of a town meeting. I've also read about other towns who have had issues with their services. The internet is a wonderful thing. If any towns are doing research on potential attorneys I'm sure they will come across Pauly's blog and read all the juicy details. But, yes, it is a good idea to let other towns know what has been done here. Its shameful.

  20. In a recent Gardner News article, Mrs. Wilder was quoted as saying she would only support Koppleman and Page and no other attorney to work for Templeton. So, what changed her mind? The truth that literally blinded her in last night's meeting? How will she explain her vote to her dear friends? Why did Mr. Mullins vote against the attorneys who got him off a theft charge? Sometimes you just can't ignore the facts...on paper. No matter what you are told to do or say. I almost had some compassion for those two after they voted correctly to kick Koppleman and Page to the curb. But after reading the executive minutes, that quickly went away. They were part of the master plan to screw the town's best interest and bring back C Skelton out of revenge. That is poor leadership. I will give them an ounce of respect if both resign now and save this town some money by avoiding a recall.
