Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Worcester County Retirement System

Worcester County Retirement System

( you should be so lucky as GPS)

Saturday’s blog entitled “more questions from “Just Wondering” , the first comment referred to an article in the Worcester telegram about the Worcester county retirement system. For those of you who no longer subscribe to newspapers, the first page of the article  describes some of the issues with the unfunded liability of the pension system. On the second page of the article, please read it carefully. On the chart please note the retirement benefits to Gerald P. Skelton.

This exceedingly generous pension was brokered by the TMLWP. Chapter 93 Acts of 2000 (hostile takeover of water department from Templeton BOS aka “The Scam”) was instrumental in creating this pension for GPS.

Please attend tonight’s Light and Water meeting at 6:00. Both the Water department agenda and the Light department agenda list an executive session to discuss a strategy session for non-union personnel. I wonder whose pension will be padded this time?


  1. Well, there it is in print and on paper. JS is the 7th highest retirement fund recipient in an article about how the retirement system is crippling small towns. Another part of the puzzle falls into place. What will come out next?

  2. Now you see, the plan was to get Carol's pay up as high as possible (remember that she was the only one to get raises some years when no other none union employees did) so her retirement would be a higher amount, high as possible. So both her and Jerry could retire comfortably.

  3. Retire comfortably . . . Hell . . . Retire wealthy.

  4. Don't forget all the times BC, CS and GPS tried to take over the sewer department. I believe the plan as that once the sewer department was in the control of the BOS , then guess who would need a significant raise? You guessed correctly - Carol S. She would need extra compensation for all the hard work of running the sewer department, just like Jerry needed extra compensation when the Light Department "took over" control of the water department.

    Jerry didn't really increase his workload , because they hired Ron D. To be the water superintendent. They probably would have kept Kent S. around to run the sewer department while raiding the sewer enterprise reserve fund until the sewer department was completely broke. Then they would have raised the rates....just like they did at at the water department. Our water rates are the highest in the area.

  5. Oh yes, I believe you to be totally correct. Plus, all that have town water are Paying HIGHEST rates for using a "poisoned" well. Get that fluoride out of there Mr. Driscoll. The Farrells are right about the issue, this is bad stuff. Also, from what I have seen & heard he should be Fired for insubordination, among other things, to his employers (us)!! My opinions expressed here, as always.
