Tuesday, July 10, 2012




  1. Would somebody please update us on the events of this meeting

  2. seems the wind turbine is broke.... JD is a pompous ass. Gregg Edwards got short with the avisory board chairman when he asked questions. as did Mr Driscoll, When asked about the water main leak all Dana B could say is "we told Bud not to pave that road yet" and Dana did more slaming of the highway dept. Mr Davin has so much hate for Julie it just boils over.
    Same old, same old!!JD talked about the pizza party they had and they had some one there to talk to the "old" over 50yr old people to teach them about extention cords etc - his jist was that all people over 50 are stupid.
    Would everyone please remember the WATER DEPT IS NOT LIKE THE LIGHT DEPT IT COME UNDER THE TOWN!!!!!

    Oh yeh, and they went into exec. session for union nego., bet they get a raise!

    1. You guys need to come to these meetings, here is no accountability. Just a group of good old boys giving a run down of what is happening. Don't ask any questions, or make any suggestions. Oh my goodness! The web sight is coming some day, don't hold your breath. Mr. Spring asked to get this done, the answer seems to be, drag your feet, right, Mr. Driscoll? Don't hold your breath waiting for the `windmill to work anytime soon. Looks like a money pit worse than 252 Bald. Rd. Atleast we can try to sell 252, what are we going to do with a over priced lawn ornament? Maybe we could have a bungee jumping contest...Got any ideas who should go first? My opinion , Bev.

    2. Can someone please fill in those of us who do not know...why such hate toward Mrs. Farrell? Is it real or imagined? Is newly elected Mr Stewart looking out for the best interest of the rate payers or the boys club?

    3. There might be just a Few ARROGANT GREEDY individuals who "hate" her because she gets in the way of doing their underhanded business. I believe most residents & taxpayers "love" her for what she has accomplished, in spite of the "dirty" politics & smear campaigns aimed at her. She has been instrumental in sounding the horn on those that have done some very unethical things leading us toward bankruptcy for their own personal gain. Due to Mrs. Farrell's efforts to help "right" this town, there are some who are now being exposed for the corruption that they have done that has nearly destroyed Templeton. I think they are probably the only ones who allegedly hate her. And that is my belief & opinion, I know that many share.

    4. The hate for Julie may started when she would not nuckle under to Jerry S when she was first elected to the selectboard. Do you remember when Tom Smith was appointed Fire Chief? the Bos consisted of JS, BC, John Henshaw, Julie and I think Gregg Edwards. Jerry and Bob C wanted Richard Stevens for chief the others voted for Tom S. Think about who RS friends are in this town. (Hint some big families all related to VW and PM in some way)
      So in a nutshell Julie didn't cave to Jerry and Bob. from there she has asked questions and tried to get the information out to the people to have an open government for the town.

    5. Julie Can you shed some light on the subject since you know first hand.

  3. just remember that good Ole boy club was made by one and only Gerry s ....time for that kingdom to come down!!!007

  4. Who is the hiring authority for the Light & Water Dept Managers? Is it the BOS? If it is, I would like it if they would hold the managers at L&W accountable for dragging their feet on the website issue and also demand an update (schedule and a plan) on when the turbine will be operational. Who's the boss? The advisory board is there to advise. If the BOS doesn't listen to them and back up their recommendations, then we're right back where we started. Transparency in local government. We must demand it. Chris Stewart is doing a good job as Chair of the BOS. But, I question if an elected official should hold both a seat on the BOS and another elected position. If that is to work, he must enforce the action item at L&W to get the website up and running or at least post their public meetings on the town's website. Isn't that in the bylaws??

    1. The Light and Water commissioners are elected to run the light and water department. The TMLWP commissioners hire the manager of the TMLWP.
      When I was a commissioner, I voted to hire John Driscoll as manager. It was a unanimous vote. The job was posted internally. You can make a request for the job posting. The Town clerk should have a copy. You should be able to make a request on how many candidates applied and if there were interviews for the position.

      The only way to hold the Light and Water manager and/or superintendents accountable is to keep attending Light and Water meetings. Public participation can make amazing things happen; like a website for TMLWP and maybe even online bill payment, possibly an accounting/audit of the wind turbine.

      Electronic communication of the water breaks would have been beneficial to many of the water customers in town. The annual water reports could be made available electronically as well as in print. There was an article in the most recent report about contamination from cross connections and a link to American Backflow Prevention Association ( www.abpa.org) which provides a lot of useful information in light of the recent, numerous water breaks.
