Tuesday, July 10, 2012

BOS Executive Session Minutes

BOS Executive Session Minutes

March 2012

I finally have the approved version of the March 12, 2012 BOS Executive Session minutes. I also have a copy of the March 26, 2012 BOS Executive Session minutes. The April 9, 2012 executive session minutes have not been approved so they can NOT be released yet. Hopefully, they will be released after the July 23rd BOS meeting.

I believe any member of the public attending the next BOS meeting should be able to ask questions about these minutes under “New Business” possibly even “Old Business”. I have a few questions myself.

Julie Farrell


  1. Notice the mention of settlement agreement throughout these minutes, march 12 starts off with this conversation, K&P attorney Jenkins ..."when we enter into a settlement agreement it has provisions not to say..." I thought Mr. Ritter resigned and there was no settlement agreement. These minutes and copy of by-law going to AG office and a few other places, perhaps even some towns now represented by K&P. Maybe worcester telegram will follow up sunday article with one on this. Time for mullins and wilder to answer up, why did you not follow the town by-law and do you think you should stay on the board after doing this. 1) stateing there was no settlement agreement 2)violating a town by-law while sitting on select board 3)Working in sync to get rid of Mr. Ritter, wilder mullins and columbus and all the while lieing about it. (not even honest enough to say what you felt or wanted) 40 hold an executive session and fail to properly file notice. I hope columbus wilder mullins realize that in May people voted for a change and alot more people voted to move away from the "agenda" of wilder mullins columbus and skelton along with grimely, stevens curtis matson McClure and the rest who know who they are. I know of one individual who threw mr stevens off his property as he was trying to get signatures for the recall. We all know what the recall was about now, it was nothing more than a play to get arol skelton back in office so along with K&P they could get back to flushing Templeton down the drain financially. That is my opinion and a look at all of the emails votes records and meetings give me no other evidence or option that other than that was in play. Look at what has happened in Templeton since the recall, look at the mess called town meeting with carol skelton back in play and now look at what is going on since the may election. look think and form your own opinion. Read these executive session minutes several times. Personally I think the taxpayers of Templeton should send columbus a second message, along with mullins and wilder because I don't think they got the hint on May 7, 2012.

  2. Can recountcoming youtube page post the March 12th BOS meeting if it was taped? I think it would be good to see that again, too.

    So, Carol filed a lawsuit to prevent the town of Templeton from having any further executive sessions and it was thrown out of court? Did I read that correctly? Huh?

    Well, here's proof "on paper" that everything people have been discussing on Pauly's blog are true. It wasn't hype to make the Skelton crew look bad. They did that all on their own. Wilder and Mullins should resign or at the very least, answer questions from taxpayers about their actions in the past 4 months. If they do not answer questions, they will NEVER be respected and they will NEVER properly represent this town with any honor. Watch the interviews for town coordinator again. Watch Wilder. Listen to the questions she asked. Tell me her actions against Mr. Ritter were not pre-meditated.

    Also, I'm assuming that K&P wrote out a "settlement agreement" for Mullins for stealing on the job in Winchendon that was just like the one they offered up to Mr. Ritter. Neither side could discuss the settlement or talk badly about the other and Winchendon would allow Mullins to file for unemployment. They made those charges disappear. Just like they tried to make Mr. Ritter disappear. Has anyone ever heard of an attorney interfering in municipal business when they were not ordered to, nevermind not even EMPLOYED by said municipality? Can this be a violation brought up before the state licensing board? I've read numerous stories of poor legal representation and unethical actions in government. But never have I heard of a prominent attorney calling perspective applicants for a job and threatening/harassing them not to accept a job. And then when they did, working independently to remove that person from employment. It certainly raises the question as to why would Kopelman have such an unprofessional interest in the operations of a small rural town? Is his ego soooo large that his power trip got the best of his rational thinking? Is he working for the Skeltons or are they working for him? Isn't it true that both the Skeltons and Colunmbuses got legal representation for family legal issues? Are the Skeltons and Colombuses Kopelman's puppets out of obligation? Or is Kopelman in debt to them because his firm cost this town $7-30+ million in settlements from the WWTP lawsuit/bankruptacy monitoring and thet're helping to cover it up? Anytime such issues were brought up, watch how fast Columbus and Wilder tried to change the subject. I remember that the March 12th meeting, this occurred. The truth will come out. This is only the beginning. K&P may be a large firm, but they cannot prevent hundreds of people (if not thousands) from speaking out about the truth and never letting it be forgotten.

    1. I am converting the March 12th meeting. It will take a few days for it to be "YouTube " ready

  3. omg Mr Ritter was railroaded. Mullins should get his nose out of virginia's a----. Columbus is just pure evil. So the taxpayers were lied to about the recall and Carol S actually had 2 lawsuits going and k&p are suppose to look out for the town not the skelton's. omg I am just so mad I don't know where to start! I must say after reading the minutes I am impressed with what Chris Stewart had to say and how he and Jeff B tried to stop all this bu---. This was a SETTLEMENT agreement and VW and Scrappy should resign for violating the town bylaws! I agree with Pauly that BC, PM and VW should pay the legal bill (reimburse the town) for these expenses that were just a witchhunt and a "payback" Not one of these people BC, PM, VW had the best interest of the town. They are liars, thiefs, bullies. I have to go back an reread the minutes - I am just so mad I cannot think straight. I'll be back once I gather my thoughts.

  4. Attorney and Consumer assistance program (ACAP)

    Office of the Bar Counsel
    96 High Street
    Boston, MA 02110

    google Massachusetts board of bar overseers or massachusetts legal complaint board.
    click on these and you will see explanations of the who, what, how etc etc. You need to be thorough and correct - mail copies of minutes settlements by-laws documents whatever, bills included to backup taxpayer was charged for something but was told it was not something. spend a couple bucks for return receipt, or get together with friends, sign one letter with documents and share costs.

    yeah anonymous you and the rest of the taxpayers were screwed royally and you were billed for it. And if the elected salaries were not discontinued you would still be paying them for being lied to. carol skelton has a complaint against the town and three selectmen (former and present) the three just tried to have 2 different responses to it. in my opinion len kopelman was involved in the entire mess right up to his elbows and beyond! My next step is to inform state offices that kopelman no longer controls Templeton.

  5. Imagine what went on when gerry skelton columbus O'Brien were on select board together along with carol skelton, and you wonder how the town is in the financial toilet.
    I now know how it was for Julie to be on the board "by herself" because I have been there and it is almost impossible to get anything done for the taxpayers and I did not have the two skeltons in office so I may have had it easier!! think about that one for a minute.

  6. Columbus sat there on Feb 16, 2012 and bold faced lied to the very people he swore represent. Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire! Oh, he was on fire, that’s for sure. He was fired up to get his personal agenda of payback in place and went to great lengths to achieve his goal. He got there, oh yes and then was promptly thrown out of office for it. The most of the truth has come out. I can’t wait to see the next minutes, when released. These minutes show that Wilder can not listen to what even her, oops, our own attorney tell her what not to do. Clearly the attorney said that no complaints should be made, and what was the first thing out of her but a complaint. Use your head Ginny! Your “friends” are liars and cheats and out for themselves. Your ill-advised actions show that you are not the type of person that should make public decisions. Save the town some money over another recall and resign! Mullins is a door stop yes man. The Storm Water committee is close to where you belong. Just jump in the drain and disappear. Resign now! The jig is up! Turn out the lights, the party’s over! - #484

  7. May want to attend the personnel board meeting tomorrow afternoon at 4:00 pm and ask virginia if she feels after what she did to Jeff Ritter and how she has acted with carol skelton is she feels she belongs on a personnel board, should the employees of Templeton trust her to be on a personnel board?

    1. Well it is about time the truth comes out, my husband asked me if I thought VW has changed her stripes, I said no, she is still a skunk. The release of the minutes will tell the truth. I think she and Scrappy, are trying to "play nice" so people won't recall them. If Scrappy is up in May, VW is still on the board and Chris throws in the towel, i'll bet Bubba tries to get in again, or if they think they can get another person to run for Scrappys seat, or he runs again, they could have three members on the board. Now I may be right, or I may be wrong. No matter what, this will not work unless the people in this town are deaf, blind, or dumb. I am hopeing is not the case, or maybe they have memmory loss, that is a possibility. What they are banking on is if they play the good guy act, they can pull this off. Time will tell. One thing for sure, I am going to ask the Att. Gen., why in the name of God, would your office call K&P about complaints from the residents of Templeton? How dumb can they be? Oh yah, what did this person think K&P was going to say?" Oh yes, we are in the process of screwing this little town?" It is like calling a bank robber and asking, Did you rob the bank? Give me a break. My thoughts Bev

  8. Hey Bev I think that Scrappy and Virginia are playing both sides of the fence, once they realized that the people at the meeting had so many things to say against K&P (especially when we learned that Leonard K himself had called Jeff R before he even took the job and advised him not to take it, then again on the day after BB&M were fired and K&P brought back and Leonard K told Jeff R "start packing your bags." ) Then they VW and PM in favor of hiring a new law firm! Hey Echo Hill Gang, Lenny, did you hear how your "dear friends"(stoolies) voted? in favor of a new law firm. lol. Bev, don't trust them! They are trying to save face with us voters but still spy and work for the echo hill gang! Wonder if VW told Carol that she voted in favor "under duress" lol

    1. I do not trust Virginia at all. They voted yes so they would look like they have changed their stripes. They just are trying to blend in hopeing that people won't recall or vote them out. Scrappy may not have had the whole picture, but without a doubt Virginia knew everything that was going on. Scrappy has sold his soul to the devil. It would have easier to pay a fine or go to jail. At least there would be a end to all this grief he is getting. My thoughts, and opinions. Bev.

    2. bev, when i left the monday meeting, my though was "5-0??" somethings up !!!!! the "changing stripes" i didn't come up with, but it is better than anything i came up with !!!! i was hoping, as i'm sure most of "us" were, was 3-2 !!!!! the skeltons remain the enemy!!!! they are the worst thing ever to happen to the town!!!!!!! smile, and look like a hero while spending your money, is not a way to go !!!!! bc, ak coat holder/butkisser needs to be on the list of "never to vote for"!!!! ginnie and the shamrock are also!!! "we are gaining !!!!!!!!! thank you pauly !!!!!!!!!

    3. Don't know if you guys know, JS acosted Pete Kasper, and told him that "Because of Pauly's blog his famlies' lives are ruined" He went on to tell Pete that he and Pauly got cancer from God, because they picked on him and the rest of his family. Sorry, I do not happen to think they are so important that God works for him to? The only one who dragged this family through the mud, was his own kid! My opinion, Bev.

    4. I guess Jerry believes in a smiteful God. Well his family better watch out then, because what come around goes around with a smiteful God. "His family's lives are ruined"? Ruined just like this little town, by you feeling so entitled and sucking it dry. Take you retirement and go screw Jerry! And take Lenny, Bobby, Denny, Eddy, Johnny, Shauny, Ginny, Kathy, Stevie and Pat with you.

    5. If you took the time to sit for a spell and listen to what Pauly and Pete Kasper have to say, learn who they are, learn about how many people both men have helped throughout their lives, you would know what upstanding fine men they have been and continue to be to this very day. God knows the truth. And a long line of people would line up to defend them, too. A comment like that from JS shows he doesn't know the first thing about God. If he did, he'd know about the Golden Rule: do unto others as you would have them do unto you. If God is handing down punishments to anyone, its JS for all the awful things he has done to people in this town. His greed and bullying/harassing behavior is coming back to him tenfold. And it will continue until he admits fault for his actions or asks for God's forgiveness. Don't find fault with others until you admit your own faults, JS. And maybe if you stopped doing things like suing the town because your wife won't give you nookie, harassing fellow employees until you run them out of town, lie, cheat, steal your way to 7th place on the Worcester County list of highest paid retirees on the backs of your fellow townspeople, maybe just maybe you wouldn't feel the burn of the Golden Rule or Karma right now. Greed and intimidation will get you nowhere sir. I think you should use Pauly and Pete Kasper as role models--people you should strive to be more like. If you do so, maybe you'll make it into heaven someday.

    6. Thankyou "anonymous 8:23 AM". The best characterization of this group I have seen. As a fairly Newbee in this town, I experienced Pauly and Pete K. as boisterous people who had something to say, but, didn't have the right platform to make it heard. Yeah, they didn't have an Ivy League school education, so, the words didn't come out as smoothe as GS. It's easy to be distracted from the truth when the lies are so well put forth. It wasn't until I saw how GS's face would get RED when being confronted that I started to doubt. You, Anonymous 8:23 AM, bring up many truths and, yes GS, GOD knows the truth. Cancer is not given to a person as a punishment, it is part of the individual's plan on this earth. If this blog is read by GS and CS I would say.....you cannot be so naive that you believe you were/are doing good for the town. How do you hold your head up high knowing that the truth is out? My recollection is that many people respected you when you were in the Light Dept. Now, that respect is narrowed down to the employees there who are the biggest benefactors of your management. They now can boast, if they dare, that they can maintain their inflated salaries even when the rest of the town is taking cuts. Yes, this Blog did make your life miserable. Your reaction seems to be "for what?" Here's my thought. If you know GOD, take a minute or two with your GOD and ask that question. I'm sure, if you really meditate on that thought, you will have flashbacks of your life that will give the answer.

    7. I strongly believe with my whole heart that JS has taken way to much credit for the Templeton Light Dept. It was a perfect set up when he walked in the door. The people who went before him did all the work. Those were the people who worked to benefit the town. JS has overpaid some of the staff, kind of like buying loyalty. Mr.Driscoll can't get it together to set up a web site. Maybe he should give the job to one of his over priced staff, and see if they can get it done. I went to my first meeting of the personnel board yesterday. [I felt like a duckout of water,] but it will be ok. The people in that room were very upset. When I looked out, it hit me how few people we rely on to keep the town going. These are not salaried, or union people, they have no job protection. Is it fair that we constantly hit on these people when times get tough? No it isn't, it is time for the light and water to stop acting like they are in their own country., but fat chance of that. Change takes time,it may be slow but it has to come. My 2cents worth, Bev.

    8. Yes Bev your 2 cents is worth a 1000. Just think, we are in a down spiral economy. If this had not happened, this town as well as others across the country, would probably be in a status quo mode and nobody would be looking into their town government to see where the money is being spent, or at the people who have been robbing us for years. All due respect to those few officials who were trying along the way to manage the town efficiently, it wasn't until our pocketbooks were emptying out faster than we could fill, that the tax payers took a good look and became involved. Thank GOD, and thank the people like Pauly, Jeff, Julie and others for picking up the pieces. Yes I agree, "change takes time,it may be slow, but it has to come".

    9. I agree with Anonymous 8:23 AM & Checkn000. And from what I know of them, Pauly & Pete Kasper are very Good Honorable men!! I know people who graduated from college who are arrogant, self-centered, judgmental types who can't hold a candle to these two men. Formal education is great but it doesn't guarantee that you know anything about the real meaning of life & how you should treat others! This blog site didn't ruin GS & his family reputation. He & his wife did that all by themselves but very wealthily, I might add!! Totally contrary to his statement, I believe they have ruined many other lives here because of their greed & arrogance in thinking they could do whatever they wanted with us. Their cushy set-up went on for far too long & we have a rough road ahead in order to fix it but, now we have some very wonderful decent people working on our behalf in & out of office. The fact that GS can even say God is amazing to me. I don't think he knows there is another besides himself. LOL. Sorry, that was an insult to the Lord. I am quite sure that he will be shaking when it comes to judgment day. What a horrid thing he said about Pauly & Pete!! It is NOT God that gave them that illness but I believe, the Evil that is in the world that has tried to shut them up because they are working on the side of "GOOD", not evil, as the cry baby is. GOD is very proud of Pauly & Pete, as the good men they are, I am certain of that...Anyway, that is my opinion on that subject. I agree with another person's comment that GS & CS are the worst, costliest people that ever moved to this town. What Damage they have caused!!! Reckless spending that has pushed this town into near bankruptcy, seemingly using the town attorneys as their own, getting the 7th largest retirement in this county, changing warrants at will to suit their wants, wasting our resources, frivolous lawsuits, bullying people that they felt got in their way, & the list goes on & on with those two. It seems to me that the "powers" that be in this state have dropped the ball completely when it comes to any issue here in Templeton. Since we have not gotten any help from the "big authorities", I say the citizens have done a very terrific job of working to turn this town around all alone. I particularly want to thank Pauly again, the Farrells, Bob Mitchell, Jeff B., & all the Citizens 4 Templeton members, as well as, the others who have been so brave as to come forward to "fight" this "monster" that was allowed to grow & thrive so long here. Thank you also to Tammy Coller & Jeff Ritter for their efforts to get justice for some very serious Abuses of power! Now, we need to bring the other problem people to justice. Out with the bad in every dept. & get the spending, salaries, retirements, benefits, etc. etc. under control before it is too late. I also agree that most of us have had to take huge cuts in our personal lives so stop whining all those of you who are getting some very well padded pays & benefits. Enough is enough. And instead of thinking you deserve so much more than everybody else, you should be thanking the taxpayers for these positions & all that goes with them. As for the town employees who do their job, in spite of the lower pays & reduction in work hours, I thank you for your dedication. As always, this blog is my opinion in agreement with others. Have a good day everyone. It is beautiful out there!

  9. My two cents, When my son played football for Gannsett Pete always came up to me and told me "what a good game my son played" I wasn't a "towny" and didn't eve know who the heck he was. Then my Dad who served on the planning Board passed away very suddenly. Pete Kasper was the only one from "town" who attended his wake. When I first met Pauly my car had broken down on the side of Rt 2 (don't know if I ever even paid him for that tow) Over the years I have seen him tow or fix cars for people and if they didn't have all the money he would say "give me what you can and get the rest to me when you can" Can you imagine Jerry doing that with the blueberries?
