Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Who is Jim White?

Jim is a guy from Phillipston that is working hard 7 days a week to get elected as state rep. for our area. Jim is running against 4 or 5 other people for that position. Good Luck Jim! May the best person win. In my opinion when a person like Jim comes to my home on a Sunday morning, to ask my support, yes on Sunday morning. Dosen’t Jim have other things to do on a Sunday? Probably so, But I can see Jim is going to keep politicking until the polls close on Sept. 6th. During our long conversation here at my house, Tom Martin, from Martin Winery on Otter River Road Templeton was with him during our conversation. You all know I don’t like having conversations with out a witness. Otherwords, don’t say I said words that I didn’t say. Get it. During our conversations a lot of questions were asked to Jim by me PHC sr. I got some good answers and I didn’t have to write them down. Jim answered some of my important questions, nicely, other words no bul---- Just good honest answers,
is Jim not going to scoot off to other state’s to look for extra work.  We will see, other words is it true that Andrews was employed in the state of new Jersey when she was suppose to be working in Mass. I am just wondering? Any comment? Yes I do have that question on paper, all I am asking. Is it true? Who works for who these days? I PHC Sr asked Jim White a very honest question. I said Jim, can you influence Atty Gen’l Martha Coakley’s office to conduct an investigation of the obstruction of justice issues in Templeton? Going on for the past ten years, yes ten years. Jim answered honestly – no! I can’t help you because I am just a nobody right now. If elected I will work for my constituents, not for any reason, and in my opinion any and I say anyone of the people  running for election or reecltion should address my – PHC sr complaints of obstruction of justice here in Templeton with the Atty Gen’l office. Does any of those other people running for election of state representative “care”? sound off. Note- just off the press – word of mouth two more appointed members resigned from the Con Com. Why did it take so long. I guess the “on paper” issues finally got attention, I PHC Sr have been patiently waiting since June 2003, for action. Did most people forget “our” $1400.00 issue with the concom? The law was broken then and the law was broken by the same board BOS on the Jeff Ritter issue in 2012. What gives K&P? what will the final out come be? “Ooh I’m sorry, we don’t work for the Templeton Taxpayer we only work for the majority of the board of selectmen.” Get it?
Oh oh, did see the news today 7/10/12 a state rep does some bad stuff to a woman, kidnap, beat up, etc  Gosh what is the state of Mass coming to anyway? When can PHC beat up on the holders of justice? Soon I hope. How about it Martha Coakley. Send Templeton some help in the form of a human, note a cover letter or a couple of phone calls. Obstruction of Justice in Templeton is getting to old to “Just be one of those things here in Templeton” Thanks for reading, Pauly


  1. I guess stuff like a guy beating up a lady, kidnapping ,and all the awfull things a person can do to another person always happened. We did not hear about it unless it was in our town. Now with the computers and information flying around the globe, news travels fast. Being in any position of authority puts a big X on your back. I wonder how long the GARDNER SNOOZ is going to last? No news in that so called paper. It is to bad Mrs. Bell has let her crew run the paper into the ground. I am going to attend a campaign meeting for Denise Andrews, Thursday night at 6:00. Anyone wanting to come, let me know. Bev.

  2. The Snooze had two articles covering the appointment of new counsel. Of course every comment from VW was reiterated...
    enough so that anyone could see she was defending her "dear friend's" actions in the past. She did, however, vote to make the change citing "The audience and the Board of Selectmen were very intent at not having Kopelman and Paige back, so I have to go with that. If I am looking for a unified town I have to go with what the people want". GAG,GAG, serious GAG! Could it be that AUGUST is coming?

    1. Oh really, Ginny? So how come you didn't take this view back when the WHOLE TOWN didn't want K&P to come back in Feb? Where was the unification then? You had no problem voting against the will of the town then. Was it because you had backup and felt powerful? And now, hmmm, your buddy Bubba is gone. Your "dear friend" is gone. All you got left is Scrappy-doo on your side. Politics is a tough arena. And you are not cut out for this gig. RESIGN NOW!!!

  3. Doesn't he work for the Light Dept. ?? I am not sure but thought that he did? Just asking, as I do not know who is is either but want to find out who, what & where this candidate hails from & is closely associated with. I am not saying he has but, so many running for office have "hidden agendas" With Pauly's site we are getting so much more out. Hard to hide anything as easily these days thanks to blogspots like Pauly's Templeton Watch. I still thank him everyday for all his hard work. All my blogs are my thoughts, questions or opinions.

  4. Greetings,

    I work for Verizon Fios at my office in Marlborough but have lived and worked in the Quabbin region for nearly 25 years. Many of those years I drove the Schwans' truck and my territory was actually most of the new district area. I was twice elected to the Athol Board of Selectmen and served until we moved to Phillipston.

    I live on our small farm (5 horses,6 goats,5 ducks,6 chickens and 5 Turkeys) in Phillipston with Tammy my wife of 14 years. Tammy is the daughter of Peter and Annette Soderman. My sister in law works at the Templeton Developmental center. My mother passed away when I was young and was raised by my Grandmother. She died and is buried in Warwick My ties to the area are very strong and I am very aware of the many problems facing Templeton as well as the entire area.

    I am running because I see clearly that Rep. Andrews has failed to offer any legislation to ease the burden of our local area and in fact failed to co-sponsor Anne Gobi's bill to save the Developmental center. She has voted several times against open government legislation and against the welfare EBT reform that Rep Gobi supported. With Athol being the most negatively effected town in the state and having lost the second most property value in the last four years we can't afford to allow this lack of leadership to envelope our new district towns. I envision an economic 9 alarm blaze here and she's walking to the fire with teaspoons of water when what we need a few economic fire trucks. It is well known that after being elected Denise took a full time job with an office in New Jersey working for Novartis and quit only after a great deal of media pressure. That's not the economic response we need. Representative Andrews is a very nice person but fails to grasp the urgency required for effectiveness. I bring these things up because I am asking voters to fire her and hire me.

    I fought for the money for route 2 improvements all the way to the Governors office the year 10 people dies on the road. They moved up the timetable 8 years. I fought for improved utility infrastructure along with the Athol Board, supported by the towns of Templeton, Orange and Erving. We held Verizon accountable to the Department of Public Utilizes and pushed Verizon to bring high speed internet the the area at least 5 years before they had planed. I am no stranger to the Boston Statehouse. I have been working on a plan for economic growth that would include our area in the successful programs already implemented in side of 495 and to re-establish the rail service to at least Athol and eventually to green field so that our people can more easily get to jobs. I commit to the voters to support legislation for open government that has been voted against by Rep Andrews.

    My career path did not include this and I am doing it at great personal sacrifice. The Representatives pay is a large pay cut for me. I just see it costing more to continue with Rep. Andrews as our voice. My agenda is open and nothing is hidden. I'm a blue collar working stiff, I am not a politician type. My phone number is listed and I'll take your calls on any pertinent topic. Have a happy 250th Birthday Templeton! Please give me your vote and I will make you proud.

    1. Thank you very much, Mr. White, for introducing yourself & clearing up any questions I had about your employment. I appreciate the background info & what seems to be your already hard work for this area. Good luck in your bid for office.
