Thursday, August 2, 2012

a request

Ok so there has been some mud slinging, as I said when I began this blog I would not delete any ones comments, I have stuck to that and will continue to. (don't want to be confused with the Gardner snooze) - so please lets keep the mud slinging to town officials, employees, town vendors (K&P), state officials, etc. (hey wait someone hit me with a couple of mudpies or were they cowpies) lol.
So I have a request from someone -  please don't attack people's businesses or them personally.
My opinions - Pauly


  1. did that request come on paper - stand and berecognized with a signature? now I gots to read this here whole entire blog to be a seein who b'ness got slammed

  2. wait, I be a thinkin the only b'ness we really slam is the snooz

  3. I agree Paul, but the individual who is complaining now had no problem voicing his opinion with no facts to back it up, he actually tried to blame Jeff for someone elses screw ups. so in this case he got what he dished out.

    1. Yes and to prove your point thank you for remaining anonymous. My business is fully licensed and has NOTHING to do with the fire chief position. I said my opinion the title was not bash on a local catering business.

      I don't blame Jeff for anything he is actually one of the two selectman I actually prefer to be honest.

  4. me be a thinkin it dat DiMucci and da caterin b'ness, hey if ya hav de license and all dat, no one be a talkin bout ya. me be a checkin out dat pacc an see if n dat fella works outta der. People have to be a realizin that ya can't be a hidin from da blog, you can run but soona or lata, Pauly will have ya on here like dat tv show America most wanted ceppin dis here be Pauly's a watchin and we feature every body who be a mis b haven

    1. R U sure you ain't a from that tv "reality" show called "Moonshiners" & Not America's Most wanted?? LOL ...Just askin' cause a U got that certin twang!! All in fun, no slamming, just jamming!! ur the one who likes this way of conversin' so just "trying" to talk ur lingo but I can tell I'll neva get it. I'm a gonna leave that 2 U always from here on in!! I guess, it Don't matter how U say it, as long as the truth gets out there, right!! Just my opinion with a little fun mixed in. Have a good evenin' Y'all..

    2. Nick DiMucci (son, father, coach and business owner)August 2, 2012 at 5:39 PM

      I am not affiliated with the PACC. They have there own caterers who go in there and pay 200 dollars to cater an event. Guess who pays the 200?? Ya that's right the customer! I work out of many legions and other function halls. I don't need to tell you anything more. If you wanna look up all my info go ahead I have nothing to hide. Any publicity is good for my business thank you all very much. In fact since I have gotten so much publicity on here this months special is 15% off your order!!! No anonymous people can apply though sorry. I don't see why you would be against anybody starting up a local business in town. It can only be good but I guess it's a double edged sword.

  5. listen here isteach, when I am a talkin to dem revenuers, I be a speaking some proper English so as not to arouse suspecion and make them think I am just a regular guy going for a drive. but when I gets in here, I be a drivin a defferent buggy so as not ta let dat cat out da bag if n ya get me drift. y'all prcatice you be a gittin it sonna or lata

    1. Oh, I got ya, loud & clear!! Thanks for your input & keep those comments coming because there are a lot of "bad" people involved in this nasty underhanded B'ness that are getting "skeerd" that the real revenuers are going to make some important house calls. You make some very good valid points & I was just agreeing wid ya!!

  6. I am not agreeing with anything said about this person. I understand his frustration to be aired over this blogspot if all he has done is legit. I was having a bit of fun with the southern accent guy with no intention of agreeing with him on this particular subject. It is tough to get smeared across the media if you have not done anything wrong. I have been falsely accused by people who have wanted to hurt me because I was getting the truth out so I understand being labeled or called names when it was not warranted or not one shred of truth to it. I do not know Mr. DiMucci but if he is responding to emergencies in a professional way, as he says he has, then I say thank you to him & sorry also to him if he has been hurt here by what some have said. I agree with some things twistedsister says & some not. This one, I can say I do not because I have no knowledge of this situation either way. The truth needs to come out about stuff but properly & fairly on those who are doing wrong. If someone has a gripe to just cause pain to somebody & hurt their businesses then that is flat out despicable. This is just my thoughts on this particular theme that has been thrust out there for all to see. Hope no one hurts anyone else just because they don't like them or because of personal vendettas. That is going too far. My opinion once again.

  7. in dem der back woods ya get what ya soo (sew) and if n any one a bein able ta do so can go back n look at dem web sites of let dem peeps speak and see what was a wrttin and he be a one who did som writtin things bout peeps dat were big fat lies an dem der peeps a knew it so how he like gettin a taste of the slop he was a slingin jus a short tim go. he likes to be a sling but he don't like a gettin dirty do he/ next time maybe he think before he be a jumpn on dat echo hill wagon. if he gots dat licens ok but if n not he best a be standin by cause the judgement day wagon a be comin and it be have lots O room. he had no problem bout a writin things bout dem other peeps but soon as some one a call him out like dat der Bennett fella did, he be a first in line to whine........repent n stand by to meet ya maker soony cause da reaper is a commin and the blade be sharp and the horse be stout! He may be a thinkn he was a execisin dat free speech well so was dem other fellas N gals. isteach you sound like a nice nough peep N I was just a foolin wit ya above der, I be a smilin if n you be.

  8. jus N case you peeps have trouble with watch a call it, say some words when ya mean somfin else, blade be sharp mean the tongue N talk a speakin the rules n da charges agin da law will be bold and to da point, we won't be a holdin da tongue, we be a speakn da truth plain N simple and dat horse a bein stout is a meanin da peeps be strong N standin together as one, jus so no body be a gittin the wrong idea, no violence, just ole fashion justice, plenty room n wes boylston

    1. Oh yeah, I do agree with you about the echo hill gang & they best be a lookin' out for the feds & revenuers. In my opinion, they never thought twice about who they hurt for their own personal gain, from what I have witnessed, so you got that right when the tables are turned how whiny they can get!! Justice won't come to some soon enough for me!! Oh, thanks for the kind words & Yes, I be a smilin, too, with our little bit 'o' fun :)

    2. Life is hard enough, so knock it off. ok! Every one is entitled to his own opinion. Hey, twisted sister68, I really wish you would join the real world and speak english. Reading your gibberish is really to much for this old girl to deal with, late at night. I like Joe, he has worked with a lot of kids who like to run. It keeps them out of trouble, and as far as I know has been a good role model. What he does with his business, is his business. God only knows, we have enough real things to worry about. So, keep it clean, and worry about the real things we have to deal with, and don't go out of your way to be hatefull. Thanks, I hope you understand where I am coming from, Bev.

    3. That's exactly right, Bev. That is pretty much what I was saying further up. We need to be careful who & how we say things about others so as not to hurt them publicly or their businesses if it is not warranted. I have had the same thing done to me because I was trying to help shed light on goings on in this town way back & a few didn't like it. I hope you get where I am coming from, too! Who said no one was entitled to their opinion here? We need to be nice to each other & that means all of us, you & me included & that's a big start. Not much of that have I seen in years. Too many self-entitled people. Time to get back to good old- fashioned caring for your neighbors & town. And that is my opinion that I am entitled to without someone telling me to knock it off!! No where have I ever tried to deliberately hurt anyone for the sake of doing that. So, lighten up & really read before responding. Or at least make it clear who you are talking to. The same as you want twistedsister to be clear. If we don't we all end up going down the wrong path & look foolish & start a battle that shouldn't have started in the first place. Blogging is tricky at the best of times. Because, as I say, it is all subject to interpretation. I interpret many wrong at times myself & may be doing that here. It's a tough business to try to get your thoughts out without offending anyone & yet get the gist of the story told so things can change for the better. And these are my thoughts tonight, even if they are not spot on. Thank you. Oh & BTW, I know of your nephew Jon & he is one of the kindest hearted young men I have ever met. You should be proud of him & on that I agree with you 100%!!

  9. ok, dis here is for miss Bev an isteach, dis here bloggin if fo folks ta be a soundin off, cause if seem the local newspaper don't be a lis'n and do be a printn what da peeps have ta say, so de be a bloggn, agreed? now along come nick Dimucci an he be a bloggn on dat face book thingy and he be a talkn bout look in de mirro casue mabe ya be de problem, de dat bennett fella blog on here what dat other fella already blogged on dat face book and looks like a few peeps a jumped on the dimucci case pretty hard, dat be the chance ya take when you be a bloggn, follow? so if N ya don't want no heat, don't be a bloggn. just so ya be a knowin, lots of blog on da bloggophere happens dis way, all bout peeps soundin off in their opinion, just like a talkin at the general store don't ya see, jus more peeps get to see what ya be a yappin bout only differnce bout talkin at the general store and here on de blog is every on can see what ya said for days weeks and longer. peeps be a forgettin words spoke but on dis here blog ya can read em for long time and de be printed out n passed on don't ya see, dis here technology (like dat big fancy word) is holdn peeps accountable cause now der words come back n haunt em, good n bad come outts here so we gots to jus be a dealin wit it

  10. We need to support our local businesses as much as we possibly can. In fact, it would be great to create a Templeton Business Group to possibly promote all local businesses collectively. Maybe a brochure can be created? There are a lot of great businesses here that may not advertise in TGN so people may not be aware of all of them. And starting a business is hard enough these days without getting negative pushback. Nick, not all anonymous people are bad or share the opinions of other sourpusses. You have a right to your opinion without it reflecting on your business. Thank you for being a part of the discussion and I hope you will continue to share them. We may not always agree, but we can certainly disagree without being spiteful. If we get wrapped up in knocking each other down, we'll overlook the real wrong doers continuing to steal from us and hurt our community. Looking forward to spending the day tomorrow at the Block Party enjoying the best parts of being a Templetonian!


  11. Replies
    1. The "knock it off"s to anyone who is just being mean spirited. This blog is good for everyone to get their opinions out, but it is not ok to just be hatefull. I do not expect everyone to like me or agree with me all of the time. I have been able to lighten up, but I will also speak up if I think anyone is out of bounds. Bev.

    2. Yes that I will agree with you on. I am probably one of the least mean spirited people in this tough world so my point proves that blogs are totally subject to interpretation. But, that is okay because after blogging here for quite a while I see that people are going to view things, mostly, as they are already "programmed" or pre-determined to think. That is another reason why I have been so frustrated for years on end to see the same old nasty way of doing town business & the people it has hurt without a second thought from a particular gang. There are so many people now, thanks largely to Pauly's blogsite, who are trying hard to get things done but there are many who just don't get the real picture. I see from this unfortunate exchange that went a route that wasn't intended, at least on my part, that it is not possible to even use some light-hearted banter that is not aimed at anyone to try to lighten up my own blogs. There again, that is where the blogging one does gets complicated. That's right, no one can like everyone or their opinion, including mine, but this is indeed, why this is a wonderful spot to sound off on everything. Bev, I think you are a very honorable & insightful person. And I do usually concur with most of what you say. From what I have seen you are also a hands on doer & this community is very fortunate to have you in it. I took a major slam years ago for speaking up when I saw massive wrongdoings & tried to bring attention to them. In all that, I never went after anyone as some people have done. I didn't sue this town because it wasn't the whole town that hurt me & I didn't want innocent to suffer just because I had. I still went to who I thought was the authorities at the time, never realizing that they were key players that brought on the mess we are in today. I will still try in my own way to make a difference for the better in this town. Someday you may know my story & the heat that I took for everyone in this town when no one knew about any of this stuff yet, except probably Pauly. Those are my thoughts today. Sorry there were some hairs that got crossed but in life that is bound to happen. I flicked that hair off this morning & am now moving on. Thank you again Pauly for this fantastic sounding board!
