Thursday, August 2, 2012


Don't forget  John LeClerc Memorial Wind Turbine 5K, August 4, 2012  click here for info
And to Jonathan - Aunt Bev says "Gook Luck"

Then it's on to the BLOCK PARTY in EAST TEMPLETON


  1. not to be an ass and this is nothing to do with this event .. but what is up with the wind mill it fixed yet ??

  2. No it's not! Welcome to Templeton!

    1. Just to let you guys know, My sister Donna's son, Jon. ran the Boston Marathon this spring.{the third time} Maybe you don't remember but it was a hot, hot day. A lot of runners could not finish the race. They could see the finish line, but just could not do it. He did super, he ran 26 miles in 3hrs,37min. and something like 7seconds. He runs, no matter what the weather, snow, ice, rain, it does not matter what it is doing out side. I gave him h---, tonight. It was 87 in the shade, to hot to run, but not for him. I will be there to cheer him on. As if you can't tell I am very proud of him. Speaking of our no go, wind mill, come to the Light and Water meeting this week. I am sure they will be more than happy to tell you why it won't work. Yah.if you believe that i'll show you the Tooth Fairy. My opinion as always, Bev.

    2. Just in case you all don`t know, I would like to tell everyone that this Sat. at the Block Party in East Templeton between 4:30 to 6:30 Micky Willson`s son Brody will be putting on a motorcycle jumping show. Brody is one of the top X Game motorcross jumping experts in the world. He dose back and front mid air somersaults and jumping tricks that will blow your mind. He makes Eveil Kenevil look like a bumbling hill billy. He performs all over the world and just got done performing in France this July. He his home for a few weeks and has agreed to perform for our 250 Block Party. If you want to see some of his performances around the world google Brody Wilson X Games What he and a hand full of young men do on a motorcycle is mind blowing. Don`t miss this once in a life time live performance.

    3. It is amazing the things that these kids can do. I see the kids are back in the skate board park. I am glad. Maybe thay could have a couple of hours some Saturday to show off their skills. This is something the C4T could think about? When I go past the park these kids are busy, and I know I have not given it alot of thought. From what John Miganowicz told me, some of the tricks these kids can do are pretty professional. Lets get through the weekend safely, and we can go from there. Bev.
