Friday, August 3, 2012

Block Party note from Steve LaPrise

Hi Pauly
Please post this about Brody Willson

Just in case you all don`t know, I would like to tell everyone that this Sat. at the Block Party in East Templeton between 4:30 to 6:30 Micky Willson`s son Brody will be putting on a motorcycle jumping show. Brody is one of the top X Game motorcross jumping experts in the world. He dose back and front mid air somersaults and jumping tricks that will blow your mind. He makes Eveil Kenevil look like a bumbling hill billy. He performs all over the world and just got done performing in France this July. He his home for a few weeks and has agreed to perform for our 250 Block Party. If you want to see some of his performances around the world google Brody Wilson X Games What he and a hand full of young men do on a motorcycle is mind blowing. Don`t miss this once in a life time live performance.


  1. Could not agree more, definately breathtaking watching him perform. Will be a highlite of the party

    1. Oh my, I looked on line! How does his mother deal with him flying through the air, half off the bike? If he was my kid, I don't think I could watch....Bev.
