Friday, August 3, 2012

Bennett, Bankowski, PHC Sr

Mr. Bennett get out the DVD on the reappointment issue with Grimley. You didn't have anything in front of you to make your decision to reappoint Grimley to the concom. Whoever was and still is to blame for Grimley's reappointment, Carol? Julie? Chris? Why did you people decide to put all the reappointments on "one" agenda item. In other words in layman's terms if you vote no for one reappointment it meant all reappointments are a no vote, am I correct? So whoever put all the reappointments on one article did make sure Grimley got reappointed. Is That true Mr. Bennett?
And what about my letter to the board to not-and I repeat not reappoint Grimley to the con com? I still have the letter and I am still pissed off at you and Julie on that vote, remember it was a unanimous vote to reappoint that group and someone did a lot of planning to make sure Grimley got reappointed. How would you and Julie have voted on a one by one reappointment? Would you have introduced my letter or not? To reappoint Grimley? Look back a couple years and you may not think Larry Bankowski is really a bad guy or is it the training he got from the gang at 690 patriots road. Other words every time you Jeff, mention wrongdoings you should look back to where it all started and you still refuse to correct all those wrongdoings one by one. You jump from 2004 to 2012 and try to forget all of those in between. am I right or not? Why don't you as a selectmen asked Larry Bankowski to do a letter of his actions/credentials-"verbal" is too confusing for all involved to make a judgment. How about it? On paper, you selectmen can pick Larry apart without prejudice you will have his story on paper. I hope this don't turn out to be another "Jeff Ritter deal" if you know what I mean? Okay enough picking on Bennett.
Okay Mike Nason (comment August 2, 10:20 AM) in your reply to anonymous you must be  new, to the world of Templeton, do you know the definition of retaliation look what those morons try to do to me, PHC Senior and there is still a couple trying, but I can stand up and be recognized along with Kirk Moschetti, Jeff Bennett, Phil Brooks, Joe Boyd and a lot of others, and a lot of good people got hammered on by those powers that were, so listen carefully-what those anonymous as print and I don't blame them for fear of retaliation. Those people are getting the word out to a lot of people that would normally never hear the negative or positive of things here in Templeton. All are welcome on my blog-positive or negative, good or bad. why did you post your comment? Hee hee hee. Good work Mike on patriots road keep printing your opinions, there is no charge and I personally enjoy your comments. Anyone else want to sound off about Mike Nason? Let's keep the opinions coming.
 I don't even want to mention the advisory board, they are good board and Will Spring is not going to tell you twice on anything you need, that board has on paper and those people that are not doing their job will soon find out, of course this is my opinion. Hey ttwisted ssister? Of course that ‘stand and be recognized” as on paper with the signature, you read it didn’t you? Hoo Boy! How many times must I print it? Stand up and be recognized and sign your name legibly print it, I don't care which way it's done as long as you know who wrote it okay and you DCE well said, hey check000 personnel board will function properly when Raeann and others rewrite the rules without interference from all the sexual intellectuals that don't want personnel board to be active, am I right or not, sound of people (anonymously is ok) and attend personnel board meeting on August 8 and be a witness in person. Get it? Then you can understand why the personnel board must rewrite the whole system and this is not "just" my opinion.
Hey Mike Nason, as you said- anonymouses should “grow a set”, Hoo boy, Hee-Hee-Hee. Would they look funny in a bikini so be careful what you say about growing a set. Hey Baldwin Templeton (August 2 2:38 PM) why do you say the state of mass is very corrupt, why would a nice gal or guy say in Massachusetts is corrupt? Why, why, why? LOL

Thanks for reading my opinions, Pauly


  1. First off, we can when voting on reappointments, ask for a hold on individuals and come back to vote on one as individual. Honestly Pauly, I took your letter as I did my complaints as a personal issue, because of your many issues with Shaun on the $1400.00, on some decisions made by the con com that you were vocal against. What i was waiting for on that night was for other individuals to standup and speak against Shaun Grimely, it did not happen so I made my vote on fact and not my personal feeling or that of a friend, I am sorry if you do not agree with that or understand my thinking, but as a selectmen, I represent everyone and I try very hard to put aside my personal feelings when voting. I did the same thing back in September 2011 with carol skelton, my vote to dismiss was based on the town meeting vote with the law that allowed selectmen to dismiss as they wish, MGL chapter 4, section 23C, see town meeting vote, 1998 page 102, 103. As for jumping from 2004 to 2012, if you are referring to comments about the con com agen pay, those are the dates of the meeting minutes that reflect discussion on that issue and I have those on file and they can be found easily at the town clerk's office, there are binders with the meeting minutes of the con com, selectmen and personnel to review at the desk in the hall. Simply walk in ask Carol Harris what you wish to look at and she will show you them. I have always been allowed to simply take the binders, read through them and then ask for copies of what ever minutes I want, pay for them and done. Time consuming but east to do. Concerning all the questionable things that were done in Templeton between 2004 and 2012 would require many many pages of blog, maybe there is a book in there.

  2. CORRECTION MGL Chapter 41, section 23C

    1. I can understand both sides of the coin. A couple of months ago, I put in paperwork to be on the personnel board. When it came down to vote some one in. Chris did not know I had put the paper work in. When other people pointed it out, I could tell he did not want to appoint me. Why, I do not have any of my family working for the town. No conflict of interest any where, have been on the Bd.of Health, and I can be fair. Why didn't he want me on the board? Oh yes, I'm one of Julie's people! Does this man figure I can't think for my self? I just think he does not like me. I don't even know him, but if he would have behaved he like Jeff DID, he would have appointed me wether he likes me or not. I really, really understand how Pauly feels about Grimley. I have no idea what hole this person crawled out from, but some times you have to do what you don't want to, because it is the right thing to do[ON PAPER}. I remember the times Gladys did things other people did not agree with. This is a harder job than most people realize. All you can do is your best, that is the truth. By the way, TRUTH WINS THE DAY, Grimley ran as fast as he could when he figured people would be wise to what he has done! Like they say, you can run, but you can't hide. Pauly, it will all come out in the wash, just wait. My opinions,Bev.

  3. Yes Pauly I do think the Personnel Board will be effective with the new appointees. It's okay if they want to rewrite the policies, some of them don't make sense anyway. The "REAL" problem is:

    1. Will the Personnel Administrator follow his/her responsibilities according to the ByLaw?
    2. Will the new policies be just handed to people or will they receive training with interpretation of them?
    3. Who will actually enforce them?

    It seems that the Bylaw and the policies have been totally ignored in the past, so, if they are rewritten will it make a difference? That is the problem! People in supervisory positions need to take this seriously and not wimp out. I am aware that some supervisors think they are doing their job, but, it seems to be rampant in this town that people just do what they want and get away with it. Nuff said.

  4. No, not "Nuff said". For example about the policies, I am told that there is a policy concerning DRESS in the workplace in particular... no jeans, no shorts, no barefeet. I recently was told that one member of the staff in the town hall was seen in shorts and walking in the hall barefoot. Who is letting this pass by? Is this acceptable? Will the new policies accept beach wear in the office? Just sayin.

    1. Check, please watch the selectmen meetings and tell me honestly can some selectmen try to enforce a dress quote you, just sayin

    2. Honestly, NO because they couldn't follow one themselves, but, if there is one, it should only end on the Selectmen's table if all else fails. Dept. heads, Board members, supervisors, etc. should be first. If you (pronouns used loosely not personally) can't enforce a dress code, don't have one......and that goes for every other policy. If you can't enforce it, don't have it sitting somewhere gathering dust until, as was done in the past, you can use it for someone who is not one of your "dear friends".

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. While there is a section on uniforms and special clothing, it is more about uniforms and special protective clothing. Nothing about jeans etc unless it is somewhere other than the personnel policy

  7. If one reads the personnel policy completely, you will realize it does net really cover anyone of the dozen or so employees it purports to cover. Exempt employees on page 7 lists Executive - primary duty is to manage a department - all department heads exempt.
    Administrative - primary duty is office or non-manual work directly related to management policies or directly assisting an executive (see above) read that as all secretaries or assistants
    Professional - primary duty requires advance knowledge acquired by specialized study, work is intellectual and the result is not standardized - not gonna comment on that one except if you have to go to a school or training specific to your job then you are exempt, so who does that leave?? Who is the smart guy who wrote this anyways?

  8. I don't have the policies in hand, but, a former office worker advises me that somewhere there is a section re: dress code. When these policies were written, by GS, they were taken from those that were in force in the
    TMLW dept. There was actually a training (that Sue might remember) where dress code was discussed and jeans, shorts etc. was the topic. As for bare feet, I believe that is a board of health code for public places.

  9. Check, I have the policy in front of me and there is no specific section on dress code, my concern is who does this policy cover because of the above listed exemptions, seems like all the non union people that were intended to be covered are exempt. That was always the kick about carol coming in late, she is not covered! Frankly i am more concerned with getting the payroll warrant and weekly invoice (town bills) warrant done than I am about someone wearing shorts. Perhaps next year the budget will be in a condition that will allow for a wage that will afford people to buy "appropriate work wear" whatever that may be. The light department pays a clothing allowance along with 50 thousand dollar a year to the clerical workers there, can Templeton afford that and do they want to pay that clothing allowance?? Right now I am more concerned with a town employee who submits a letter of resignation effectively leaving the employment of the town as in no longer works for the town, then a department head and or board submits a pay sheet for part time work as if an employee can resign then just keep working part time and receive pay. A much more importan issue to me than someone wearing shorts and or going bearfoot, not saying either is correct or a professional attitude but if I have to pick the more important issue....

  10. I Check that, and it shouldn't be your job. Again though, Rules are laws, Bylaws are laws, and Policies are laws. We have to start somewhere. Is it really a big deal to ask someone to read them and try to follow them as best they can? Because we are in turmoil, and I have sympathy with you for trying to correct everything, its not a good time to continue pushing things under the rug either. If your family is in the midst of a turmoil, can you willingly let your children break the rules? I think not. I think you are doing as much as a human can do to uncover wrongdoings and try to make them right. If indeed there is a law being ignored, advise the supervisor to take care of it. This town needs to look at protocal more than it has. I guess I have a strong affinity to rules and their purpose, so I say, let's "Git er dun". Obey or go away, hehehe.

    On another note, can the personel policies be put on the town site? (paying forward-THANKS)

  11. Jeff the personnel policy does say "no short shorts and no Tshirts" When I'm in my office I will let you know what page. I personally think we have better things to address than how people dress. (although I have heard gossip about the shorts, I think a few of the ladies are jeolous! lol ) I do remember when Jerry was in office no sweatshirts with cartoon chatacters were allowed. I personally have to wear jeans when I am out measuring houses, garages, decks etc. - Luanne and I have been chased by a porcupine, I have come face to face with a level 3 sex offender (you would be surprised how many sexoffenders we have in town) I have slipped on ice and sunk into snow that was deeper than it appeared. Sunk in mud at construction sites, Tripped over junk in yards (you would think I'd be use to this one living with Pauly)lol. Wouldn't be able to do this work without my jeans, steel toed boots, and yaktracs(for the ice) and no (because I know some one is going to make a comment) I pay for them myself!
    Anonymously Sue

  12. Well anonymously Sue, thank you, no t-shirts or short shorts, please describe short shorts, above knee or below knee and again is that the biggest thing we need to focus on now? And again, thank you Anonymously Sue, at least we know who that anonymous is. Now Sue, since office personnel are exempy from the personnel policy, does that employee have to follow that? page 7 - exempt employees Administrative - primary duty is office or non-manual labor work directly related to management policies or directly assisting an executive. So if you are exempt from the policy, do you have to follow it?

    1. Just to clarify, exempt refers to employees exempt from the fair labor overtime law not exempt from personnel policies. I have an email from former town council that while some employees are "exempt" from the town having to pay overtime, those same employees are subject to to personnel bylaw. No office staff with the exception of some department heads are exempt emploess under law.
      Tammy Coller

    2. Exempt employee - salaried employee who is employed in an executive, administrative or professional capacity and is not generally entitled to overtime pay as he or she meets the following criteria as defined by the fair labor standards act, 29 USC sections 201-216. And Tammy that is not how it was done in the past and how this reads, most are not covered by the policy - that was back in the day of pick n choose.

  13. I don't know what you are reading Jeff, but, I thought everyone but elected officials are subject to the personnel policies. I've got to get a copy!

    1. Now that I have you people thinking and questioning this personnel policy, please attend the personnel board meeting on August 22, 2012 and ask questions - I will let you and I will even try to get you an answer. Now you all know how confusing, mixed up etc it is, think if you were an employee of a policy that states on page 5 that the personnel policy shall apply to all employees of the town of Templeton except, contract employees, those appointed by school committee, positions filled by popular vote, those who serve on voluntary committees (duh volunteer not employee) town council and others exempted by the board of selectmen - your my wife so you are exempt - come in any time you want - leave any time you want. also has on the bottom of that page the makeup of the personnel board but since it already states that in the by-law, why repeat it over - quite a document that needs clean up for sure.

    2. And to that point Jeff, the Selectmen never voted "and others exempted by the board of selectmen" anyone into this category. So as indicated in my email from Joe Fair, no one is exempted from the personnel bylaw except: volunteers, contract employees, elected, school committee members.


  14. You just made the point that we all have been saying - the Personnel Policy needs to be revamped - Big time!!!!!
    Anonymously Sue

  15. Well Check, I am reading from the personnel policy of Templeton. Page 7 says "exempt employee" and that is how carol skelto used to be classified according to some, Administrative - primary duty is office or non-manual labor etc. My vote as chairman of personnel Board is to pretty much scrap the whole thing and begin again because it seems that this policy was aimed at protecting one or two and that is all.

    1. Someone read to me, over the telephone, the paragraph somewhere in the beginning of the document that says(my words) "this policy covers all town employees except........and I don't know the rest. I think when these policies were written, office workers were called "secretaries". The title "Administrative Assistants" came in just a few years ago. I don't believe what page 7 is talking about is the same thing. Your guess is as good as any. Yes, these policIies seem to be as disorganized and confusing as the Town Bylaws. I didn't know you are the Chairman of the Personnel Board. Kudos to you. A lot of work needs to be done to get these things up to speed.

    2. I think common sence should rule the day until we have time to get to changes that need to be made, changed, added, or subtracted. It does not hurt for the people in the town office buildings to be neately dressed. We are not in a big city, but still everyone should not look like something the cat dragged in, or that you have been cleaning the barn. This goes for the guys too. I could never understand why a man needed to wear a tie when it was 90 degrees out. A nice sports shirt, or pullover will do. Jeans are ok, as long as they are not baggy and ragged. All this can be kicked around when the time comes. It is absolutely crazy for the light and water to give the office girls a clothing allowance. It is not like they are working for minimum wage! Maybe they should take that money and put it into a fund for the elderly that are having trouble paying their electric bill. It is fine if you need steel toe shoes for the out side work you do. That is a different ball game. If I remember right Simplex paid half, when I worked there, a long time ago..Anyway, Jeff is right, we have alot of work to do, but for tonight....Lets not forget the dunking booth. I need to find someone who can dunk Bennett for me. I could not hit the broad side of the barn door. Lets have fun, see you tomorrow, Bev.

  16. I think we should be focused on the LumberJills and away from the dunk tank or Brody Wilson...not the dunk tank...The pie eating contest...not the dunk tank. the Hole in one contest...not the dunk tank

    1. Dunk Tank! Dunk Tank! Dunk Tank! Dunk Tank! Its all in good fun and that's what we need right now. Plus, its supposed to be hot tomorrow so it may feel good! It would be a great gesture if all 5 selectmen would participate.

  17. Dunk tank - what time are you in the dunk tank Jeff? wish my marine son was here to throw the ball. lol I'll have to try!
    Julie what time are you in the dunk tank? kodos for you guys for participating!!!! I think we should acknowledge all those who worked hard to put this event together. See you all at the
    block party!!!!
    Anonymously Sue

    1. not sure what time I am in the dunk tank and try not to hit my pretty mug - I worked real hard to get this ugly and I want to stay that way.

  18. If Virginia sits in the dunk tank, would I get in trouble if I hit her instead of the target?

    1. Now, now, be nice, or at least try. Didn't your mother tell you "There are some things you should keep to your self". Girls, make sure what ever you are going to wear, dosn't become see thru, when it gets wet! We may not have a qualified EMT in the crowd, and we don't need any heart attacks. Just kidding, Bev.
