Friday, August 24, 2012

anonymous post

Breakfast at the Thirsty Turtle Friday - Jerry Skelton and Patricks Mullins

Well, it's nice to know that Mullins shows up for SOME meetings. Do we have to make you pancakes to get you to the Select Board meetings? 


  1. Isn't it about time we talk about the windmill? It seems the light company got it running so that a few congressmen could see it in action. Why couldn't they "get it running" for the Town residents. It doesn't seem to run all the time, even if the wind is blowing. Did the school get their share of money for the wattage that the windmill made? Well, I hope the windmill keeps running and the wings don't fall off because of the vibrations.

    1. I have questions about the windmill too. have it running only when the vip's come by, and why was Shaun Hamilton there? I heard the school only gets $5000.00/year for the wind turbine. And whats with all the water breaks. Hey Dana try smokin a little less wakky weed and pay attention to your precious L&W.

  2. Must have been some kind of breakfast! I think the interim fire chief was present as well

    1. Pancakes with a side of meatheads.

    2. It may be the only place in town that will let them in. I still think GS is paying the GSnooz reporters with free drinks at the bar. Maybe he was making a payment on his bar bill. You know they say "you can buy some people very cheap'. It still amazes me that the snooz will not give the C4T aounce of ink, no matter what we do. I wonder what will happen when we give the check to the school. Will the black out that too? More than likely! Wait and see. Bev.

    3. Hey whats with the old stove and old couch out by the curb at the Skelton's daughter house. why didn't they just call Scrappy to take the old stove and have Carol sell the cough at her yard

    4. I think Pauly should send one of his big CO&S trucks over to pick up tomorrow morning. I'm sure that would go over well.

  3. I heard John Driscoll and Ronnie Davan were on a treadmill hooked up to the wind turbine when the politicians came to town. Dana Blais was going to take a turn on the treadmill, but he couldn't figure out how to use it.

  4. i was at the otter sportsmen club this week checking on how the rebuilding is going ..they are looking for two man hole covers for the two septic tanks ..ya think anybody can ask Mullins if he could donate any ????

    mike c

  5. As seen in photo op in the snooz they were all a safe distance from the props and were quick to leave just in case it blew apart, at what risk to humans did they operate the turbine for this marketing,photo op? who said ok and why did'nt it report the complete story about it,ie cost, payback and also repair cost,audit,warranty and generation shortfalls,estimated time to profit from it? wow if we only got the truth from these blowhards!
    last report on the ncci twin props the preliminary tests have started after 2 years and no place to hook them up to,now we the taxpayers are getting the tests done,ie will they turn?not produce just turn,soon they will test for a product called power! may produce a estimated $500, per year in power savings,based on the estimated cost of power in the long term market at a rate higher than now of X2 or X3 so that can look better than if calculated on current rates that are going "down" for all but "templeton" light customers, due to use of natural gas clean and abundant, but not for any of us, no no !nuke,oil,hydro,coal!
    lock in, for 10 years+ porfolio, no our rates will increase when the others will decrease,great move again boys,change time comming soon and boys do we need it, why didn't nrhsd get the 5,000 rent due for the last 2 years? yes when the water dept pay 35,000+ to light dept nrhsd gets zipo from light dept, think that was figured in the break even estimates? did the boys get paid to have photo taken? is hamilton on the payroll still? what did the photo op cost the rate payers, mcgoverns office need to here the story before the next muni electric communities get stuck like we have on this jackpot! ask yourself this,why is it not private sector building these shadow props? profits matter.
    go to next light and water and join in the fun as we need to show whats up and who,does what or does'nt!

  6. Just a clarification -
    I was at the photo op with McGovern. You can go up to the turbine. No problem. It is regularly serviced and everyone present had the opportunity to go into the turbine, if they wanted.

    The other points you make, I have no problem with.

