Friday, August 24, 2012

selectmens meeting

Please not that Monday August 27th Selectmen's meeting is at the High School Kiva at 6:30 pm Please pass the word!!!!!


  1. Looks like some good discussions are scheduled. I'm happy to see that and looking forward to attending. Will this one be taped?

    1. It looks like it is going to be a interesting meeting. I have no idea why they decided to meet less often in the summer. It sure looks like there is alot of business to take care of. I mean, gee, they are running a business! A pretty good size one at that. New soft ware for the town is going to cost alot, but I think it is needed. We will know where we are, financially. That will be a different concept! Bev.

  2. I believe the Cable commission will be taping this meeting. there was a mix-up at the last meeting. I hope to see you there!

  3. Tired of watching the July 23rd meeting on CATV. I mean really how many times do you need to run one meeting?

    1. Gee, at least you know it is the same meeting. When you don't know, then you have a problem. LOL. Bev

  4. The BOS meeting was great last night. The Advisory Board has done a fantastic job making a list of suggestions for the town to operate with more accuracy and transparency. I can't believe that the town has not had detailed timesheets in use to date. No wonder people could cheat the system for so long! The timesheets are very standard and straight forward, very similar to what businesses use. I'm sure there will be grumblings because people hate change. But everyone should get used to it because its a good thing and was needed decades ago. Their other ideas regarding reviews of insurance, loans and bonds rates is a no-brainer, but sometimes it takes someone pointing it out in order to make it happen. Again, I can see how certain people could have taken advantage if there was no checks and balances in place. The Advisory Board has some very smart members and I am so thankful they have stepped forward to help us get out of the mess we're in. They provide some sanity, rationality, and hope.Thank you to all of you. Also, I was so pleased to hear Mr. Ritter speaking on some of these tough issues. He's also a godsend to this town. Very smart and professional. I cannot see how Ms. Skelton would have ever been able to speak on certain issues or even understand them. No offense to her, but that job needs experience I do not think she possesses. Its good to see the BOS working with other depts so well. There is cooperation and idea sharing happening with very little infighting. FINALLY! One question...if the past 4 or so meetings have been held at school buildings, how come no police detail? I thought it was a rule that one (or 5) must be present if a meeting was in a school. Or was that "rule" just made up by the powers that were to frame citizens who were upset as troublemakers? Hmmmm. Well, there certainly isn't a need as everyone conducts themselves respectfully--even when voicing opposing views. I congratulate everyone who has worked so hard to pick up this town and help to make it evolve into a better functioning community. Cheers!
