Saturday, August 25, 2012

School starts Aug 27

Reminder Schools starts back August 27 - so Drive Carefully!. Watch out for the Kids walking and at the bus stops! Put down the cell phone and the coffee and drive safely. Thank you!

Just to let you all know Citizens4Templeton delivered a check for $1,200.00  to Superintendent Ruth Miller for the 40 plus homeless kids. With school  starting Monday we needed to get the money to them. As more money comes in (like the anonymous $300.00 that someone promised Bev) it will be forwarded to the Ruth Miller. If anyone knows of a child in need please call Ruth Miller's Office at 978-939-5661
The formal accepting of the check by the Narragansett Regional School district will be at the next school committee meeting (yes because it is a donation they have to vote to accept it) I'll let you all know the date so those that want to attend can.

Thank you to all for all the hard work.

 As I was driving with a friend the other day, they told me about a small house in their neighborhood that currently has 2 families living there. Currently there are 58 empty houses/condos in town. There is also many homes in various stages of foreclosure that the families are still living there.



  1. I bet a lot of these children are anxious to get back to school so they can learn more about events in the mideast. It is said that the students find events concerning Palestine to be of great interest. Hopefully more will appear right here on Pauly's Templeton Watch concerning this subject.

  2. It's so nice to be a part of this group of concerned citizens. To bad we can't muster up some more Tempeltonians to help out. What ever happened to all the "Let the People Speak" people? They go into hiding after the people started not only speaking but following up with actions? Where are all these big mouth, self centered people now?

  3. Most probably some of the more informed of that group have been to Templeton Times to read the excellent blog on World Zionism. After researching 9/11 and other world events it appears that World Zionism has much to do with today's current events. Hopefully Pauly will post this interesting blog on World Zionism on this popular blog site, it should be a real eye opener for those interested in world events.

  4. wow Pete, leave that for people who want to search for it, That crap starts showing up here and I'm gone. We need to keep it real and current here and worry about Templeton.

  5. I agree Baldwin. Start your own page on Zionism if that is your expertise and drum up some followers. Right now I think we need to concentrate on Templeton. After we solve all Templeton's problems we can move on to bigger and better things.
