Sunday, August 26, 2012

More Donations

Bev called me today, she got a the check for $300.00 from the anonymous donor so she will be bringing to Ruth Miller. More to help the kids.

So all this talk of the empty houses and homeless kids and families doubling up had me thinking of the Chief asking to pursue building an addition on the police station or turning 252 Baldwinville Rd into a police station! We the Taxpayers are broke! Get it!

Stay tuned  I'll be writing a blog on this shortly, sorry still recovering!

Thanks - Pauly


  1. Bart and I went to Maine for a over night trip. While we were there, I saw a public report that told people to sign up for fuel assistance early, because there was going to be less available this year. I think things will be the same here. This year we felt the economy and the result, on our business, more than we ever did before. Another year of high oil prices will bring the roof down on the people who are barely hanging in there. It will be the straw that breaks the camels back. The only reason we are in this mess is two words..WALL STREET. There are no shortages, anywhere. Hopefully in Sept when the Dod-Frank bill goes into effect some of the game playing will stop. It is hard to be poor. To not have what the other kids have makes you feel different. Growing up we did not have alot of money. My dad was sick alot of the time. We always had enough to eat. Ma planted the garden, dad grew potatoes. We were clean. What more could you ask. Today, parents feel they need to give the kids computers, and games. Never mind phones, and the technology changes every other day. This is as good as any place to talk about our town government. You know the windmill has been referred to alot in the last week. Maybe if the people who put that thing up would have had second thoughts if they treated that money like it was their own. Everyone on the light company bd. of commissioners would be wise to think of the people, who they are supposed to represent. The problem with these guys is, not one of them have a problem paying their bills when they come in the mail. They can not relate to people who do have money problems, as a result there is no sympathy from the bunch of them. I guess Chris is the only one that can not be included in my comments. He just got on board in May. The money fairy left town ten years ago. With the way the town has been run, she had no chance to make things better. With new software that is going to cost us big time, but is needed, we will know where we stand. How much funny stuff went on with our last accountant, we may never know. I do know he left town pretty fast, when he figured Carol was not going to come back. Dam if things keep coming back to the same small group of people. It will all come out in the wash, sooner-not later. See you guys tomorrow night. Bev.

  2. Hi Bev,
    I believe you are correct that this winter will be very hard on people. People on the edge will lose their homes and abandon them. It is tough to be poor. It is not a crime to be poor. In my opinion, some of the policies that are coming out of Washington and the Statehouse are making it a crime to be poor. Should you have to pee in a cup to receive EBT benefits? Fuel assistance?

    As for the wind turbine, I was on the board at the time and voted for the project. I reviewed the contract with AAER and raised questions about AAER's solvency and other issues with the turbine. Got some bad information upon which to base that decision. You can't make a good decision with bad information. I hope Chris will ask the necessary questions when making these kinds of decisions.

    As for the police department looking at 252 Baldwinville Rd.... We haven't made a decision yet. We need to come up with a plan for that property. I know we can't keep multiple projects going at the same time. It will be difficult enough to move the elementary school project forward. I know the rook at Templeton Center is a major concern of Supt. Ruth Miller as well as myself. That roof needs to be fixed. We have a lot of work cut out for ourselves and we need people to participate. Hopefully, some of the younger parents will get involved in town politics. It's hard to do when you are raising a family, but the town needs their participation.

    I'm praying for a mild winter. I know people are broke. I do believe the investment in the accounting software will help the town get on the right track...Not the money fairy, but it's a start.

  3. With the repossessed mortgages and all the houses for sale and the lack of good jobs and the individual debt by many people in town it may be a good time to get our fiscal houses in order and work on why our economy sucks before spending more money we do not have. A good indicator of why we have the problems we do here in good old USA can be found in who controls our Federal Government that being World Zionism. Without working on the core problem and in my opinion that is who controls our money supply we are putting future generations in the position of being actors in their own version of George Orwell's classic book 1984. Get a copy and enjoy the read. More on World Zionism can be found on the blog Templeton Times.
