Sunday, August 5, 2012

Brody Wilson

Brody Wilson was the highlight of the Block Party, WOW is he amazing! Cindy how do you watch your son do that???? Thanks Steve L for forwarding the pics.


  1. Wow, I watched some of this young man's youtube videos & all I can say is spectacular & absolutely breathtaking!! It was very nice of him to help make the block party a success. So sorry I was not able to be there. Sounds like those who attended had a lot of fun. Something this town very much needed.

  2. im at a dismay no coverage in the telegram ..was gorge Barnes sleeping again ..i do not know why i pay for it anymore ??

    and yes Brody is awesome ..Micky did good and what a hell of a job at the track he made!!!ya must be proud dad!!!!

  3. mikec

    Don't be too dismayed about the lack of coverage. The kids are on Youtube not reading the T&G

    1. You are right about the Telegram. I saw George at the race, don't know why they will not cover us. I wrote the editor a letter and asked them to cover Templeton. I told them we were having problems with the GN. I said we needed someone to be fair and objective. I never even recieved a answer from this woman. You are right, it is way too much money, {the T&G} to have no local coverage at all. I know sometimes George has to ask if he wants to cover something in town. This media and legal thing is getting creepier every day. The people that do not have computer access are really getting screwed,{my opinion} then if there is coverage by the snoos, it is one sided, crap. Just think, you can be in deep shit and not even leave your house! HEE, HEE Bev.

  4. Good thing Steve L. got some pics of Brody cause the snooze had nothing, notta, ni, zero. Oh well

  5. Thanks Brody for the great show, I don't see that event getting topped for some time it was awesome. I must admit I am glad my kids don't own a motorcycle. Thanks again Brody and the Wilson family for all you do!!!
