Sunday, August 5, 2012

Woo Hoo to the Block Party!

What an awesome day we all had at the Block Party. Just a few notes - I am tired. To the selectmen who went in the dunk tank - Virginia, Julie, Jeff and Chris - what good sports! The food, the entertainment what a  great job the 250th people did! By the way Tom Martin's wine is fantastic. After the rain we all went into Kamaloht  and ended the night listening and dancing to  the Boothill Express. Yes even Pauly danced WooHoo!!!!!


  1. The Block Party was a great day, especially the dunk tank, the youngsters are serious about that stuff, they lined up, dollar in hand to take their shots and it was fun. If you were there I hhope you took time to watch the show of local homegrown Brody Wilson, pretty cool to see a local guy make it and then take time from his assumed "down time" at home to do what he did, in a parking lot with limited room. In talking with his dad, Mickey and in a brief chat with Brody, it appears he is a grounded and humble individual which is always good to see. Even if you are not a fam of the X games / FMX and the like, you should check out some of his youtube stuff, pretty cool stuff, and remember, Brody is homegrown and again I would thank him for giving a little of his downtime to give the folks who came out to the block party a great show - thank you Brody. And thanks to all those who helped put it together and to those who showed up to support it.

  2. I guess I was not the only one holding my breath the whole time, his mother was too! She said "she was going to be happy when he was finished with his ride" The Wilsons are wonderfull people. They are all different in personalities, but when it comes to being hard working, honest, salt of the earth people, you can't beat them. Good for Brody, being able to do what only a few people on this earth can do, is really something. Everything worked out very well. I am glad that the people came to support the town, for the ones that didn't, you missed a good time. There was something for everyone. It was nice to see Denise Andrews in the crowd. She came to meet people, and I know she will be a great asset to Templeton in the future. You may not know, but she already has helped Pauly get a foot into the AG'S office. This is a HOT POTATO ISSUE. Like no one wanted to go there, but she did. She is the only one to back us, I would appreciate it if you guys, would back her in the primary, and in the election. The guy sitting on the bar stool can offer advise, but when it comes to knowing how to get things done, Well, not so much. This is my opinion, and I respect yours. Have a nice day, Bev.

  3. Awesome time at the Block Party! Not only did the young kids want to take a shot at people in the tank, they also lined up to go into the dunk tank...I almost felt guilty getting in line to take my turn.

    The show put on by Brody Wilson and crew was fantastic. The Wilson family has always stepped up and given back to the town. The music was great...I departed early, I walked in the John LeClerc road race as did Virginia.

    For the record denise Andrews is working to bring someone out from the AG's office to review the growing list of wrong doings in Templeton. Not all of the wrong doings will be able to be acted upon. Denise Andrews is sticking out her neck (politically) for Templeton. It would be much easier and smarter to let these issues remain stagnant if you are interested in getting re-elected.

    I hope everyone had a great time at the Block Party. I did!

  4. I just want to say how pleased I was to see 4 out of the 5 selectmen get in the dunk tank. It was a tremendous gesture and shows they are very good sports. Its nice to know we can put politics aside for a moment and simply be fellow Templeton residents and celebrate living here together. Much respect to all four selectmen!

    The whole day was so great. Music, food, games, cool cars, conversations with was very needed fun. Thank you to everyone who had a part in making the event successful. I wish this could be an annual thing.

    1. I couldn't make the party but was wonderning if Jeff got dunked more times than Julie. What fun.

  5. I was not keeping count and I don't see why this could not be an annual event, not sure if we could the same kind of show that Brody put on but we could duplicate just about everything else and have a sense of community spirit, perhaps use any proceeds, like from the dunk tank for a scholarship fund or something useful, just a thought.

  6. There were about 400 runners and walkers at the John Leclerk 5k race. Every year the croud and the number of racers gets larger.This was not for the faint of heart. It was so hot, still people came out to do their best. My nephew Jon came in third. Nothing to sneeze at. A good job was done by Jim. Brideau. Bev.
