Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Citizen Petition for Fall Special Town Meeting

There have been many allegations of “wrong doings” in Templeton. Pauly and others have tried to begin or call for an investigation into these “wrong doings”. They have asked the BOS to request an investigation by the attorney general to no avail.

I have created a draft citizen petition to present at the special town meeting in the fall. Please blog your suggestions for wording or any additional instances of “wrong doing” that should be included in this citizen petition.

In order for the citizen petition to be included on the special town meeting warrant, it will need 200 signatures of registered voters in the Town of Templeton. I would like to start gathering the signatures as soon as possible. Once the draft citizen petition is finalized, I can bring it to the town clerk for the signature sheets.

Blog On!

Julie Farrell


  1. It would appear that Mr. Koppelman and K&P have much clout with the judicial system in Massachusetts. It is my belief that this is due to the Israeli lobby and their connection to Big Money. Walt and Meirsheimers book The Israeli Lobby is a good read on the subject. That being said it may be a good investment to have the State of Massachusetts look into the problem concerning what happened with case 02-2424C. We will then be able to see just how corrupt or not our state has become on this issue concerning The Israeli Lobby and its influence on our Judicial System.

  2. Well, I think we have fooled everybody by staying active in our quest to get the "wrong doings " cleared up. I think they thought we would take "our ball and go home" when things had not gone the way we wanted them to go. Do not get fooled by the quiet in town. As they say "still water runs deep". Maybe crooked politics can fly in the big government of our state or in our nation, but it does not fly in our town. Bubba, and the GS gang have cost our town dearly. There is no way we can recover from the amount of money that has been squandered, with no thought as to who it would hurt in the end. The departments that have taken painfull cuts, the hourly workers who has their time and their pay cut, can thank Bubba, Mullins, GS, and our prior town council for their pain. Next time you see a Lions Club member, ask them how in good consience, can they support these people, after the way they sucked the town dry with no reguard for anyone else. The police chief asked about using 252 Bald. Rd. as a police station. I hope you all understand, that building was bought with a 1.9 million dollar loan by GS, {with no authorization}, and the best part is...We have no way to pay what he spent back. The first installment is due in the fall. Someone better think of something quick! I think it is time the residents of Winchendon to wake up and ask some questions about why their town selectmen and town council would let people who were responsable for missing funds at the town recycling center off scott free, with out paying back the missing funds or the ability to have any accountability? With leaders like that, you have as many problems as we do. {Well not as many, but enough for a heads up!] I am not sure if the people in Winchendon are aware of what went on. So you guys, I have a job for everyone. If you know anyone in Winchendon, have them read the article in the G.Snooz, or have them read this blog. Last but not least, tell them what has gone on under their nose. Lets keep Pauly in our thoughts. He is a tough, hard working man. Men like him are few and far between. This is my opinion, we are not going to roll over and let this corruption continue. What I write is my opinion, take it or leave it! Bev.

  3. Watchin dat seelectmen meeting, I don't be a thinkin dat red barn crew was a laughin too much as it be a lookin dat group was a voted out and dat be one more time dey was a forced out. dat bein said, I sees old boob bubba columbus was at der skelton plantation, musta be a havin pow wow on som dat business from dat seelectmen meetin. you peeps be a watchin out cause dat ginny went a racin right to da barn to reeport in. lookin like a little bit O collaterall damage felt over der, dat buddy of the skelton plantation dee blais got voted off dat school meetin group

  4. Baldwin Templeton - that's a vile, anti-semitic comment. Blaming Israel for Templeton's problems? Those comments turn me off, and do not reflect well on this blog. They have become an all too regular feature on this blog.

    1. I didn't start out thinking this way Mark this realization came after eighteen years of being a Sewer Commissioner. It actually became apparent to me that special favors were being handed out in 2005 with Judge Cornetta's decision in case 02-2424C. I certainly could be wrong but after reading The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine and The Case Against Israel along with The Israel Lobby I began to get a bad feeling about our current situation here is Massachusetts. In 2009 I took the time to look at events of 9/11 carefully and found that Israel is very much a part of that situation. Prior to a close look at what the Politics in Israel has become with the Likud party and their ties to the Rothschilds dynasty I felt much as you do.

    2. Pauly's blog is all about looking at issues differently than what the mainstream press (who have been tainted by personal, political bias or by the mighty dollar) reports. What facts are available that pertain to the issues and how does that support or not support the collective view. If we all believe what we read in the paper, we'd be under Columbus/Skelton rule right now. I know Baldwin's views may seem insane and go against the collective view. But to be objective about everything in life, one has to consider all views and not pick and choose which views one is comfortable with. Personally, I don't know enough about the subject yet to say I agree or disagree. But, after seeing how other things throughout history have been proven true that were once thought of as absurd, I don't dismiss the possibility. I've always thought that what was told to us on 911 was not the truth and I have heard many prominent people support that. Why were Osama's relatives flown out of the country when all planes were supposed to be grounded? As Mark Twain said "Its easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled."

    3. I don't find much value in a conspiracy theory blaming the jews for many problems on earth, including the problems in our little town.

      Sure, I think Leonard K. was not good for Templeton. I don't know whether or not he's Jewish. It has nothing to do with his performance as town council. Repeating statements linking K&P to 9/11 and discredited theories about some imaginary vast Zionist Conspiracy make this blog much less credible. I don't think "Lenny" had anything to do with 9/11. Pete posts about his theories on his own blog, but apparently they were not generating much interest. So now we have 9/11 conspiracies and chemtrails as features on Pauly's blog.

      In my opinion, posts like the one to which I replied will convince no one to support the petition. Folks will turn off, and the blog will be branded as a place for fringe thinking and conspiracy alarmists. Just my opinion.

    4. I totally agree Mark, it is a turn off and actually humiliates this blog.

    5. The truth is out there.

      Not all jews are Zionists. Not all zionists are Jews.

      Research AIPAC - American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

      Research the USS liberty

      Research the zionist agenda

      Many Jews are anti-zionist. Not the same as anti-semitic

      Stay open to the possibilities and the truth will prevail.

  5. How come the Mon meeting wasn't televised last night? If its not televised and there are no minutes available online, how are we supposed to find out what happened?

    1. Maybe it is because we were in radio free Baldwinville! Hee, Hee. The ability to hear in that gym is very bad. If you do not break your neck in the dark, trying to get to the road. You are doing good. I do not know why it was not taped, I don't think you could have under stood any thing any way. Bev.

    2. request a copy of the draft minutes, they must be supplied to you when you make the request, I suggest that request be made in writing because if you do not make request in writing and it is denied, you cannot appeal a denied request unless the original request is made in writing, and please check the MGL on that, it may make you dizzy.

  6. So, Truth Fairy, somebody has researched the fact that Leonard K is a Zionist? Is that why Baldwin Templeton made his remarks linking K&P to this Zionist conspiracy? Because he:
    1) Somehow learned the Koppelman is Jewish
    2) Because he then learned that Koppelman is in on the Zionist conspiracy?

    I'm not open to the "possibilities" of conspiracy alarmists. Nor am I open to thinking that leads to painting Jews as the source of our problems. How is that different from what was done in Germany?

  7. If this keeps up, I am going back to buying and reading the Gardner News

  8. Could we please keep the comments to the original post. I would really like some productive input for the citizens petition!

    Anyone who wants to write a blog about Zionism, knock yourself out! Please keep it separate from my posts..


  9. Julie - I agree. So let's cut out all the anti-zionist posts on this blog. They have no place in Templeton politics.

  10. I have enough time involved in watching Templeton to be involved watching tel avive. Also remember that 200 registered voters can call for a special town meeting at any time. A special town meeting being one other than the required "annual town meeting" to be held within certain months in the spring.

  11. Hi Mark In my opinion the history of Zionism is very relevant to not only 9/11 and the events on that fateful day but they are also relevant to events here in Templeton. It would appear that American Tissue Mills, Erving Paper Mills and K&P all had ties to Zionism in one way or another. The book The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Jewish author Ilan Pappi is an excellent place to start learning about Zionism. Michael Neuman's book The Case Against Israel another Jewish author is also excellent and will allow you to form an informed opinion on the subject. There is the possibility you do not wish to learn about Zionism in this way so I will begin preparing a blog concerning Zionism for Pauly's Templeton Watch. As our media seems to be controlled by possible Zionist interests this should allow others that either agree or disagree on the subject to voice their opinion. To say "let's cut out all the anti-zionist posts on this blog" would seem to end discussion on this topic, this I believe is like not discussing the elephant in the room. Just my opinion.

  12. Hey Baldwin Templeton - I have already said I will respect the request to stop commenting on your anti-semitic posts, which I think could be commonly interpreted in a bad light. So please do not attempt to convince me. I am well read, I just have a different opinion. And if you want to post this crap, try that other blog. You won't offend anyone over there, because no one reads it.

    My opinion is that continued anti-semitic posts will not win popular opinion to your point of view. Templeton and America are better than that. Please stop. You have some good insights, but your global conspiracy theories are not among them.

  13. Dear Mark, You have cut to the bone on offending my Templeton Times Blog but I thank you for mentioning Templeton Times just the same. As you have stated no one goes there. It is true I could use a larger readership on Templeton Times but that's life. I believe there is a difference between being anti-semitic and being anti-zionist. There are many Jews who are also anti-zionist. There are Christian zionists as well as zionist zionist and probably others as well.

    1. what ya been smoking there pete!!!

      mike c

  14. Hi Mike, what you are smelling are brain cells or what are left of my brain cells. Thinking about how to format a good blog on Zionism. I hope all will do some reading on the subject so that after I spend the time putting this together there will be intelligent discussion on the subject. Antisemitism and anti-zionism are not the same thing at least not in my book.

  15. I couldn't agree more with Mark - please keep those types of comments/opinions on another blog. I really do not see the link between Templeton politics and Zionism. If these types of comments/opinions continue on this blog, people will stop reading this blog and then we will be taking steps backward and that is not what the town needs right now.

  16. I would like someone to tell me about what all the fuss is all about, I have been out of town. I remember watching the movie Exodus and how Israel was nothing but a dry rock and brought back to life with hard work. What is this zionist thing and what could be wrong with it anyway? Thanks.
