Sunday, August 12, 2012


 In my opinion Mr. Bennett, recycling is recycling, buying and selling scrap metal, nonferrous and ferrous, is a business and in our town of Templeton anyone that is engaged in that particular business needs a license. But, and I say but, check your town clerk's office and see how many of those junk peddlers license has been issued. Yes I PHC Sr have asked the police to check on those so-called out of town junk peddlers years ago, with no results. Ask them Jeff, do you have any idea how much junk was stolen from residences here in Templeton?
And here is the answer you have been looking for, no matter how much the price of "scrap metal" is high or low, it makes no difference to the people that-steel it, get it steel it. Don't care, other words no business certificate, no license, no address or phone number for the business, no name on the truck (note; every vehicle with a gross weight of 10,000 pounds, not registered weight, gross weight, must have the name of the owner/business on each side or front and back, in 2 inch letters, to pass state inspection) I see this type of vehicle and ramp trucks around town all the time, does your police check them out? I have asked that question a lot of times also, I am not jealous of another business, but to just out right move into Templeton and start a junk business without a permit is against the law. The 10,000 lbs.  issue with trucks and little dump trucks with dual rear wheels, means - must have the owners name on the vehicle using a minimum of two inch-high letters, painted on or stick ons. 2 inch letters front and rear or both sides. Look around and you'll see a lot of this unmarked vehicles running in and out of Templeton, even agriculture and farmers must comply. Example FA Moschetti, Dana Blais the builder, JDH Landscaping, CO & S Garage, Bankowski Oil all have their names highly visible. Even personal vehicles over 10,000 pounds must be marked. I am surprised to see so many unmarked trucks, not just in Templeton but Athol, Orange, Fitchburg, Leominster. So it's not just the Templeton police that are not on the ball. And look at some of the "junk" pickup trucks running through town and I am personally qualified to call a junk- a junk. I have noticed dozens with broken windshields, no mufflers, no names on vehicles, fenders flapping in the breeze. The police should notice these vehicles because of public safety. I notice these vehicles as a source of revenue, hee hee hee. Also want looks to me like boogieman number plate, dealer, repair, farm, oc, - we were pulled over in Gardner yesterday by 2 state police officers to verify my dealers plate.
So as Mr. Bennett says about the transfer station in Winchendon, I say about some people in Templeton, if you are at grade 6 on your pay scale with the personnel board then “in the middle of the night” your pay grade changes to a grade 10 and it took 23 months to stop it. Pretty good,huh? So as the town of Winchendon says Re: the Gardner news August 11, the changes in the landfill revenues are dependent on the scrap prices-"wrong". The problem is realized and a new hire with verbal warning solved all the revenue losses. Look at the chart and you decide. Was this a theft problem or just one of those things that happened in Winchendon "second time". And look who was in charge at the time, videos on the rise and videos don't lie. What more can I say? I hope this comment helps your quest Mr. Bennett, keep up the hammering. You are answering a lot of questions without fear of retaliation.
Thanks for reading my opinions, Pauly


  1. So Pauly if I understand this - not only did Scrappy break the law by stealing scrap from Winchendon, He broke Templeton's bylaws by not having a junk license? Does CS have a junk license for the Red Barn?

    1. It seems like she should need one. It looks like she is running a real business, not just having a yard sale, Maybe Scrappy did provide her with things from Winchendon's recycleing center. If this is so, it is not right. People usually drop things off they do not need, so if someone that can use a chair or a couch can take it. Shame on anyone that would use these thing to benefit themselves. This is my opinion, Bev.

  2. What happened at last night's meeting?

  3. In regards to Mr. Mullins, not much, partly because Mr. Mullins was a no show at the selectmen meeting. On citizen did address the board opining that Mr. Mullins should resign or that the board should ask him to resign, The subject of recall was also spoke of.

    1. Did anyone notice S. Provonsil at the meeting last night? He is Booby's spy. Must have been checking on who was put on the School Building Committee to report back to BC because he left right after. Also good question to Chris "Why not ask Mullins to resign.
      He is putting the Select board to shame.

    2. Anonymous, and you wonder why this town sucks.. Stupid comments/remarks like this. Since you were so intent on watching me, did you notice that I received a text right before I left ?? If you did, you would have known that I was just informed that a close co-worker had passed away. asswipe...

  4. what about the junk trucks you run pauly? Is a dealer plate designed for your lady friend to drive to work at a town office, the town is losing revenue due to the loss of excise tax, the state is losing revenue due to the lack of inspection sticker or you vehicle with dealer plate, not to mention the sales tax you haven't paid on that truck a vehicle that is for sale should not be your personal vehicle, dealer plates are designed to test drive and demo vehicles not to be used for your personal use, (ie) commuter to town office for work, commuter to town meetings etc.

  5. Pauly are you jealous?? It seems that you are jealous over the loss of your junk intake, why is it that all the years you got the junk for free or got paid to take it did you not question the lack of a junk dealers licenses from your customers. Looks to me that you are upset because you need to pay for the scrap instead of getting paid to take it. Also are you teaching your future son in law the right way to face an issue without sneaking up behind someone with a beer bottle or glass mug?

  6. Actually according to state law the holder of a dealer plate is anyone who is in the business of buying, selling or exchanging vehicles. Dealer plate holders pay an annual fee of $100.00 to the RMV and are subject to an alternative excise tax and is also assessed a use tax by DOR and any employee of the business who works more than 20 hours a week may drive the vehicle and as long as that vehicle is for sale anytime it is legal for it to be driven dailey.

    1. It may be legal but, IMO, it is just a way of using the system to avoid paying fees, taxes, etc. Otherwise, why not just register it like other businesses do?

    2. Perhaps you should speak to Boston and have them change the laws because I can fault no one for following the law.

    3. If you do not fault anyone for following the law why keep harrassing Mr. Mullins - he has not been charged with anything. Also, here's a question - did Pauly ever purchase any scrap metal/recyclables from Mr. Mullins in the past????????

    4. Good question Anonymous August 15 5:42 AM
      Let's ask Mr. Mullins at the next BOS meeting if he, Mr. Mullins has ever sold scrap metal/recyclables to Pauly? Let's ask where Mr. Mullins obtained the scrapmetal/recyclables.

      Please describe in detail how Mr. Mullins has been harassed. Better yet, submit a blog on the harassment of Mr. Mullins. I'm sure Pauly will post it.

    5. that would be a question for Mr. Cosentino to answer. just because mullins has not been charged with anything does not mean he did not do anything wrong and if he did not do anything wrong, why did mullins have to have an elaborate separation agreement to simply resign from his position at the transfer station. Of the people who have voluntarily resigned from their job here in Templeton, none have had to have an agreement paid for by the taxpayers to simply move on to other employment. Only Jeff Ritter who did not voluntarily leave or resign, and I know because I was present at all the meetings so I heard everything that was said. Explain why after mullins left the winchendon transfer station did the reciepts suddenly increase, why did it raise eye brows at winchendon town hall when this big increas began to happen? Why were people surprised that after mullins left they could no longer pay in cash? Lastly why do you write under Anonymous, I sign my name to my blog why don't you. It is not harrassment for asking questions or pointing out facts that are on paper with signatures and there are bills for legal services. I was accused of "annoying & harrassing the town of Templeton" simply because I dared ask for the same records twice and those words came from K&P when they were Templeton town counsel. I find it pretty interesting that with all the talk of the circumstances with the transfer station in winchendon and the secrecy that right after mullins voted to fire K&P all the paper work that raises so many questions about him were released to the public. Another issue, look at the legal bills, Mirick & O'Connell name is listed as special town counsel and mullins said not a word about that when that very firm was in front of him to possibly vote on for new town counsel. just like he sain not a word when he voted to rehire K&P back in February, just who do you think was the legal counsel in winchendon back in February, K&P and with what was going on in winchendon concerning mullins, he said not a word about a possible conflict of interest in voting for K&P in Templeton. Anonymous, you either need to do some homework or you are trying desparate to keep mullins in office, perhaps you are one of them "dear friends" but hey, blog on.

    6. Truth Fairy - Why ask Mullins, is Pauly afraid to answer whether or not he had dealings with Mullins in the past??????

    7. If N ole scrappy ain't afraid to be a talkin, do it make a hill a beans who be a askin who, be lookin to me like dat anonymous gots some issues an be a tryin to make a point wit out a sayin it. Me be a wonderin if n mullins would know if he sold scrap metal to Mr. Pauly or not. Would mr. mullins be afraid of answerin dat question? so why not ask mullins, what you be fraid of there anonymous? me thinks you be one of dem cool aid a drink members of the echo hill gang, peeps better be a watchin out.

    8. Dear Templetonite (or Twistedsister68 - I cannot intentionally mispell words and use poor grammar in an attempt to be clever, it is simply too childish), perhaps I have already asked Mr. Mullins and know the answer. The reason I am asking the question here is that it is Pauly's blog, not Mullins - make sense to you?

  7. anyone who is willing to go into business, obtain the license is able to apply for a dealer plate and use it according to the law.

  8. so Anonymous if you are concerned with the loss of revenue to the town or the state, you may wish to investigate stevie brehio who drives around with a repair plate on his dailey driver, he is suppose to pay sales tax and he is suppose to have a decal indicating that and he is suppose to have the business name lettered on both doors, last time I looked at his truck, he did not have those items.

    1. Sounds like he is doing the same as Pauly.

    2. I know Pauly has the licenses through the town and I believe on this blog not to long ago, Paully listed the taxes he paid, I will check to see if stevie has any licenses for a repair facility or any class I, II or III licenses.

  9. it appears that Pauly was merely pointing out that their may be alot of vehicles that if they have a plate or sticker from the factory that indicates the vehicle has a gross vehicle wieght of 10,001 lbs or more, by law the driver is suppose to have a medical card and if used for business, they are suppose to have comercial plates and a business name on the doors. Even if you have a small 1/2 ton pickup and you plow driveways for money, you are suppose to have commercial registration plates. It looks to me he was pointing out that it looks like there are more than a few people out there who are engaging in the junk business without a license and they may be using trucks that are in less than ideal condition for running up and down the roads engaged in said business. Perhaps when Pauly gets out of the hospital, he can write a blog explaining the above.

  10. One other thing Anonymous, Pauly H. Cosentino sr always attaches his name to his blogs, you not so much, maybe try to call him out using your real name.

  11. Can anyone shed a light on the stolen furniture from Gardner? Also Paul Jr. rides around with his personal pickup without a compliance decal why don't you look into that to Jeff while you are at it. Also to publicly chose a position towards residents in town I guess you could say pick sides doesn't that go against the morals of an elected official I thought that elected selectman were suppose to have a neutral position and neutral views towards town issues, I have a questions for you are you on Pauly's Payroll Too!!!

    1. I have a selectman for awhile now. Where would you get the idea of a "neutral position" to make decisions. I've based my decisions on the information in front of me at the time and tried to reach a decision based on what would be best for the Town, ie the taxpayers

      I am not on anyone's payroll.

      good to see the Echo Hill Gang back on the blog

    2. Oh yeah, almost forgot, having a neutral position would be like sitting in the middle of the road and just looking around rather than deciding on which way to go, that would like sitting on the fence and not choosing a side. Does any taxpayer want a selectman who remains neutral and does not make a decision or take a position as in voting abstain all of the time? To remain neutral and say or do nothing, even when one believes they have witnessed wong or they have law to show that an issue is wrong would be the same as if the one remaining neutral to be doing wrong doing. Put your car in neutral and you will never have an accident, but you will never leave your parking spot so why did you buy that car in the first place? My opinion is is I were to remain neutral, the taxpayers would have a selectmen who does nothing other than take up seat space at a meeting and I do not think that is what they want from someone they elect. That is my opinion on elected selectmen being "neutral" it would serve no purpose.

  12. I like my father have never been on anyone's payroll and as a selectmen, I maintain 2 "hats" an elected position and a private citizen and I never gave up my rights as a private citizen, except when I have served in the military. I did not know pointing out facts is taking sides, and as I have asked before anonymous, why don't you sign your name to your blogs? As far as I know, Paul jr. personal pickup is a white 4 door dodge 2500 and last time I looked, it is registered via the DMV. Any other vehicles I can not speak on. One thing I did back at the May election, on Baldwinville road there was a red trailer parked on the side of a public way, belonging to stevie brehio and it had no registration plate, I reported it to the Athol state police barracks, they chose not to respond, they did call Templeton Police and the Chief checked that the trailer was registered to stevie and Templeton police chose not to push the issue of no registration plate attached and at the end of the day, stevie drove that trailer down Baldwinville road without a number plate attached, that is not taking sides, that is a statement of the facts as I know them. Also I know nothing of stolen furniture in Gardner, but I can call the Mayor if you think that is needed. Morals of elected officials, is that like a selectmen signing off on pay increases for his wife, is that one of them moral issues of which you speak? As I explained in a previous blog concerning shaun grimley, the guy who stated at a public meeting " that your time is coming little man" to me and someone has that on recording. Along with some personal complaints I had written against shaun, I took the view that at the meeting when the subject of shaun grimley being reappointed to the conservation commission, barring anyone from standing up at the meeting or anyother backup material as to why shaun should not have been reappointed, I voted to reappoint him, thus I put my personal feelings aside in doing my elected position. My morals and conscience is pretty clear. So you blog away and I will keep reading. Who ever you are and whatever agenda you have, you do not believe to strongly in it or you would put your name to your blog.

  13. Anonymous

    If you think pauly and pauly jr are doing wrong. Just go to the poilce station and dile a complaint. Simple as that !!'n

    And for scrappy aka. Mullins. If he wasnt guilty then why did he leave his dream job for no job !!

    Mike c

  14. My personal feeling is that one Anonymous if they posted thier name to these blogs, the agenda and motive would be quite clear to all and would be dismissed as what it is, an attempt to steer attention off the real problems and issues in Templeton, just my personal thoughts and opnions and I could be wrong.....maybe!

  15. Now I happen to agree with mikec on this issue so am I taking a side and putting my morals at question Anonymous?

  16. Jeff you should check your facts it is not a white dodge truck it is a gray ford pickup check that for the decal. Also the law for repairs plates is if the vehicle that is doing the towing has a repair plate than the vehicle being towed does not need to be registered in other words how could a tow truck tow an unregistered vehicle? by what you are saying it couldn't but it can as long as it has a repair plate on the vehicle doing the towing. Also if i signed my name on the blog I as a taxpayer would be your next target speaking against your very biased views. The furniture spoken of was stolen years just like many issues that you and other continue to bring up all happened years ago, you all need to let the past be the past and grow up, put all your energy into present day issues not dig up skeletons from the past.

  17. Actually I know my facts, Paul jr owns a white dodge truck and that is his personal truck, I will get a picture of it and post it if he does not object. A repair plate is issued to a business that repair, alter recondition equip or tow motor vehicles or trailures for the public and who maintain a place of business as required by law.

  18. State law & regulations of the registra allow a tow truck to tow an unregistered vehicle if the tow truck is propertly registered as in operating on a valid repair plate and compliance decal & the repairer has insurance coverage that protects towing vehicle & vehicle being towed. So my first contention is that stevies little truck is not properly registered, no signage on doors and no sales tax decal. also the red trailer shows a registration in stevies name and as such, a registration plate is suppose to be on the trailer. Try to ride around with a car that is registered & insured without attaching the registration plate. My complaint was an unregistered trailer was parked along the public way without a valid registration plate attached, check the law on that!

  19. I do not "target" people but I do address incorrect facts posted or I do address things that people post as was the case of my past criminal court record from the 1970's. As for forgetting the past, I think not, anything done in say the past 10 years in Templeton that affected the taxpayers, ie: the town is ripe for review. One thing it accomplishes is to inform taxpayers of what was done, who did it or participated in it and the effect it had on taxpayers to hopefully prevent it from happening again. It also lets people know so that when making a decision in the future at say an election, they have information to base a decision on. I believe this is important if one can show a pattern of behavior or outcomes that did not benefit the town. You may think the past is not important but I do. As a citizen stated at a recent selectmen meeting, he did not want any individual who called taxpayers stupid to be involved in anything that pertained to the spending of taxpayer money. I also think it is important to inform and remind taxpayers of an individual who would sign off on pay increases for his wife, that appears to me that said individual could be guilty of putting family and personal benefit in front of the public / taxpayer good and I do not think the people need someone like that in office that is suppose to represent them, the taxpayers. There are many many other issues from the past that need to be in the here and now so we donot repeat those mistakes, such as letting $1400.00 being paid out of taxpayer funds without any reciepts, try that in the private sector, putting in for reimbursement without paperwork and if you somehow managed to get the money and it was later found out, you most certainly would be fired and most likely end up in court, but not in Templeton, so you see, the past is important.

    1. Right on & write on, Jeff!! The past is very important as far as why we are in such a mess at this point in time. Those who have done us wrong want us to forget the past so they can get away with all their underhanded "crimes" & go live the high life with what looks like to me "stolen money" from the trusting taxpayers. Then they never have to be accountable for running us into the ground & have gotten off scott free!! My opinion, too.

  20. Mr. Jeff could you please tell us about this criminal record of the 1970's that you speak of. Are you a criminal sitting on the board of selectman, you bring up an interesting point Please enlighten us. This might explain why you are in and out of the selectman office late at night. What are you trying to cover up, and for who? I wonder. I mean you don't have a job so you have plenty of time to deal with town issues during the day. A concerned resident.

    1. I am busy trying to cover up patrick mullins leaving his dream job for no job at all as well as his needing to sign an elaborate separation agreement about returning all town property and agreeing to not file suit against winchendon. I am busy trying to cover up jerry skelton signing off on pay raises for his wife. I am busy trying to cover up bob columbus talking with len kopelman prior to a meeting to rehire len kopelman and bob saying he had not spoken with len before that meeting when an attorney for K&P said at a meeting of Templeton selectmen that columbus did indeed speak with him around that time. I am trying to cover up the fact that that the board of health just gave the health agent a step increase raise in pay on August 9, 2012 due to the town finances. Dang it anonymous, you got me so fired up, I let the kitty out of the bag, I just told the whole blog the things I was trying to cover up late at night, I must fire myself!! If you wish to do bob & jerry's work for them, come up with a better plan and have the conviction to sign with your real name. What are you afraid of? You will be exposed for what you are, someone trying to do the dirty work for someone who always keeps their hands in their pockets so others take the heat, smarten up!

  21. This is reminding me of the past elections with the wild and crazy ads Columbus and Skelton would bribe into the gardner news. wonder if its jerry's kid coming out again. lol

  22. He already did a while back on Pauly's blog postings. He did a great job of telling us all what happened. It can be found here somewhere. I just don't remember exactly what the date was but, he will know. I am sure he will direct you to it. I think the late night wrongdoings were more a concern from the old "gang". Maybe the answers are in those Brand new desks that cost us so much at a time when our tax money was almost gone. What kind of screwballs do that? At least Jeff is straight forward seems to me. He is probably looking for answers to this & many other questions we have all had. How do you know when he can & can't get to the office? Anyway, I'll let him tell you again about his record if he feels the need. He didn't do much of anything that most of us did when we were young. He just got caught & paid the price. Now he is a grown man who serves not only the town but this country in the National Guard, I believe it is. I say thank to him for all of that & I don't care when he goes to the office because I know he is doing his best to help us all get back on our feet that got kicked out from under us by the old regime! This is my opinion. And no I don't really know him except from public functions but what I have seen, read & heard of him he seems like a good honest fellow who cares about this town.

  23. Dear anonymous 5:57pm Pauly is not afraid to answer questions - he is in the hospital right now, been there since Monday night. he has said he will answer when he gets home. We are just not sure when that is.
    Anonymously Sue

    1. Hope Pauly is doing okay. Say hi to him for me. I am saying my Big get well prayers for him & for you to get some rest :)

  24. Well well well, Anonymous, since you seem like you have an agenda, I will set you straight. I spoke of the criminal record I obtained back in the 1970's, Mr. Ed McClure posted it on the walls of the American Legion in Baldwinville and rather than hide from it, I put on this blog exactly what i did and when, I also posted what I have done since, you look it up okay. Now when I go into town hall late at night,like 8 or 9 pm, do you follow me or something, cause I went into town hall tonight around 9:00 pm to sign the vendor warrants, as in the weekly town bills that have to get paid. See I have keys as do all the other selectmen so we can go into there at any time. I am self employed so I do have a job, do you have a job? I do not cover up, I expose things to the taxpayers. Covering up, you may have me confused with say bob columbus or patrick mullins. You keep trying Anonymous and it is interesting that you don't have the moxie to write under your real name, cause if you have nothing to hide, you would use your real name. See I write under my real name because I bring to the public attention things that belong in the public realm, unlike you who hides behind anonymous. Keep trying though, I enjoy a good laugh now and then, maybe go drink somemore koolaid. At least when I go into the selectmen office, I only bring my dog, unlike other selectmen who bring in on a Saturday a former town coordinator, now why would a selectmen do that? Yep there were witnesses to that. You keep blogging though, since I am an honest fellow I do not fear you or anyone cause you can't find anything on me if I ain't doing anything wrong. I challenge you to post under your real name but you won't because you have no conviction, you are not honest and you are on an agenda to help those who have screwed the taxpayers over in the past. good night.

    1. I would like to know why the health agent should be able to pick and choose what his job description is. He stood up and stated he would not do barn inspections and the selectmen allow 2 women(who I think will do a wonderful job and should be commended for steping up to the plate) to volunteer to do the job? Should he not be told "other duties as required" or Templeton would find someone willing to replace him? He's not shy when it comes to demanding benefits!

  25. Did I get that right Jeff? the BOH not only gave the Health agent 4 weeks vacation and 5 personal days but also a raise? When other employees had their hours reduced? isn't that against the personnel policy.(When can we get a copy of the personnel policy?) How much vacation time and personnel days did he take last year? Jeff can you find out? Is this why the assistant at the BOH left? I know one employee that was cut 10 hours. Others cut down to 20 hr so they are at the minimum for getting benifits. Sorry Jeff but it looks like the town is good to only male employees.
    Just another anonymous

  26. I think the BOH issue will be the subject of a different blog...I'm just guessing.

  27. First, you can get a copy of the personal policy anytime, as for the health agent, I am sorry but I was down at town hall late last night trying to cover that up. You got to read that jiberish from one of them Anonymous' that said since I go to town hal late at night I must be covering things up. As I recall, the former health agent was a female. But the board of health on August 9, 2012 decided that the health agent would be put at grade 10, step 7 rather than at the step 6 he started at in September of 2011. with 4 weeks vacation and rest of benefits would be per the personnel policy. So the next time you are at an meetings where Mr. Leger makes the point that the town has taken our benefits and hurt our retirement and we think you are hurting the workers, you might want to ask him how many weeks of vacation he gets and how long has he worked for Templeton, then go to a board of health meeting and try to ask that question. Not exactly a team player when you take the number of weeks of vacation that other employees take 15 years to get. One more thing before I leave, the health agent was given fridays off when he started, over 60 thousand per year, 4 days a week and that is one hurting Templeton worker.

  28. To the anonymous concerned citizen, do you live under a rock? Jeff is currently in the National Guards and the Marines before that, SERVING OUR COUNTRY! what he did in the 70's as a kid in not an issue. Did we all forget about about the Winchendon manhole covers that fell off of Mr Mullins' truck in front of Steve P's house on Baldwinville Rd and how he, Mullins called the Templeton Highway Dept asking if they could help him lift them back into his truck. they wouldn't. Seems Templeton Auto parts wouldn't take them because it is illegal for scrap yards to take Town manhole covers. other wise everyone would be stealing them. I know this because I know someone who worked there.
    anonymous again

  29. How are all these pay grades and changes being made to the BOH agent's salary when the BOH hasn't posted a meeting? Is the Chairman giving the health agent the raise? Is that legal or is it a violation of the OML?

    The COA director and social worker request went before the Personnel board and was shot down. Why doesn't the BOH have to come before the personnel board to recommend changes?

    Also, does the BOH have the power to enter into a contract? Is there a contract for the BOH agent? I thought the BOS was responsible for contracts. Has this- the BOH agent contract - ever come before the BOS?

    So as I understand it, the BOH agent was paid $62,000/yr to work 4 days a week? Who approved that? When hours were cut, he was already working the 4 days/week. His salary cut was what he should have been paid all along for the 4 day/week. Four weeks vacation? To start? Are you crazy???

    1. Agreed!! Some people are mighty high on themselves!! He is upset about his retirement??? What about the rest of us who have absolutely NOTHING due to this economy! He wants me & others to feel sorry for him & take from our heavily reduced salaries (if we even have a job anymore)when he has a really "SWEET DEAL" going here. He can frigging fund his own retirement like others have to, if that is even a possibility at all nowadays. I've said it before but I'll repeat, I think all retirement funds should be reexamined because we can't sustain them these days. Remember the average salary from the DOR report here in Templeton is ONLY $23,000. You want these people to give you MORE Mr. Health agent??? I am so sick of these whiny A_S people who feel so grandiosely entitled. Besides I don't think we even need a full time health agent. Someone suggested regionalizing that job. And since he doesn't need to work Fridays & has so much vacation & personal days, then I think it would be wise to reassess this job altogether. Would save us not only money but a good deal of headaches with this person who seems to fit the last regimes rather arrogant greedy mode. My opinion this fine day.

  30. A very good point and question which be time lined in a blog to come today, the letter date August 9, 2012 states "we have had to re-evaluate your position" Since a letter dated July 15, 2011, stating Phil Leger has 3 weeks vacation, 5 personal days and fridays off, was handed to me in a meeting Rick Trifilo, Phil Leger, Jeff Ritter and myself,on Wednesday, August 8, 2012, and which meeting was requested by Phil Leger throught Jeff Ritter and which Phil Leger asked if I could leave the room. The next day via e-mail a letter dated August 9, 2012 with the words we have had to re-evaluate leads me to believe this was a decision by the board of health, so when did they post this meeting? Was this a decision made over the phone, via e-mail or was/is this an open meeting law violation? Might be time to regionalize the health agent. Just my thought as a resident of Templeton.

    1. Yes, good suggestion & I was writing my blog above when I said someone mentioned regionalizing. After posting I read Jeff's blog who has also said this makes sense.

  31. Maybe anonymous should be following the board of health and the health agent around rather than following me.

    1. Wait a minute, why in the hell should me and Dianna do his animal inspectors job for him. No one told us he just got a nice fat raise! If poor Mr.Leger can't find the time, it seems we should give the job back to Mr.Trifilo. He is a Board of Health member! This is, in my opinion, his responsability. As for the "cute remarks" anonymous 1:13 p,m, keeps making, good luck buddy. If you think you are going to gain any credability, you have as much chance, as a snow ball in hell. Stay on echo hill, maybe you can get someone to listen to you there. Bev
