Thursday, August 16, 2012

from a blog follower!

VW Sighting Thursday Evening
Over the Otter River and through the woods,
To Echo Hill I go!
To see my dear friends and buy some zucchini,
And report to them all that I know!
There’s the new Building Committee,
With no Denis, Gerry, or Bob C.,
And then there’s the Fire Chief interviews,
Why doesn’t anyone like Larry B.?
I smile and I listen, it’s a new improved me!
I’m nice to Jeff Ritter,
And I even drove the bus over K+P!
I think the threat of recall has passed,
The dunk tank won hearts and minds.
As long as Mullins dominates the news,
I’ll make out just fine!
My dear friend Carol,
We’re true bosom buddies, everybody knows,
But I have just one simple question,
Why are you selling these old used clothes?


  1. Listen here all ya bloggers, this here be sum big news, ginny wild wants to know why Mr. Pauly don't be havin all dem claases for dat conservation commission. I be a lookin and dem classes listed as nice to be a havin but not law or nuttin. might be payback for dis here blog, cuttin dat echo hill gang to da bone. Peeps better be a keepin nose to da wind cause dat ginny is tryin real hard to be one of da gang. like keepn da friends close and enimies closer, I be a thinkin da gang tryin to keep her image nice n fair for dat ace in the hole kind O thingy. Translation Mr. Pauly, ginny and con com comin afta you for dis here blog, so lets get a strong bunch an tell em select guys n gals to leave Mr. Pauly alone. Ginny, maybe we take a look see at mullins and as I be a recallin, ginny voted to fire a law firm in middle of month costin taxpayers double, ginny voted to fire Mr. Ritter and ginny voted to bring back carol skelton who git dat complaint agin the town and oh we be a payin a 1000 dolla dee duck ti bal on dat insurance for legal nd town agin carol skelton complaint. Ginny also ran wit columbus in tryin to get more monies for carol skelton. so you folks be a rememberin all dat and be a watchin ginny, der be a snake in da grass. Stick up fo Mr. pauly cause he stuck up fo you wit dis here blog. How long larry bankowski be a hangin round now?

    1. Oh, I believe you'll find there is more than one snake in the grass slithering by the echo hill. Don't worry, Pauly has a lot of people who will stand by him, that's for sure!! It's not like years ago when I spoke out & people said I'll be right behind ya & lo & behold I looked around & NO ONE was there!! There is much more awareness now, thanks to Pauly & this here blog post. Always say many thanks to Pauly for getting this very inportant forum going. Took a lot of courage & determination. Also, what he says is true. Julie also has professed for years the truth is out there & the truth will set you free. Let's hope the truth sets all of us free from those horrid snakes on echo hill. Let's hope none of their echoes comes back to haunt us more than it already has!! All my opinions here.

    2. Well, well, well, I kind of think it is humorous that the echo hill gang is dumb enough to think going after Pauly will work. Everyone will see it for what it is...Payback for the blog, you think! How many people will fill the room if anyone is dumb enough to try to go after Pauly for any reason. The reason for Ginny to go after Pauly about classes for the Conservation Commission will not hold water.{no pun attended} Like I said sometime last week, to our supporters be ready. There is no peace in Templeton, it is an illusion. The Echo Hill Gang likes to be in power. They lined more pockets than their own. K&P must miss the gravy from the Templeton account. Our last town accountant is still on the run. He knew where the bodies were buried, don't look at him, he's gone while the going was good. Bubba are you angry because the town is finally being run like a real business. Tough break, Jeff add up what we saved on legal expenses this month alone. We will show all of the "Skelton diehards" just how bad they screwed the taxpayer every day the town office building was open. Oh gee, we have not even tackled things like the insurence accounts. I wonder how much Mr. Spring can save there. Ok guys, we will add it all up, it may take some time, but you will be the first to know. Be ready to speak your piece if the good guys in this town need support. Ok, I have faith in all of you. Keep Pauly in your thoughts, If I know him, he's probably written a book by now. This is all my opinion, See you at the Craft Fair, this week end. Bev.

    3. In my opinion when law firms such as K&P enable local politicians to place self interest above the interest of the voters so that such law firms can manipulate the system for their ends and that law firm also has the backing of the State Judicial system then there is a real problem with politics in Massachusetts. I hope everyone will back the citizen's petition for an investigation into K&P's activities here in Templeton. Our efforts will be nothing but talk without actions such as this citizen's petition. It will be interesting to see how the State Attorney General's office or other investigative office handles such a request. After twenty years on the subject of K&P and their alleged legal abuses the expectations are not as high as they could be for justice. "Justice delayed is justice denied" as it is believed Mr. Koppelman once said.

    4. You sound like a childish two year old think you can write in english, make it so everyone can understand whats on your mind.

    5. Dear ttwistedssister68 are you saying that Carol Skelton's latest lawsuit against the town cost the town $1000.00 just to start, to have the town insurance company handle it? I have a problem with a selectman (VW) having meetings with someone who is frivolously sueing the town. I realize that Carol is her "dear friend" but.... I guess this supports the snake in the grass theory!
      An as far as VW attacking Pauly's credentials regarding the ConCom. What about the current Chairman GA can he even pass a cori? VW seems to be standing behind some questionable people, Patrick "scrappy" Mullins, Carol S, Bob C, George Andrews and the ConCom members Shaun G and JoAnn B that quit after taking money from the town and bumping up the pay of the agent. Is it Recall time yet???
      Just Wondering

  2. Dose any know how the meting went on thuseday. What did they deside to do.

  3. Anonymous 6:29 am, obviously, you do not text much if at all. And going out on a limb here, you may never have left Templeton. Ever listened to a rap song? I believe if you check, dat was in english cause it certainly was not in spanish and I am pretty sure dat you did not hav ta press 1 for english. Now dat being said, what be on ya mind anywho? Dat plain nough for ya? LOL what b on my brain, ginee goin afta Mr. Pawly cause he ain't done all tests dey said he was a missin be4, and me b thinkin it payback for D blog and all headakes it caused cjskelton. now if ya don't understand dat, trade in ya puter for etch a sketch K

  4. hey Anonymous 6:29 am, dis here B a homwork ssignment 4 U, Templeton have 2 buy a safe for all the drugs if it goes 2 als, lots of drugs 2 keep safe & keep track of, needles & other stuff to keep safe. insurance increase mayB If we go als and person gives wrong drug or uses outdate drug, can town B in court? lots 2 B thinkin bout B 4 jump over dat cliff. I heard last night, man said he used outdated epee pen and dat put his self & town at risk if sumfin went wrong, if dat happens, I B wonderin what dat do 2 insurance rates? Put that in ya hose & spray on fire, see what happens

    1. Hey it epi not epee. Agian some of you people never say the whole truth. What you do if that's was your love one lying there. Never now till you are there.

  5. Their comes a time in every day known as childrens hour. But on ths Blog it seems to run 24 7

  6. How many clowns does one circus need???

  7. gronk, the circus is at echo hill farm, check it out

    1. Ok gronk, or anyone else who is bothered by ttwistedssister, Just read it slow, and you will get the drift. Basically they are talking about the liability if we go with a "higher grade", ambulance crew. I think that is what is called als. Something to look at is the insurance on this type of operation. This is not in my ball park. At this time I am going to keep my eye on our old pals, Ginny, Bubba, and the Echo Hill gang. If Mr. Will Spring has a way, with the advisory board, it will not be as easy to raid our free cash, and stabelization accounts. The bad news is the money Mr. GS borrowed, for the dump on 252 Bald Rd. is going to have to come out of your pocket, and mine. He borrowed the money with no way to pay it back. Real nice guy the Lions Club backs! Any way keep your eye on the bad guys. Don't let "the new improved Ginny " fool you. My opinion as always, Bev

  8. gronk, 2 use your anaolgy, B 4 this blog, there was only 1 circus in town, the gardner news, now there is 2 circus in town, people have choices and you must like this 1 cause you took time to comment

  9. Looks like the Echo Hill Gang misses having someone to bully. So, they've resorted to coming to Pauly's blog to try to throw their weight around. You sound foolish. Why don't you go find a new playground to bully in? Your time here has run its course. Pauly, Julie, Jeff and all the others that you're trying to attack are all good people and have no wrongdoing to be exposed. I know that's a new concept for you--doing things by the book--but its true and your new plan of attack is just simply comical. Please do keep blogging here! Everyone needs a good laugh. And seeing you're so fascinated by clowns, you must be one yourself! Or is Shakespeare more your cup of tea? Either way, thank you for sharing your humor with us.


  10. As a nutural observer what I see is Obssestion on a high level of mud slinging and carector assanation want not to believe that their was any evil attempt on either side of the parties involved that all this should come down to this kind of childish behavior.

    1. neutral...obsession...character...assassination. My God, use spell-check!

    2. I'm thinking the Echo Hill crowd might be a bit concerned about the citizens petition to ask the Attorney General for an investigation.

      The truth supported by facts is NOT mudslinging

      My opinions...supported by FACTS

  11. there is no character assination on dis here blog, there is no mud slingin either. be checkin history of town since 2004 an you B seein what happened. factoid check is there seems 2 B paper trail in whinchendon concerning mullins, der is paper trail regardin columbus & wilder, fire law firm middle O month, bring back K&P fire Mr. Ritter, bring back c skelton and den try to finagle monies 2 pay her, and B a lookin at town meetin mess, care O' c skelton. C, der B a paint gun in de corner, all outta paint, N der be paint on de floor, walls N columbus, mullins & ginny is covered wit paint, now ya wantin 2 B sayin dat point'n out dem 3 covered N paint while dem 3 claimin dey had no part in de mess dat is in front O us is dat character assination? you B smokin sum good stuff gronk.

    1. You know what twistedsister, I know what is going on in town the same as you do, BUT you are doing a HUGE disservice to this blog with your idiotic wanna be deliverance type talk, you have some good things to add but your stupid baby talk makes all of us that believe in this blog look like idiots too, Grow up and spell it like it is supposed to be spelled.

  12. Good spelling or bad seems like I pulled your chain

  13. I B checkin ma backside, no chain der. Now anonymous, is it baby talk or stereotype "deliverance" talk, you apparently makin fun of southern people whom you probably do not know. So you B a makin up ya mind and ya'll play nice out der in cyber space

  14. If ya'll get out once in a while, you may find the subject of Ebonics, which at one point, was going to B a recognized launguage in the Oakland (California) school system. It is believed to have come about from the slave trade and a convergence of West African, carribean, West Indies along with the English that slaves picked up by association of them with thier "masters" At one point in time, it was being debated quite often on the national stage, so some of you Anonymous' and gronks may wish to put aside your sterotypical thinking, but as Pete Farrell has probably already figured out, asking that of Templeton residents, (some of them) that is a difficult and almost impossible task. Probably due in part to small new england town where most residents have never lived anywhere else and hence have a limited knowledge or understanding of life outside of Templeton. Having said that, "Befo' U know it, he B done aced de tesses" Translation could be, "before you have realized it, he has aced all of his tests" I think if you speak with someone in say the English department of a high School or college, looking at that or trying to understand that may be called thinking outside of the box or cultural understanding. And no gronk, you did not pull my chain, but I did manage to pull yours and Anonymous' as well.

  15. A little info I moved to this town thinking that old Yankee farm roots with common sence was where I wanted to be trying to get away from yuppie elitist special peaple closer in to the big city never thinking I needed Ebonics lesson to be accepeted just saying if is a lot of laughs with the Hatfields and Mc Coys carry on folks your doing yourself proud

  16. Since the Hatfields and McCoys is actually part of history and since Ebonics was on the national news agenda and part of a cultural debate, I would not think it elitist to speak of it nor is it elitist to point out other factual items, just one does not have to be a lawyer to understand the law, one does not have to be a harvard graduate to understand or discuss things that are or were on the national agenda. I do find it small mined and some what typical of people to make fun of things without having taken the time to be open minded enough to at least consider it. And I be a thankin ya for tryin 2 git down 2 the level of mee self, B ma pleasure 2 B entertainin ya

    1. Now, that was funny! Everyone has the right to agree or disagree. If something bothers you, don't bother with it! End of discussion. All I know right or wrong, thank goodness we do not have to rely on the Gardner News or the Telegran for news. With the GSnooz, all you get is half asses one sided articles. I think Albertas stubborn refusal to have her team, not tell the truth, may cost her, her business. It will be her fault, so I do not feel bad for her. As for the telegram, I don't think George has a choice of what he covers. I guess I will have to ask him. So, please stop ragging on each other, and play nice. Bev.

    2. Bev Bart you are an asset to our town. Thank you for all you do. I love your advise and plan on using it in the future "If something bothers you, don't bother with it". Thank you and keep up the good work. Need any help post it on this wonderful asset(thank you Pauly)and I'm sure many will step up to help. What a wonderful group of people.

  17. Yes Ms Bev, I don't wanna end up in dat washin machine, I hear dat wringer is a sumfin ya just don't want 2 experience

    1. My washer is so old it was made in America. Very fitting to clean up the corruption in this town. Hopefully , we can take in laundry from where ever Lenny K. is from. Sign the petition at the C4T. We need to get the truth out once and for all. This has been a painfull time for everyone, but this is when real true Americans stand their ground and say "This is our town"," No more useing funds for the benefit of everyone but the taxpayer". No more 7:30A.M. meetings, so no one knows what goes on. No more, having the town cooridinator working with town council to benefit their adjenda. We will have a open government, the way it is supposeto be. This I can promise you. These are my opinions, Bev.

  18. Hmmm...try some IP sleuthing. Might be good sport to "out" gronk along with couple anonymous...gotta love the internet...Just my opinion and occasional hobby

    1. You just never know what is going to come out of these blogs. Sometimes it does us all a great deal of good to laugh. As Pauly says"hee, hee, hee!"
