Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Where does Pete find this stuff!!!!!

Here's another one from Pete - Sorry Pete I'm not giving up my Jelly Donuts!!!
Hi Paul
New blog on the food we eat. Hope you feel better soon.

Good Calories Bad Calories
Templeton residents who wonder why their appetite increases in the late fall and early winter might be surprised to learn that researchers have found an increase in insulin levels at this time of year and a decrease in insulin levels in late spring and summer according to the book Good Calories Bad Calories by Gary Taube.
Another aside on insulin and what has been clear for nearly forty years is that the levels of circulating insulin in animals and humans will be proportional to body fat. Put another way, the leaner an individual the lower his basal insulin and vice versa. This may be important because it appears basal insulin levels control our appetites and also contribute to what is called Metabolic Syndrome.
Metabolic Syndrome had been called Syndrome X or Reaves Syndrome X prior to the name change. One of the problems with Metabolic Syndrome is that it may result in type II or insulin resistant diabetes. Here is Doctor Mercola on the subject of diabetes.
Insulin levels seem to be a key concern with Metabolic Syndrome and increased basal insulin levels don’t appear to be healthy at all. We learned earlier that the time of year may effect insulin levels as well as the proportion of body fat people have. One of the most important things that seem to drive basal insulin levels is the amount of sugar and easily digestible carbohydrates we are eating. Exercise is key to getting insulin levels under control as well. Dr. Mercola explains below.
Metabolic syndrome has also been associated with a host of other problems and this may be a good reason to get our diet under control and try to avoid easily digestible carbohydrates. Gary Taube the author of Good Calories Bad Calories gives an excellent lecture on the subject of refined carbohydrates in our diets. Mr. Taube does not feel as strongly about exercise as did Dr. Mercola.
One thing is for sure there will be more guilt with that jelly donut should we decide to partake.


  1. Seems like everybody has the sugar these days. I don't remember my parents having problems but we didn't have all this ready made food. I don't like to read much but I like that Mecola guy he gives it to you strait.

  2. Little did I know my husband was a donut fiend. He once admitted to having twelve donuts a week at work and he didn't even have the decency to gain a ton of weight.

    Now he's following this diet plan and his cholesterol numbers are getting better. I would still feel better if I had a signed waiver for the food he now consumes. He won't eat any whoopie pies, but now I have to make cheesecake. One of my sisters calls this diet the "stick of butter a day diet".

    Why couldn't he have gone out and purchased a nice sports car for his mid-life crisis?
