Saturday, August 11, 2012

Media and Money

Hi Paul hope you feel better soon. Wrote a blog if needed. Thanks.

Media and Money
Templeton residents have been fortunate to have a media source such as Pauly’s Templeton Watch for a somewhat unbiased source of information regarding world and local events. Thank you and a “get well soon” goes out to Paul Cosentino for all his hard work and honest efforts in regards to this information highway shared here in Templeton.
A very quick look at how the media became so controlled concerns who controls this resource as well as most if not all of the other resources, “Big Money”.
“Big Money” is the families like Rothschilds and Rockefellers who have been around a long time. Some of these families are involved with lending money to governments so that they can have wars that turn out to place even more money in these “Big Money”families and create debt for the countries involved with those wars.
World War One helped to create the debt that eventually may have led to this countries bankruptcy. Congressman James Traficant of Ohio explains that bankruptcy in this address to Congress.
In order to understand how “Big Money” has taken such control of our country one needs to understand that the media is owned by the creditors “Big Money” that oversees the bankruptcy that Congressman Traficant speaks of. As the saying goes “the debtor is beholden to the creditor”.
Who controls what you see is very important as the story-teller dictates our perceptions of what is real and what is not real like this video shows.
Although the video above concerns the Palestinians it is not hard to place ourselves in the same situation, “what goes around comes around”.
The history of media control in the last hundred years is summed up nicely in this video.
Some believe that the CFR or Counsel on Foreign Relations was established after WWI to aid big money on their path to monopolize world government and end our Constitutional form of government others believe that the collateral established by “Big Money” with the adoption of Article Sixteen of our Constitution led to the Bolshevik Revolution and the deaths of sixty six million Russians.
It would appear the phrase “follow the money” is key.


  1. God Dammit, I never thought anyone would ever bring up what happened with the bolshevik revolution. I have been donating to the Sisters of Fatima for the last sixty years. Sure there were a lot of Jewish people that were killed by Hitler and his goons that were financed by Wall St. but what many people do not know is that over ten times this amount of human lives were lost to the Bolshevik revolution. Lenin came up out of Switzerland and Trotsky came up out of Wall St. The International Bankers big money was behind this event I believe. Between fifty and one hundred million lives where lost in China with the communist revolution in that country when China was handed over to big money there, I won't vote for a new school in this town until the kids in this town are told the truth about history. Thanks Farell for pissing me off.

  2. Big Money is financing the Presidential Elections this year, more than ever before. Since the Surpreme Court decided that businesses or individuals could give as much money as they want to without identifying them selves, the ammount of money given is out of this world. Before this change, the limit for individuals was $2500. David Koch, owner of Georgia Pacific, has given 25 million to the Republican Party. This is a drop in the bucket. The election system has more to do with buying air time, having the means to advertise, TV, Radio, Internet, any way it can find a way to control the media. What people can do to each other, for politics is way beyond my comprehension. I am going to dig a hole and hide until the election. Bart listens to all those political programs, I am going to have to move to radio free Athol!, OH sh__, even they have the internet now! I may not last! Help, Help Bev.

  3. Dear 40 the blog was not meant to piss anyone off. When people learn that the same people who may have been behind events on 9/11 were also the ones who financed the Bolshevik Revolution and also finance both sides in WWII it may put into perspective just how large the problem is. I certainly could be wrong about my facts so anyone who can add to this story or correct my facts feel free. It would seem one way to address the problem is for a country to get control of their money supply. At present our money supply is controlled by The Federal Reserve a group of private bankers. It would seem to me a country is not sovereign if they do not control their money supply.

  4. Hi Pauly hope you feel better with each passing day. Take care of yourself, TEMPLETON NEEDS YOU..
