Saturday, August 11, 2012

Scrap – Tastic News!

A shout out goes to reporter Damien Fisher of TGN for the article entitled “Revenue up at Winchendon transfer station”.  In this article, you may be astonished at the increase in revenue from the Winchendon transfer station since the “resignation” of our own selectman, Patrick Mullins aka “Scrappy” - the former Winchendon transfer station foreman.

 This table was created using the figures in the Gardner News article “Revenue up at Winchendon transfer station”. If I were the Winchendon Town manager, I would be grateful that Pauly lives in Templeton.

I can’t imagine the taxpayers of Winchendon will be happy when they discover they cannot recover or prosecute for damages in the apparent theft of over $12,000 from the transfer station. Why can’t the taxpayers and/or selectmen of Winchendon try to recover some damages from the alleged theft at the Winchendon Transfer station? Oh, right! The separation agreement signed by Patrick Mullins on February 28, 2012. On page 4 of the separation agreement section 11: release by Town…can’t go after Mullins.

Last month I made a FOIA request for Winchendon’s legal invoices for the months of January, February and March 2012. During that time period, Winchendon had two town counsels – Kopelman & Paige and Mirick O’Connell. The invoices from K&P do not show any activity regarding labor issues. The invoices from Mirick O’Connell in February and March reflect special counsel regarding DPW employees’ theft of scrap metal. In my experience, it would cost more than $51.00 in February and $136 in March in legal fees to draw up that 6-page separation agreement that Scrappy signed on February 28th. I wonder who wrote it?  Must be nice having an attorney for a wife!

My opinions…supported by FACTS !

Julie Farrell


  1. It must be nice to have a town manager who really understands what its like to be a sly bastard with the only one you really care about is yourself .After all remember the town manager tried to give himself millions of tax payers dollars throu a long term solar deal with the town he is suppose to protect .O in case you didnt know , HE OWNED THE SOLAR COMPANY ,THAT [ HE ] WAS GOING TO DO BUISSNESS WITH .AS THE TOWN MANAGER . OOPS MRS. ATTY.GENERAL SORRY IS THAT WRONG . He is just as much a thief as Mr. Mullins .

    1. Oh gee,I think that is called a conflict of interest. Don't you think he should have known this? Maybe he thought no one else would notice! Nice try, no cigar! The people of Winchendon need their own blog. It is surprising what comes to the light of day, when people can speak out. Thank goodness we have Pauly's Blog. My opinion, Bev.

    2. It looks to me like K&P learned from their mistakes in Templeton. They did work for Colmbus & Co to get rid of Mr.Ritter. They tried to not let it show, but it did in their billing. OPS! Looks to me like they were safer having Miric & O'Connell do their dirty work, and what they did, does not show up in their billing. Looks like they are getting the education that is not on the books in law school. Like they say it is a small world, and it does all come out in the wash. Pauly, the washing machine is not going to be off, until we get all the dirt out of town departments. Looks to me like it will be a while. My opinion, Bev.

  2. A close look at the work K&P did for Templeton in regards to the WWTP contract will show just how corrupt the State of Massachusetts is and our legal system. Our State Representative and Senator dreaded the topic as they may have suspected it would end their political careers. Unfortunately it appears that Mr. Kopelman can do as he wishes in the legal system and has for many years. Where does one start to correct this mess? Perhaps recognizing there is a problem would be a start.

  3. Thank you Julie for the chart - this puts it in "laymen's language" Looks to me like the people of Wichendon should put a lien on Scrappy's house.

    1. What may be even more interesting concerning the recyling fees is what was the price of scrap metal during those periods? If the price of scrap was lower during the period of the increase in recycling fees, that would lead me to believe the theft involved more than shows up on paper now. If the price of scrap went down say and the income to the town still manages to go up by a thousand dollars, just how much was being stolen? The price goes down and the amount collected goes up, that is one big increase in the amount of recyleing going on there.

  4. Okays, Mr. Pauly, be a payin attention, be a lookin to me that there was som O dat obstruction O justice up der in Winchendon, be a lookin to me dat 12 thousand dollas was a stolen from the peeps of dat town and dem powers at be gave a pass on collectin it. On da one hand, scrappy initialed off on a returnin all town property to da town, be a lookin at dat line 4. Den they a be given scrappy that der ammunitee, ya know get out a jail free card by dat line 11, no prosecution for any thing done on da down low, as you say, boogey man style. Dem peeps in Winchendon got short end of stick cause they lost out on 12 thousand dollas and them selectmen let the crook get away with it. If N dat ain't enough to be a recallin dem winchendon selectmen and a be a firin dat town manager, well I don't know what is. Then they be a sendin scrappy down to Templeton to get dat Len Kopelman back on da Templeton payroll. Good thing Templeton peeps did not be a chosin Mirick O'Connel for da new law firm, now dat woulda been a hoot, lessn ya be a living in Templeton dat is. Can ya be imaginin hirin da law firm dat gave scrappy da get outa jail free card. I hope Mr. Pauly be a feelin better and hope he can a be readin dis here stuff.

    1. Twisted Sister 68 translation:
      Okay, Pauly, pay attention, it looks to me that there was some obstruction of justice up in Winchendon, it looks to me that 12 thousand dollars was a stolen from the people of that town and the powers that be gave a pass on collecting it. On one hand, Scrappy initialed off on returning all town property to the town, (line 4). Then they gave Scrappy immunity, you know get out a jail free card (line 11), no prosecution for any thing done on the “down low”, as you say, boogey man style. The people in Winchendon got short end of stick because they lost out on 12 thousand dollars and the selectmen let the crook get away with it. If that isn't enough to be a recalling them Winchendon selectmen and firing that town manager, well I don't know what is. Then they sent Scrappy down to Templeton to get that Len Kopelman back on the Templeton payroll. Good thing Templeton people did not choose Mirick O'Connel for the new law firm, now that would have been a hoot, less you be a living in Templeton that is. Can you imagine hiring the law firm that gave Scrappy the get out of jail free card. I hope Pauly is feeling better and hope he can read this stuff.

    2. Thats what I said, be a thankin ya for dat translation.

  5. What about the allegation that he had his personal car fixed at a Templeton garage and had the bill sent to the town of Winchendon? Any more info on that? How do the citizens of Winchendon feel about that claim on top of stealing from the recycling center?

  6. Believe the invoices include slips from CAP in Gardner, but do not have "proof on paper" yet. possibly billed through winchendon dpw to the town and should be on weekly warrant.

  7. I heard parts were charged to Winchendon, simple get copies of invoices from cap from warrants, look for parts that go to the kind of truck scrappy has. take invoices to CAP if you have to, they can help.

  8. part of invoice dealing was to avoid paying for state sales tax on the parts he did pay for,tax evasion,thru the town accounts.seems winchendon is full of this behavior.stealing!
    water ,steel,money you name it, thing is most living there don't now about it!

    1. It seems to me if I was aa Winchendon resident I would be bull sh--. that K&p/Mirik OConnell could do any kind of a deal with Scrappy. Far as I can see, he should have gone in front of a judge. How can they make a decision to give away twelve thousand of the residents money? This was not theirs to give away! You do not have to be a Harvard lawyer to figure this out. All you need is a brain and some common sence. It seems to me it is time for Lenny to hit the wall. He has pulled to much sketchy stuff, riding on the coat tails of his Legal business. If we can get any satisfaction from the state people we will go higher. When I speak about the Battle of the Bales, I want you all to know we got screwed by the DEP back then. NO one got a fine. NO one had to move the stuff they dumped. I will be dammed if this will happen again. There was this guy named Jim Fuller. He worked for the state in Worcester. I always wondered how much he got paid. Time has come for the people in Winchendon to start asking questions. Why are you paying people who are not watching out for your interest. If they can't do any better than this, show them the door. My opinion, Bev.

  9. If you look at the chart you need to keep in mind that the fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30th of the next year. FY 12 began on July 1, 2011 and ended June 30, 2012. If you look at the chart, the dramatic increase occurred in the 4 months AFTER Scrappy "resigned". To estimate the impact of the alleged thievery, MULTIPLY the $12,000 X 3. Conservatively, looking at the theft over $30,000 from the dumping fees alone.

    If Scrappy wants to lay the blame on the other guy, he can try. The "other guy" did not start to work there until much later than Scrappy. One way to determine the true magnitude of the theft from Winchendon is to look at the turnovers from the transfer station year by year before Scrappy was hired until his sudden "resignation". Track the figures from when the "other guy" was hired until his resignation. Let's leave that project for the good citizens in Winchendon. Or maybe let Gardner News reporter will do a follow up story.

    I wonder what would happen if people in Winchendon ask the Attorney General to investigate this gross theft of public funds?

    My opinions...supported by FACTS!

    Julie Farrell

    1. My exact sentiments to have Winchendon look at revenues from 2003-2009 before the 'other guy' started. Rumor has it that the person that Scrappy replaced showed him how to pocket cash from dumping fees & let all of the police & fire personnel dump for free. Does this nonsense ever end? It appears that thievery & deceipt permeates every corner of this area, Massachusetts, and the entire USA. Such a shame
