Sunday, August 19, 2012


I expect to see you all at the Craft Fair today. Please, please stop by our table. We are raising funds for "back to school" supplies for the 40plus homeless children in the Narragansett school system. Yesterday Superintendent Ruth Miller stopped by and told us that one thing these kids really need is socks and sneakers. Please read the attached letter. Can you imagine? We have a Chinese auction, Tickets are 3 for $2.00 or 10 for $5.00. Prizes are Wine Basket (2), Dog Basket (everything to make your pup happy), a Kids basket, Fall Planting Basket with a $35.00 Gift Certificate to Agway, Gift Certificates to the Ale House, the Kitchen Garden, Baldwinville Pizza Barn, Baldwinville Station, JK Crossroads,  a Kringle candle and Gift Certificate from Valley Florist,. We also so have a beautiful chair and stool donated by the famous "Chair Shoppe" located right here in East Templeton. We also have an Antique Toolbox wonderfully restored and donated by Kirk Moschetti.

So come by for a good cause, help support the other local fund raisers. CERT, Gladys Salame Scholarship Fund, Narragansett Scholarship Fund, and others. And of course all the booths with great things for sale!

don't forget to click on the blue word.


PS Pauly is home and of course out working in the junkyard yesterday. He will be back with a blog shortly.  Thanks to all the people who have given him their well wishes!


  1. Welcome back Pauly!! Thanks for taking good care of him Sue.

    1. Iam so glad my friend Pauly is home. I told him he is worth more alive than dead, so he has to take care of himself. The table at the craft fair did very well yesterday. This is so good. See you there, Bev

    2. Soooooo glad the rain held off for the craft fair. Glad you did well; so nice to see a group of concerned citizens helping people in need. "It takes a WHOLE village" Thank you to everyone involved in any way wether by donating to the table, working the table or purchasing chances-it's all good. I'm glad Pauly's home also. He is an asset to the town-our backbone our "fearless leader". Where would we be without him? Stay well Pauly.

    3. I believe we would already be in State receivership if Pauly, Julie, Bob Mitchell, Jeff B. & a few others had not come fearlessly forward to expose the massive corruption those few people & their gang have been allowed to get away with for so many years. We are very fortunate to have those fearless few in this town or we would be toast at this point. We have a long way to go to make a comeback but think there are some very good people working hard to make that a reality. Bev B & Anonymous Sue are very high on that list, as well. I say thank you to all of you for making our town a better place to live in.

  2. Good to have you back Pauly!! Eternal Vigilance. Besides the Citizen's 4 Templeton Chinese Auction and other excellent activities on The Common their will be entertainment under the pavilion. Word on the street is "Who put the eff in fluoride" may be heard in song form between one and three weather permitting. What excitement!!!

    1. The Citizens4Templeton will be able to donate a thousand dollars to the homeless children who need supplies for school. This was a team effort, but special thanks to Will. and Carolyn Spring who stayed at the table nonstop for two days. Homeless children does not mean these kids are living on the street. It does mean they do not have their own home. It does mean living with relatives, friends, camping trailers, It is called doubling up. When people are loosing their house, they sometimes do not have the money left to get a new place to live. It is not a good situation. Lets hope things will be less painfull, on the first day of school, with new sneekers, a new backpack, or what ever they need. Thank you all for your support. I know in my heart, Gladys would have been so proud of all of you. A special thanks to Bob Sobolefski for the work he has done every year, to keep the fair going, and to the people who volunteered this year and every year in the past. Bev.

    2. Wow! That's great news, Bev. C4T is doing a great thing for this community. You guys had amazing raffles. Even though I didn't win, it was great to help the cause.

    3. Thats great news . I wish that I had won that beautiful old restored wooden tool box .where did you guys get that from .whoever it was tell them thank you . GREAT PRIZE !

    4. The box was a gift from Kirk Moschetti. It was very much appreciated. Who knew, the man has a hidden talent. Thanks again, Kirk! Bev.

  3. Are you posting a list of winners? That would be nice.

    1. hope it is not like the Block Party where Diane H. who ran the 50/50, ended up reading off the lucky winner and yep, She was the winner. History repeats itself? anonymous 0069
